CRA Flashcards
The CRA was enacted to encourage institutions to meet the credit needs of:
the communities where they are chartered
Banks must delineate one or more assessment areas to be evaluated. The assessment area must:
* consist of one ore more metropolitan statistical areas (MSA), or contiguous political subdivision AND
* include the geographies in which the bank has its main office, branches, and deposit-taking ATMs, as well as surrounding areas where the bank has originated a substantial portion of its loans
Bank must collect and maintain data on small business and small farm loans:
originated or purchased
Banks may collect and maintain data on:
consumer loans originated or purchased by the bank
Banks must report CRA data annually by:
March 1 for data of the previous calendar year
A bank must maintain a public CRA file at:
its main office and one office within each additional state
A bank must make the following information available to the public for inspection on request at no costs:
* at the main office, the entire contents of its public file AND
* at each branch office, a copy of the public section of the most recent CRA evaluation AND
* product the public file within 5 calendar days upon request
The bank must provide in the public lobby of its main office and each branch office the public notice required that informs the public of:
the availability of CRA pubic information and the right of the public to participate in the CRA process
Large banks may be evaluated under what performance standards:
lending, investment, service tests or choose the strategic plan option
Small banks may be evaluated under what performance standards:
small bank test; lending, investment, and service test; strategic plan option
The strategic plan option for evaluation of performance standards is only available if:
the institution has been operating under it for at least one year
What is the CRA evaluation strategic plan option?
a submitted and approved plan that has informally gathered public suggestions with measurable goals and performance categories
What are the possible CRA ratings?
outstanding, satisfactory, needs to improve, or substantial noncompliance
CRA ratings are taken into consideration when the bank:
* establishes or relocates a branch
* merger or consolidation
* conversion of bank charter
* deposit insurance for new charter
Banks must make public any CRA covered agreement involving a:
* payment more than $10,000 OR
* loans in excess of $50,000 in a calendar year
Copies of covered agreement must be provided to each relevant supervisory agency within:
60 days at the end of each calendar quarter
If the relevant supervisory agency requests a copy of any covered agreement, the bank must provide it within:
seven calendar days
Within one year after a covered interstate branch is acquired or established, regulators will determine whether the banks statewide loan to deposit ratio is:
less than 50 percent of the relevant host state loan to deposit ratio
What are the small business and farm loan thresholds for CRA?
* business less than $1 million
* farm less than $500,000
What is the nationwide deposit cap for any one bank?