Cranial Nerves Flashcards
1- I - Olfactory
Olfactory- Smell- Sensory “Some”
2- II - Optic
Optic- Vision - Sensory “Say”
3- III- Oculomotor
Oculomotor- eyelid and eyeball movement - Motor- “Marry”
4- IV- Trochlear
Trochlear- Innervates Superior Oplique, turns eye downward and laterally - Motor- “Money”
5-V- Trigeminal
Trigeminal- Chewing, Face & Mouth, Touch & Pain, - Both (sensory and motor) “But”
6- VI- Abducens
Abducens- turns eye laterally - Motor “My”
7- VII- Facial
Facial- controls most facial expressions, secretion of tears and saliva, taste - Both - “Brother”
8- VIII- Vestibulocochlear
Vestibulocochlear- hearing, equilibrium sensation- Sensory “Says”
9- IX- Glossopharyngeal
Glossopharyngeal- taste, senses carotid BP- Both- “Big”
10- X- Vagus
Vagus- senses aortic BP, slow HR, stimulates digestive organs, taste - Both- “Brains”
11- XI- Spinal Accessory
Accessory (Spinal) - controls trapezius and sternocleidomastoid, controls swallowing movements- Motot- “Matter”
12- XII - Hypoglossal
Hypoglossal - controls tongue movements - Motor - “More”