Cranial Nerve Features Flashcards
Which 4 Cranial Nerves are have Parasympathetic features?
III Oculomotor;
VII Facial,
IX Glossopharyngeal,
X Vagus
Which 5 Cranial Nerves have Somatic Motor Inervations?
3, 4, 6, 11, 12
III Oculomotor:Sup, Med, Inf Recti and Inf. Oblique Eye Muscles;
IV Trochlear: Sup. Oblique Eye Muscle (SO4);
VI Abducens: Lat. Rectus Eye Muscle (LR6);
XI Spinal Accessory: Sternomastohyoid Muscle,Trapezius Muscle
XII Hypoglossal: Intrinsic/Extrinsic Muscles of Tongue (NOT palatoglossus)
Which 4 cranial nerves innervate Branchial derived muscles?
**V3 Mandibular: Arch 1: ** Muscles of mastication, Ant. Belly of Digastric,Mylohyoid, Tensor Tympani, & Tensor Palatini
VII Facial: Arch 2: . Skin of Small Part of Ear
IX Glossopharyngeal: Arch 3: Stylopharyngeus Muscle
X Vagus: Arch 4: Levator Palati, Musculus, Uvulae, Palatoglossus, Pharyngeal Constrictors, Int. Laryngeal muscles (Arch 4, From Cranial Root of CN XI)
X Vagus: Arch 6:Mucosa of Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Esophagus & Thoracic/Abdominal Viscera (Arch 6)
Which 6 cranial nerves innervated by General Sensory?
V1 Ophtalmic : Skin of Upper Face
V2 Maxillary : Skin of Mid Face, Nasal & Palate Mucosa, Upper Teeth and Gums
V3 Mandibular : Skin of Lower Face, Mucosa of ant. 2/3 of tongue, floor of mouth, lower teeth & Gums, Ext. Ear
VII Facial (tiny bit) : Skin of Small Part of Ear
IX Glossopharyngeal : 1 (Somatic) Skin of Small Part of Ext. Ear …………..2. (Visceral) Mucosa of post. tongue, tonsil, middle ear, nasopharynx, oropharynx, carotid sinus/body
X Vagus : Skin of Small Part of Ear
Which 6 cranial nerves innervated by Special Sensory?
1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10
I Olfactory: Olfactory Nasal Mucosa (NOSE)
II Optic: Retina (EYES)
VII Facial: Taste : Ant. 2/3 of Tongue
VIII Vestibulocochlear: Hearing Balance: Semicircular canals, utricle, saccule (gravity, acceleration, deceleraton) cochlea (hearing)
IX Glossopharyngeal: Taste: Post. 1/3 of tongue
X Vagus: Taste: Epiglottis
Which 4 cranial nerves innervated by Visceral Motor?
III Oculomotor: Ciliary Ganglion to Sphincter Pupillae & Ciliary Muscles
VII Facial: Pterygopalatine ganglion to glands in nasal mucosa & palatine/lacrimal glands AND via submandibular ganglion to submandibular/sublingual glands & labial, buccal, lingual glands
IX Glossopharyngeal: Via Otic Ganglion to Parotid Gland
X Vagus: postganglionic neurons to glands & smooth muscle of thoracic/abdominal viscera
Which Cranial Nerves Are inevated by both sensory and motor?
VII Facial
IX Glossopharyngeal
X Vagus