CPR 9.01 a+b Coagulation Intro, Disorders, Thrombophilia Flashcards
the arrest of bleeding by either the physiological properties of vasoconstriction and coagulation or through external intervention.
the sequential process by which the multiple coagulation factors of blood interact in the coagulation cascade, resulting in the formation of an insoluble fibrin clot.
a series of serine proteases and their cofactors that interact to form thrombin that in turn converts fibrinogen to fibrin.
the action of the procoagulants is held in check by protease inhibitors that limit the clot formation/extension.
Describe the process of primary hemostasis.
Formation of primary platelet plug
(a) Endothelial disruption causes collagen exposure. As platelets circulate in the bloodstream, they encounter this collagen.
(b) α2-βI or GPVI receptors located on the platelets can directly bind to collagen, or GPIb (IX/V) receptors on the platelets can bind to VWF that are are also bound directly to the exposed collagen.
(c) αII-β3 receptors are then activated on the platelet and either form dimers with other platelets or via VWF to create platelet plug. (primary hemostasis)
What are the functions of platelets in the clotting mechanism?
(a) Primary hemostatic plug
(b) Secrete substances for Platelet recuruitment, Vessel contraction, Coagulation.
(c) Provides optimal surface for coagulation to proceed: phospholipid membrane. Optimized formation of complexes.
Which factors make up the Extrinsic pathway?
Tissue factor and VII
Which factors make up the Intrinsic pathway
Which factors make up the Common Pathway?
X+V, II, I
The intrinsic tenase complex consists of what 4 components?
IXa, VIIIa, and Platelets (and Ca++)
The extrinsic tenase complex consists of what 2 components?
TF and VIIa
The Prothrombinase complex consists of what 4 components?
Xa, Va, and Platelets (and Ca++)
Describe the prevalence of VWD
Most common bleeding disorder, about 1% of population. Equal in all ethnic groups.
What are the 4-5 most common types of symptoms seen in VWD?
- Mucosal-type bleeding: menorrhagia, epistaxis, bruising.
- Excesive bleeding with trauma: Post-op, oral extraction, prolonged bleeding after cuts, postpartum hemorrhage.
- GI bleeding seen with severe deficiency.
- Increased risk of development of significant anemia as well as hysterectomy (if undiagnosed).
Describe the general mechanism of ITP
- Organ specific AI disorder. Platelet destruction→ Thrombocytopenia.