Cranial Nerves Flashcards
A patient present’s to you in a cranial nerve appointment who is struggling with closing their jaw. Which cranial nerve is impacted and which muscles innervated muscles might be affected?
A - Cranial nerve V - temporalis and lateral pytergoid
B - Cranial nerve VII - obicularis oris, buccantor and posterior belly of digastric
C - Cranial nerve V - nasalis and stylohyoid
D - Cranial Nerve VII - geniohyoid and thyrohyoid
A - correct
B - incorrect, nerve V and posterior belly of digastric depress (lowers) mandible. Anterior belly of digastric elevates (lifts) mandible
C - incorrect, both innervated by nerve VII and stylohyoid lowers mandible
D - incorrect, both innervated by nerve XII and geniohyoid depresses mandible
Which muscle controls opening of eyelids and which cranial nerve innervates it?
A - Obicularis Oris, VII
B - Temporalis, V
C - Obicularis Oculi, VII
D - Platysma, VII
All cranial nerve/muscle paring correct in above question
On a neurological ward you are asked to access a patient who is struggling with rotation and lateral flexion of the neck. Which cranial nerve might you suspect is involved and which muscle does in innervate?
A - XII (hypoglossal), stencleidomastoid
B - XI (accessory), sternocleidomastoid
C - XII (hypoglossal), trapezius
D - XI (accessory), tapezius
Sterncleidomastoid innervated by XI
Trapezius innervated by XII
Sternocleidomastoid does Head and neck flexion and rotation and trapezius does scapular elevation, upward rotation and retraction
All nerve names (hypoglossal vs accessory) correct