Cracking the Code III Flashcards
One who has regained legal title over his life and property
How to mail?
use Registered Mail and send Return Receipt Requested, Restricted Delivery, with an Affidavit of Service for proof of service.
A person who holds himself for the payment of a sum of money, or for the performance of something else, for another. Bouvier’s 8th
What did the original 13th Article of Amendment of the Constitution prohibit?
It prohibited anyone who held a title of nobility granted by a foreign king, prince, or state from holding a position of public trust(political office)
What is a strawman?
A legal term for “front man” or nominal party in a transaction, existing in name only, artificial entity, exists only on paper
What are the 10 maxims of commerce?
- A workman is worthy of his hire
- All are equal under the law
- In commerce truth is sovereign
- Truth is expressed by means of affidavit
- An unrequited affidavit stands as the truth in commerce
- An unrequited affidavit becomes judgement in commerce
- A matter must be expressed to be resolved
- He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default
- Sacrifice is the measure of credibility
- A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by counter-affidavit point for point, resolution by jury, or payment
Latin “he owes”
Latin “he trusts”
One who possess supreme power, of his own right, not under the power of another
A person who is wholly subject to the will of another;one who has no freedom of action,but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another. One who is under the power of a master, and who belongs to him; so the master may sell and dispose of his person, of his industry, and of his .labor, without his being able to do anything, have anything, or acquire anything, but what must belong to his master. Black’s law Dictionary, Fourth Edition (1951).
Jurisdiction of the UCC?
The entire “civilized” world— i.e. the cumulative mass of all governments, banks, courts, tax agencies, and corporations—now runs strictly in accordance with the rules of commerce as set forth in the UCC
Ens legis
A creature of the law, an artificial being, as contrasted with a natural person.
True name
One’s given name, plus the surname. John Henry Doe. Initial letters only capitalized. De jure/solvent/sovereign/flesh-and-blood/American Citizen/creditor
Trade Name/Corporate Name
ALL CAPS NAME, man made, can be trademarked, and copyrighted by the owner for the purpose of restricting others from unauthorized use. De facto/bankrupt/subject/ink-on-paper/US Citizen/debtor
Not flesh and blood, but artificial—a creature of law or contract
Stramineus homo
A man of straw, one of no substance, put forward as bail or surety
Is ALL CAPS NAME a permissible method for displaying proper nouns (names)?
US government style manual, A Manual of Style (2000) Chapter 17, “Courtwork” spells put with examples acceptable ways for presenting names, 52 variations in all, and never once recommends an all-caps name format in court paperwork.
One who becomes the surety for the appearance of the defendant in court
The act of redeeming, or the state of being redeemed. Redeem: to recover from captivity or from total loss or alienation; hence to rescue in any way
Existing or occurring together, attendant
What is the birth certificate?
The birth certificate is the official security instrument for the property, i.e. the name, which held (in trust) by the custodian, the State Registrar
Legal fiction
Something assumed in law to be fact irrespective of the truth or accuracy of that assumption
Who is a “US Citizen”?
The all-caps TRADE NAME, a 14th Amendment, artificial person, corporate franchise.
Who is an “American Citizen”?
A sovereign flesh and blood man/woman
Sui juris
Of his own right
The legal relation when one party assumes liability for the debt of another. MUST be entered into sui juris
What is the United States?
A single proper noun and represents a privately owned corporate city-state domiciled in Washington D.C.
The action of appealing or calling on, entreaty, or earnest address. What you do following an appeal is entirely your own choosing. Any sovereign MUST AGREE that he is liable and can be sued before another can proceed against him.
What is a name?
A name is a piece of property, it is not the living, breathing, flesh-and-blood man. When someone asks for your name—and you give it to him—you voluntarily surrender your property and consensually agree with whatever he wants to do with it.
Wards of the court
Infants and persons of unsound mind. What you become when you hire an attorney.
Parens patriae
Latin “parent of his of her country”, the state is regarded as sovereign; the state in its capacity as provider of protection to those unable to care for themselves
The act of being born, or wholly brought into separate existence. Accommodates both the animated life of the newborn baby and the statutory creation of the straw-man TRADE NAME
De jure
Of right, legitimate, lawful; by right and just title
De facto
Existing in fact, although not necessarily legitimate or lawful
The commercial signature
Paper money issued for temporary use in an emergency
How does one ceased being forced into complying with the terms of endless unconscionable contracts?
By not consenting. Declining in participation, opting out from the very beginning, informing the code enforcing revenue agent that you do not wish to do business with him or her.
The capture of personal property by a public enemy on land
What does consent equal?
A contract. Consent=contract
Title 17 USC Chapter 1 Section 107
Lists fair uses for copyrighted material that do not constitute copyright infringement. NONE of the fair uses includes commercial gain
What is the common law copyright notice?
Officially establishes legal title of the TRADE NAME, and sets forth the terms for its unauthorized use.
What is used for enforcing the term of the copyright contract?
The UCC is used for enforcing the terms of the contract.
What is the Private Agreement?
The contractual basis of the relationship between you and your TRADE NAME. The living breathing man/woman is the creditor, and the TRADE NAME, is the debtor. The only requirement for forming this contract is the personal certainty that you are not the TRADE NAME and that the TRADE NAME is a bona fide legal entity separate and distinct from you.
What is the Hold-Harmless and Indemnity Agreement?
A commercial/legal document wherein the TRADE NAME debtor expressly covenants that (1) the creditor is neither a surety nor an accommodation party for the debtor (2) the debtor holds harmless and indemnifies the creditor (you) from and against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgements, demands, liabilities, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, levies, penalties, damages, interests, and expenses both issued in and associated with the debtor’s TRADE NAME
What is the Security Agreement?
A Security Agreement is a consensual agreement whereby a debtor transfers a security interest in collateral in exchange for valuable consideration, and is defined as “an agreement that creates or provides for a security interest” UCC 9-102(a)(74)
What is a security interest?
Is an interest in property that secures payment/performance of an obligation (UCC 1-102(37)) and is the UCC-equivalent of a statutory lien, a security interest is pre-judicial and non-judicial
How to perfect the Security Interest?
Accomplished by filing the of a “UCC Financing Statement” in the UCC filing office of the jurisdiction where the debtor is located (considered a resident)
What is a lien?
A right extended to a person to retain that which belongs to another, until the demand or charge of the person in possession is paid or satisfied
What is the UCC Financing Statement?
notice of the secured party’s perfected security interest in the debtor’s collateral.
From the Latin term banca: BANK
What is an esquire?
A title-of-nobility, shield-bearer for the Crown of England, and takes the lead against any with whom the Crown desires to engage in battle
Who is an esquire?
The title esquire is granted to all bench officers (bar member judges and magistrates) and attorneys in America
What is an esquire in commercial/legal terms?
They are foreign based merchants in commerce (see UCC 2-104) enforcing private corporate policy of their British liege lords and employers, against unruly Colonial belligerents (American “customers”) who are deceived and coerced into using the commercial scrip “currency” of the private, foreign-owned Federal Reserve Bank
What is the duty of an attorney if clients interest threatens a state interest?
“Duty of attorney is to court if litigants interest threatens a state interest.” Corpus Juris Secundum 4
“His first duty is to the courts and the public, not the client…” 7 Corpus Juris Secundum 4
What does the gold fringed courtroom flag symbolize?
military flag of war, enforcing the private general equity admiralty/maritime law of foreign merchant bankers. By law any courtroom flying a military flag is under martial law rule.
What is martial-law-rule?
Normal operating condition in America since 1861, when rulership devolved into the hands of the “President of the United States” in his capacity as Commander in Chief of the military.
What is martial law?
Express undisguised military rule, symbolized by red fringed flag.
What is valuable consideration?
sufficient price paid by a party in exchange for something in a contract or sale
A surety who shares the cost of suretyship obligations with another/others
What is the “National Debt”?
The financial obligation of the U.S. government claimed by the Federal Reserve Bank. Is based on the use of the Fed’s private property, FRN, as currency.
UCC 9-307(h)
“Location of the United States. The United States is located in the District of Columbia.” UCC 9-307(h)
The Constitution of the USA Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17
“The Congress shall have the power to… exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square).
The Legislative Act of February 21, 1871, Congressional Record, Forty-first Congress, Session III, Chapter 62, p.419
Chartered a Federal company entitled “United States.” A/k/a US Inc., a “municipal corporation”.