What is Cranial Nerve 1? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Olfactory Nerve
- SVA: smell
- Cell bodies: nasal mucosa
- Arises from the nasal mucosa –> cribriform plate –> olfactory bulbs –> Prefrontal Cortex
What is Cranial Nerve 2? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Optic Nerve
- SSA: vision, PaNS: pupillary light reflex
- Ganglion cells
- Retina –> Optic Nerve –> Optic Chiasm (nasal afferents or temporal visual fields cross over) –> Optic Tracts –> LGN (thalamus) –> Visual Cortex –>
- M ganglion cells –> 4Ca –>4B –> Dorsal Pathway –> Motion
- P ganglion cells –> 4Cb –> Ventral Pathway –> Faces, Color, Abstract
What is Cranial Nerve 3? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Oculomotor
GSE: efferents; Superior, Inferior, Medial Rectus; Inferior Oblique (looks up), Levator Palpebrae Superiors (elevates the upper eye lid)
GVE: Effector of Pupillary Light Reflex. Preganglionic Parasympathetic Fibers –> ciliary muscles - GSE: Oculomotor Nucleus
GVE: Edinger-Westphal - Exits via the superior orbital fissure.
Passes through Cavernous Sinus
What passes through the cavernous sinus?
- Internal Carotid A.
- CN 3, 4, 6
- Branches of the trigeminal (V1, V2) are closely associated.
What is Cranial Nerve 4? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Trochlear Nerve
- GSE: efferent: Superior Oblique (moves eye downward when in the medial position)
- Caudal Aspect of DORSAL MIDBRAIN
- Superior Orbital Fissure. Passes through the Cavernous Sinus.
What is Cranial Nerve 5? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Trigeminal Nerve. V1/V2/V3
GSA: Sensory information: Somatosensory: Face, Palate, Teeth, Gum, Cornea.
SVE: Muscles of Mastication - GSA; the cell bodies: Mesencephalic Nucleus (unconsious proprioception), Chief Nucleus (fine touch), Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus (pain, temperature).
SVE: Motor Nucleus - V1: Ophthalamic: superior orbital fissure
V2: Mandibular: Ovale
V3: Maxillary: Rotundum
What is Cranial Nerve 6? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Abducens Nerve
- GSE: Abducens - Abduction
- Posterior Pons
- Superior Orbital Fissure
What is Cranial Nerve 7? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
1. Facial Nerve 2. SVE: Muscles of Facial Expression GVE: Preganglionic Parasympathetic; submandibular, sublingual, LACRIMAL, nasal, palatine SVA: Taste from Ant. 2/3 of tongue GSA: Sensation behind the ear, and EAM 3. SVE: Facial Motor Nucleus GVE: Superior Salivary Nucleus SVA: Genticulate Ganglion GSA: Genticulate Ganglion 4. SVA: to the Rostral Solitary Nucleus GSA: to the Spinal Trigeminal Ganglion
What is Cranial Nerve 8? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Vestibulocochlear
- SSA: sound and sight
- Sound: Cochlear N (ventral). –> Sup. Olivary N –> Inf. Colliculus –> MGN –> Auditory Cortex
Balance: Vestibular N. - Stays within the Skull
What are the branches of the Facial Nerve?
Greater Petrosal - Lacrimation
S: Stapedius; controls movement of the stapes thus sound deafening
Chorda Tympani: Taste - gets lost in the ear
Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Mandibular, Cervical
What is Cranial Nerve 9? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Glossopharyngeal
- GVE: Preganglionic Parasympathetic: PAROTID GLAND
SVE: innervates stylopharngeus; elevates upper part of pharynx for speech and swallowing.
GVA: Responds to changes in BP
SVA: Afferent Limb of Diaphragm contraction, Taste inputs from Post. 1/3 of tongue. - GVE: Inferior Salivatory Nucleus
SVE: Nucleus aMbiguuS
GVA: Ganglion in carotid sinus
SVA: Carotid Body, Nucleus of the Solitary Tract (Rostral) - Jugular Foramen
What is Cranial Nerve 10? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Vagus
GSE: 1 muscle of the tongue
SVE: Innervates Pharynx, Soft Palate –> speech
GVE: PaNS innervation to heart, body, peristalsis
GVA: Sensory Information from Abd. and Thoracic viscera, Baroreflex (aortic arch)
SVA: Taste from epiglottis, pharynx
GSA: Somatosensory Information from behind the ear and EAM. - SVE: Nucleus Ambiguus
GVA: aortic arch - Jugular Foramen
What is Cranial Nerve 11? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Spinal Accessory Nerve
- SVE: sternomastoid, trapezius; Turning, Shrugging, Nodding, Lifting head
- C1 - C5 ventral horn cells
- Jugular Foramen
What is Cranial Nerve 12? What are its functional components? Cell bodies? Where does it exit?
- Hypoglossal
- GSE: Tongue Muscles except for one.
- Hypoglossal N.
- Hypoglossal Canal