CN I olfactory
olfaction (smell)
CN II optic
CN III occulomotor
extra ocular muscles – motor (D,V,M rectus & ventral oblique)
pupil constriction – parasympathetic
CN IV trochlear
extra ocular muscle –> dorsal oblique
CN V1 Trigeminal - Ophthalmic
Facial sensation (sensory around forehead and eye)
CN V2 Trigeminal - Maxillary
Facial sensation (sensory around maxilla and nose)
CN V3 Trigeminal - Mandibular
Motor to muscles of mastication (masseter, temporalis, medial & later pterygoid, rostal digastrics and myolohyoideus
Facial sensation (around the mandible)
CN VI abducens
Extraocular muscles (lateral rectus mm & part of the retractor bulbi mm)
CN VII facial
muscles of facial expression – motor
masticatory muscles – motor (posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid, and stapedius
taste – sensory
salivary and lacrimal glands – parasympathetic
CN VIII vestibulocochlear
hearing and balance
CN IX glossopharyngeal
Swallowing - motor
taste – sensory
Salivary glands – parasympathetic
CN X Vagus
Taste – sensory
Swallowing and laryngeal – motor
Salivary glands & body viscera – parasympathetic
CN XI accessory
Laryngeal function and neck muscles – motor
CN XII hypoglossal
Tongue muscles – motor