Cranial Nerves Anatomy Flashcards
Monocular visual loss
optic nerve pathology
Bitemporal heteronymous hemianopsia (bilateral temporal visual fields)
Optic chiasm pathology
Homonymous hemianopsia ((vision loss in c/l eye))
Retrochiasmal pathology
flattening of posterior sclera, tortuosity and elongation of intraorbital optic nerves, dilatation of perioptic SAS
CN1 dysfunction u/l
Look for cribiform plate fx or shear forces, anterior temporal lobe injury
arises from olfactory epithelium in nasal vault
CN3 neuropathy
- Uncal herniation pushes CN3 on petroclinoid ligament
- PCA aneurysms can compress
- -> check for pupillary involvement (parasympathetic fibers are peripherally distributed)
Simple CN3 neuropathy with pupillary sparing
presumed microvascular infarction involves vessels supplying core of nerve with relative sparing of peripheral pupillary fibers
Oculomotor ophthalmoplegia
strabismus, ptosis, pupillary dilatation, downward abducted globe and paralysis of accommodation
Simple CN4 neuropathy (isolated)
- trauma
- injury by free edge of tentorium cerebelli or from PCA/SCA aneurysm
- contusion of superior medullary velum
Complex CN4 neuropathy
- assoc with other CN injury, CN3, CN6)
- brainstem stroke or tumor
- cavernous sinus thrombosis, tumor
- orbital tumor
Paralysis of superior oblique muslce
Extorsion (outward rotation) due to unopposed action of inferior oblique muscle
-diplopia, weakness of downward gaze, neck pain fr head tilting
Proximal V3 injury
motor atrophy of masticator muslces
Distal V3 injury
(above mylohyoid nerve takeoff)
Affects only anterior belly of digastric and mylohyoid