CPT Flashcards
abdominal bracing
activation of the trunk muscles to support the spine
abnormal pain perception processing
an increase in the subjective interpretation of discomfort due to abnormal sensory processing in the CNS
the rate of change of velocity
accessory exercises
supplementary focused movements or exercises that strengthen synergist and supporting muscles to help a person better perform a primary movement
the neurotransmitter released by an action potential at the neuromuscular junction
when the kidneys and lungs cannot keep the body’s pH in balance due to excess acid in body fluids
the thin filaments of muscle myofilaments where myosin binds to contract muscles
action plan
a set of individualized written instructions, designed with a doctor that details how a person with asthma should manage their asthma at home
action potential
an explosion of electrical activity caused by a neural impulse
activation exercises
low-intensity exercises that bring on additional blood flow and activate the nervous control of a muscle
active listening
paraphrasing or stating in one’s own words what someone has just said
active range of motion
a muscle or group of muscles contract to create a range of motion
active recovery
low-intensity exercise or activity that can promote and accelerate muscular and metabolic recovery
active stretching
a muscle actively contracting to stretch another
activity limitation
the quantitative and qualitative measure of disability referring to difficulties experienced by an individual in executing a task or action
acute injury
describes a type of injury or an illness that is of rapid onset and progression
acute training variables
the components that specify how an exercise is performed
acyclic activites
activities that incorporate different movement patterns throughout
adaptive physical fitness
the art and science of developing, implementing and monitoring a carefully designed physical fitness program for a person with a disability
added sugars
any type of sugar that is added to a food or beverage when it is processed
adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
an organic compound essential to the flow of energy in living cells
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
an energy-carrying molecule used to fuel body processes
area of scar-like tissue that causes organs and tissues to stick together
advanced peripheral neuropathy
a result of damage to peripheral nerves that often causes weakness, numbness and pain
aerobic capacity
a measure of the ability of the heart and lungs to get oxygen to the muscles
aerobic energy pathways
cellular energy pathways that require oxygen for energy production
aerobic exercise
exercise that improves or is intended to improve the efficiency of the body’s cardiorespiratory system in absorbing and transporting oxygen
aerobic glycolysis
the breakdown of glucose to ATP in the presence of oxygen
afferent neurons
sensory neurons sending information from a stimulus to the CNS
the ability to accelerate, decelerate, stabilize and change direction with proper posture
the primary muscle used for a mechanical movement
all-or-none principle
the principle stating the strength of a neural electrical signal is independent of the magnitude of the stimulus son long as the neural threshold is achieved
alpha motor neurons
motor neurons originating in the brain stem and spinal cord that initiate muscle contraction
altered arthrokinematics
altered movement of joint surfaces
the absence or cessation of a menstrual cycle in females
amino acids
a simple organic compound known as the building block of proteins
the process of creating larger molecules from smaller units
anabolic-androgenoc steroids
synthetic variations of the male sex hormone testosterone
the building of complex molecules in the body from more simple, smaller molecules
without or not requiring oxygen
anaerobic exercise
short-duration muscle contractions that break down glucose without using oxygen
anaerobic glycolsis
the anaerobic energy system converting glucose to lactate when oxygen is limited
anaerobic threshold
the point at which the body switches from aerobic metabolism to primarily anaerobic metabolism
anatomical position
the anatomically neutral body position facing forward with the arms at the sides of the body and palms and toes pointing straight ahead
a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood resulting in extreme fatigue
a condition marked by severe chest pain
the development of new blood vessels
angular displacement
the change of location of an object that is rotating about an axis
angular motion
rotation around an axis
muscle opposing the mechanical movement of a prime mover
blood proteins that combine with other substances in the body to recognize foreign bodies as part of the immune response
properties that protect muscle mass from being broken down
substances that protect the body from free radicals and the cellular damage they cause
the main artery in the body that supplies oxygenated blood to the circulatory system
appendicular skeleton
the bones of the shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle and limbs
blood vessels carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart and to the tissues
the smaller branches of the arteries leading to the capillaries
the broad term meaning joint motion that can be used in reference to all joint motions
articular capsule
the envelope surrounding a synovial joint
articular cartilage
a form of hyaline cartilage located on the joint surface of bones
ascending pyramids
lighter weights are used to start the workout, and they get progressively higher with subsequent sets
a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing
the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in the artery walls
ATP / CP Energy athway
the anaerobic energy system that provides rapid energy using creatine phosphate to generate ATP
atrioventricular node
the nerve node between the right atrium and right ventricle that propagates the electrical signal from the SA node to more distal heart nerves that cause ventricular contraction
atrioventricular valves
valves between the atria and ventricles preventing the backward flow of blood during cardiac contractions
one of the two upper cavities of the heart passing blood to the ventricles
the wasting away or loss of muscle tissue
auditory cortex
the region of the temporal lobe responsible for hearing
autogenic inhibition
the decrease in excitability of a contracting or stretched muscle arising from the golgi tendon organ
autonomic nervous
the part of the nervous system responsible for involuntary functions and movement
the need for self-governance and control over one’s own behaviors
axial skeleton
the bones of the head, trunk and vertebrae
point of rotation around which a lever moves
the thin tail-like structure of a neuron that generates and conducts nerve impulses
an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to maintain its center of gravity within a base of support
balance training
exercises to strengthen the stabilizer muscles and prime movers of the core and legs to improve dynamic stability
ballistic stretching
uses the momentum of the body or limb to move it through and beyond a normal range of motion. This technique uses bobbing, bouncing, pulsing or jerking to achieve a stretch
base of support
the area beneath an object of person that includes every point of contact that the object or person make with the supporting surface
a nonessential amino acid that is naturally produced by the body
beta blocker
one of the most widely prescribed classes of drugs to treat hypertension
a bitter greenish-brown alkaline fluid aiding digestion, secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder
the amount of a substance that enters the circulation when introduced into the body and is effective
bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
a method for body composition measurement using a weak electrical current to measure the resistance of body tissues
biological valve
the percentage of protein used by the body
the study of the mechanical laws governing movement of living organisms
bipedal locomotion
a form of locomotion in which a person moves from one place to another using the legs
bipennate muscle
muscle fibers extending from both sides of a central tendon
block periodization
highly concentrated, specialized workloads focused on achieving maximum adaptation
blood pressure
the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries during the two phases of the cardiac cycle
blood viscosity
the thickness and stickiness of blood and how it affects its flow through the blood vesselsl
blood volume
the total volume of blood within the circulatory system of an individual
body composition
the physical makeup of the body considering fat mass and lean mass
body density
the compactness of the body determined by dividing its mass by its volume
body language
communication of a nonverbal form with gestures or body movement
body mass index
a predictive health measure of weight divided by height squared
body weight exercises
movements performed with no additional load other than what the exerciser’s body provideso
bone marrow
the soft, spongelike tissue in the center of most bone containing stem cells or red or white blood cells or platelets
substance obtained from a plant and used as an additive
brain stem
the trunk of the brain, consisting of the medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain that continues downward to form the spinal cord
branched-chain amino acids
a group of three essential amino acids that help the body build muscle and decrease muscle fatigue
a name, logo, or symbol that identifies and differentiates a product from other products
the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere
fine branching blood vessels forming a network between the arterioles and venules, where transport of nutrients and oxygen or carbon dioxide occurs on a microscopic scale
cancellous bones
the meshwork of spongy tissue of mature adult bone, typically found at the core of vertebral bones and the ends of the long bones
cardiac muscle
striated involuntary muscle tissue found in the heart
firm, flexible connective tissue that pads and protects joints and structural components of the body
cardiac arrest
an electrical malfunction of the heart that causes irregular heartbeat
cartilaginous joints
moderately movable joints made of fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage
cardiac cycle
the action of the heart from the start of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next
a combination of metabolic dysfunctions mainly characterized by insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia, hypertension and central adiposity
cardiac output
the amount of blood pumped through the heart per minute
metabolic activity involving the breakdown of molecules
cardiovascular endurance
the measure of the cardiovascular system’s ability to perform over an extended period
hormones released by the adrenal glands into the blood as a result of stress
cell body
the core and central structure of a neuron containing a nucleus and other specialized organelles that aid in nervous system function
cell proliferation
the process by which a cell grows and divides to produce new cellsc
the building blocks of all living organisms
center of gravity
the hypothetical position in the body where the combined mass appears to be concentrated and the point around which gravity appears to act
central nervous system
the part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
the region of the brain responsible for conscious motor coordination
cerebral cortex
the part of the brain where most neural integration occurs
the uppermost and largest part of the brain consisting of a left and right hemisphere; responsible for receiving and processing sensory information and controlling the body
chronic disease
a condition lasting a year or more that limits daily activities and/or require ongoing medical attention
chronic injury
refers to an injury, illness or disease that develops slowly and is persistent and long-lasting
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
a lung characterized by chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible
a pulpy, acidic fluid that moves from the stomach to the small intestines containing partially digested food and gastric juices
circuit training
body training that combines endurance, resistance, high-intensity interval, and aerobic training
circular muscle
muscle fibers surrounding an opening in the body
circulatory system
a closed system circulating blood through the body consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and blood
closed kinetic chain movement
a movement keeping the distal end of the body segment in action fixed
closed system
a physical system that does not allow for the movement of matter into or out of the systemc
closed-packed joint position
the most stable joint position, when the connective tissue it taut and neighboring bones have the most contact
cognitive functioning
an intellectual process by which one becomes aware of, perceives or comprehends ideas
the simultaneous presence of two chronic disease or conditions in a person
compact bone
a denser material, also known as cortical bone, making up the hard structure of the skeleton
the basic need to feel a sense of mastery and operate effectively within the environemnt
the ability to do something successfully or efficiently
complete protein
a food source containing all nine essential amino acids the body needs
compound exercises
multi-joint exercises that require the use of multiple muscles or muscle groups
compression force
the force to two surfaces pressing toward one another
concentric muscle action
when the length of a muscle shortens as tension is produced
concurrent training
including both cardiorespiratory exercise and resistance training into a fitness program
relating to a disease or physical abnormality present from birth
connective tissue
tissues that support, connect or bind other tissues or organs
contract-relax- antagonist contract stretching
contracting an antagonist muscle before stretching the agonist
contract-relax stretching
contracting a given muscle before stretching the same muscle
factors that serve as a reason to withhold training because of harm that it may cause
contralateral loading
loading the body on the opposite side of the work being executed
convergent muscle
muscle fibers converging from a broad origin to a single tendon of insertion
gradually slowing the body after activity to return to homeostasis or close to homeostasis
core training
refers to strengthening the musculature of the abdominals, back and lower body that directly influence the lumbopelvic hip complex
coronary artery disease
the narrowing or blockage of coronary arteries
corrective exercise
exercise programming used to improve function through assessing and improving muscle imbalances
a group of natural and synthetic steroid hormones produced by the pituitary gland
a catabolic hormone released in response to physical and emotional stress
a movement or other action made in opposition to another action
cranial nerves
the 12 sensory and motor nerves extending directly from the brain
an organic compound that aids in the recycling of ATP in the energy systems
creatine monohydrate
an organic compound that increases phosphocreatine levels and adenosine triphosphate energy production leading to enhanced strength and power
creatine phosphate
a high-energy molecule stored in skeletal muscle, the myocardium and the brain
cross training
the action of training or practice in two or more sports or types of exercise to improve fitness or performance in one’s main sport
cyclic activities
activities that use the same movement in repetition
the viscous fluid inside a living cell excluding the nucleus
daily calorie expenditure
the total number of calories an individual expends including their resting metabolic rate, activity level factor and the thermic effect of food
daily value
reference amounts expressed in grams, milligrams or microgram of nutrients to consumer or not to exceed each day
a special type of acceleration where a person or object is slowing down
the point of crossover or the nervous system in vertebraes located between the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord
a harmful loss or removal or water in the body