Cranial nerve anatomy Flashcards
Fibre type of olfactory nerves
special sensory
Fibre type of optic nerves
special sensory
Fibre type of oculomotor nerves
motor and parasympathetic
Fibre type of trochlear nerves
Fibre type of trigeminal nerves
1 and 2 are sensory only
3 is sensory and motor
Fibre type of abducent nerves
Fibre type of facial nerves
special sensory, motor and parasympathetic
Fibre type of vestibulocochlear nerves
special sensory
Fibre type of glossopharyngeal nerves
special sensory, sensory, motor and parasympathetic
Fibre type of vagus nerves
sensory, motor, parasympathetic
Fibre type of spinal accessory nerves
Fibre type of hypoglossal nerves
What is the name of the nerve that comes off the pons?
Trigeminal nerve
Where is the extra cranial part of the olfactory nerve?
within the olfactory mucosa of the nasal cavity
What foramina does the olfactory nerve pass through?
Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone in the anterior cranial fossa
What is the intracranial course of CN I
Olfactory nerves synapse with olfactory bulbs and then pass into olfactory cortical areas
Function of CN II
Extra cranial part of optic nerve
Neurones of the retina travel posteriorly via the optic nerve
Cranial foramina that the optic nerves go through
Optic canal in the middle cranial fossa
Intracranial course of the optic nerve
Travels around the pituitary stalk to the optic chasm to form the optic tract
Connection of the optic nerve with the CNS
How do you test CN I?
Cover one nostril and present familiar smells to the other
How do you test CN II?
Acuity (Snellen chart), colour (Ishihara plate), fields (4 quadrants), reflexes (corneal and pupillary light reflex), fundoscopy
Connection of CN III with the CNS
Intracranial part of CN III
Travels toward the orbit in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus
Which cranial foramina does the oculomotor nerve pass through?
Superior orbital fissure (SOF)
Extrancranial course of CN III
Passes into the orbit and supplies SR, IR, IO, MR and levator papberae superiors
Eye movements and test pupillary light reflex
Function of the trochlear nerve
Eye movement (motor)
CN IV’s connection with the CNS
Intracranial course of CN IV
Travels towards the orbit in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus
Which foraminae does CN IV pass through?
Superior orbital fissure (SOF)
Extra cranial course of the trochlear nerve
Passes into the orbit and supplies superior oblique muscle only