Cranial Nerve/Neuro Routine Testing Flashcards
What is typically included in routine neuro testing?
- Cranial nerves II - XII (taste and smell are not routinely tested unless otherwise warranted)
- Proprioception and cerebellar function
- Sensory function
- Deep tendon reflexes
How is Cranial Nerve II/Optic nerve tested?
- Near and distance vision (i.e., Snellen, 20/20, animals, etc.)
How is Cranial Nerve III/Oculomotor nerve tested?
- Eyelid open/close
- Cover/uncover
- All Cardinal Points except:
- Superior oblique muscles - crossed eyes with downward gaze
- Lateral rectus muscles - lateral abduction
How is Cranial Nerve IV/Trochlear nerve tested?
- Cardinal point: Superior oblique muscles - crossed eyes with downward gaze
How is Cranial Nerve V/Trigeminal nerve tested?
- Facial muscle tone for symmetry or twitching and clenched jaw
- Sensation at scalp, cheek, and chin with multiple tools (sharp, dull, and cotton)
- Corneal light reflex symmetric blink and reflection
How is Cranial Nerve VI/Abducens nerve tested?
Cardinal Point: Lateral rectus muscles (lateral abduction of eyes)
How is Cranial Nerve VII/Facial nerve tested?
- Symmetric facial features with:
- smile
- frown
- puffed cheeks
- pucker lips
- wrinkle forehead
- Clear speech
- Only if indicated:
- identification of tastes (sweet and salty)
How is Cranial Nerve VIII/Vestibulocochlear nerve tested?
- Hearing with:
- whisper test
- Weber test (equal on both sides)
- Rinne test (air > bone)
- Balance with:
- Romberg test
How is Cranial Nerve IX/Glossopharyngeal nerve tested?
- Gag reflex
- Only if indicated:
- taste (bitter and sour)
How is Cranial Nerve X/Vagus nerve tested?
- Motor function by saying, “Ahhh”
- Gag reflex
- Swallowing
- Speech
How is Cranial Nerve XI/Spinal Accessory tested?
- Shrug shoulders
- Rotate head to sides
How is Cranial Nerve XII/Hypoglossal nerve tested?
- Tongue movements
How ar3e proprioception and cerebellar function tested?
- Rapid rhythmic and alternating movements
- Accuracy of movements
- Balance with Romberg test
- Gait
- Heel-toe walking
How is sensory function tested?
- Superficial pain and touch are present at the distal points of each extremity
- Vibration and position senses present (test the great toe)
How are deep tendon reflexes tested?
- Test all deep tendons and plantar reflex with a reflex hammer:
- reactions should be present and smooth without clonus