CPRs Flashcards
anterior shoulder instability
- anterior drawer
- relocation
- Apprehension
stage derivation 2006
Ankylosing spondylitis
- morning stiffness less than 30 minutes
- improvement in back pain with exercise but not with rest
- awakening because of night pain in the second half of the night
- alternating buttock pain
stage: validated - less than 40
- insidious onset
Canadian cervical spine rule
Determine need for x-ray after trauma
any 1 high risk
1. greater than 65
2. dangerous mechanism of injury (fall >1m or 5 stairs, axilal head load, high speed MVA, motorized rec veh, bike accident)
3. paresthesia in UE
any 2 low risk factors allowing for safe assessment of ROM
1. simple rear end MVA
2. normal sitting posture
3. ambulatory at any time since injury
4. delayed onset of pain or absence of tenderness
COUPLED with AROM less than 45 deg
- shaking hands for symptom relief
- wrist-ration index greater than 0.67 AP/width
- symptom severity score greater than 1.9
- reduced median sensory field of digit 1
- age greater 45 years
stage derivation 2005
cervical myopathy
- gait deviation
- positive hoffman’s test (DIP flick produces reflexive finger flexion)
- positive inverted supinator sign (brachioradialis reflex produces finger flexion and possible elbow ext)
- positive babinski (toe flexion)
- age greater than 45
cervical radiculopathy
- Positive ULTT -A
- involved cervical rotation less than 60
- Positive distraction
- positive spurling’s
10 point test, score 3 or greater high probability, 1-2 moderate, 0 low
- active CA, paralysis or recent immobilization, recently bed ridden or major surgery in past 12 weeks, entire leg swollen, tender along DV system, calf swelling of at least 3cm relative, pitting edema relative, previous DVT, collateral superficial veins, (-) alterative explanation
Hip OA
- squatting aggravates pain
- scour for groin or lateral hip pain
- active hip flexion causes primary pain
- passive IR less than 25 degree
- active hip extension causes primary pain
Derivation level of development 2008
lumbar stenosis
- bilateral symptoms
- leg pain greater than back pain
- pain during walking and standing
- pain relief upon sitting
- greater than 48 years old
derivation stage 2011
- trauma by ER force
- rotational trauma
- pain with vagus stress test at 30 degree
- laxity with valgus stress at 30 degree
derivation 2008
- history of catching or locking
- joint line tenderness
- pain with forced hyperextension (modified bounce)
- pain with maximal passive knee flexion
- positive McMurray
derivation 2006
Ottawa ankle rule
determine if x-ray is required
1. inability to weight bear following injury
2. lateral and medial distal/posterior 5cm malleolus tenderness
3. bone tenderness at the navicular base or 5th met
ottawa knee rule
determine if knee x-ray are needed
- age greater than 55
- tenderness at the head of the fibula
- isolated tenderness of the patella
- inability to flex the knee to 90
- inability to bear weight immediately and upon ER evaluation
Pulmonary embolism
Score based assessment
- over 65 +1
- previous DVT or PE +3
- surgery or factor within 1 month +2
- active malignant condition +2
- unilateral lower limbs pain +3
- hemoptysis +2
- HR 75-94 bpm +3
- HR greater than 95 ppm +5
- pain with deep palpation of lower limb and unilateral edema +4
High risk greater than 10
medium risk 4-10
low less than 4
full thickness RTC tear
- painful arch sign
- drop arm sign
- infaspinatus weakness
- ER weakness
- night pain
combined two studies both in derivation from 2006