Cranial Nerves Additional Flashcards
Loss of smell (anosmia)
Olfactory nerve [I]
Injury to the cribriform plate; congenital absence
Olfactory nerve [I]
Blindness/visual field abnormalities, loss of pupillary constriction
Optic nerve [II]
Direct trauma to the orbit; disruption of the optic pathway
Optic nerve [II]
Dilated pupil, ptosis, loss of normal pupillary reflex, eye moves down inferiorly and laterally (down and out)
Oculomotor nerve [III]
Pressure from an aneurysm arising from the posterior communicating, posterior cerebral, or superior cerebellar artery; pressure from a herniating cerebral uncus (false localizing sign); cavernous sinus mass or thrombosis
Oculomotor nerve [III]
Inability to look inferiorly when the eye is adducted (down and in)
Trochlear nerve [IV]
Along the course of the nerve around the brainstem; orbital fracture
Trochlear nerve [IV]
Loss of sensation and pain in the region supplied by the three divisions of the nerve over the face; loss of motor function of the muscles of mastication on the side of the lesion
Trigeminal nerve [V]
Typically, in the region of the trigeminal ganglion, though local masses around the foramina through which the divisions pass can produce symptoms
Trigeminal nerve [V]
Inability of lateral eye movement
Abducent nerve [VI]
Brain lesion or cavernous sinus lesion extending onto the orbit
Abducent nerve [VI]
Paralysis of facial muscles
Abnormal taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and dry conjunctivae
Paralysis of contralateral facial muscles below the eye
Facial nerve [VII]
Damage to the branches within the parotid gland Injury to temporal bone; viral inflammation of nerve
Brainstem injury
Facial nerve [VII]
Progressive unilateral hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
Vestibulocochlear nerve [VIII]
Tumor at the cerebellopontine angle
Vestibulocochlear nerve [VIII]
Loss of taste to the posterior one-third of the tongue and sensation of the soft palate
Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]
Brainstem lesion; penetrating neck injury
Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX] or Vagus nerve [X]
Soft palate deviation with deviation of the uvula to the normal side; vocal cord paralysis
Vagus nerve [X]
Paralysis of sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
Accessory nerve [XI]
Penetrating injury to the posterior triangle of the neck
Accessory nerve [XI]
Atrophy of ipsilateral muscles of the tongue and deviation toward the affected side; speech disturbance
Hypoglossal nerve [XII]
Penetrating injury to the neck and skull base pathology
Hypoglossal nerve [XII]