CPR Flashcards
What does CPR stand for?
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
What is an AED?
automated external defibrillator (AED)
What Is First Aid?
First Aid is the immediate care that you give to a sick or injured person until more advanced care can be obtained
Can you get Sued for Helping?
What protects us?
The Good Samaritan Act protects people for trying to help i.e. administering first aid and/or performing CPR, as long as it is “reasonable”.
What is The Chase McEachern Act ?
The Chase McEachern Act protects you if using an AED even if you have never been trained.
What Is The Chain Of Survival?
The steps taken to: Maximize disease prevention and survival from emergencies.
What are the The Seven Links To The Chain Of Survival?
1.Healthy Choices
2. Recognition (S&S)
3. Access(911)
4. CPR
5. Defibrillation
6. Advanced Care
7. Rehabilitation
What Are The Rescuers 4 R’s?
Risk: The factors that make you more likely to have a heart attack or stroke
Recognize: That there is a serious emergency developing
React: Knowing the steps to follow in an emergency (e.g. call 911 / Activate EMS)
Resuscitate: knowing how to help (Choking - CPR - AED)
Three Basic Steps To Reacting to an Emergency!
1 Check – The scene
Is it safe (No fire, wire, gas, glass)? What has happened? Is the person unconscious? Are there bystanders around that can help?
2 Call – 911 – Activate Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Identify what the emergency is. Choking, conscious/unconscious, bleeding, etc.
Give your name and address.
3 Care – For The Person
Manage the person’s Airway, Breathing, Circulation (ABC’s)
Are they choking? Do you need to do CPR? Do you have a Defibrillator?
Treat Life threatening Injuries!?
Scenario 1: You are at a restaurant for dinner with you’re your family and one of your siblings begins to choke on some food! What would you do?
Scenario 2: You come home from school one day and find one of your parents lying on the floor motionless! What would you do?
Scenario 3: Look at the picture below. What are the hazards for you as a first aid responder (i.e. CHECK – is it safe?) What will you say to the 911 dispatcher when you CALL? How will you CARE for the person in the car?
Scenario 4: Look at the picture below. What are the hazards for you as a first aid responder (i.e. CHECK – is it safe?) What will you say to the 911 dispatcher when you CALL? How will you CARE for each person and who needs help the most? How do you know?
What Is Shock?
Shock is a potentially life-threatening condition in which vital organs do not receive enough oxygen-rich blood.
Shock can happen to anyone in an emergency situation, even someone who witnessed an accident and/or the people helping at the scene can begin to enter into shock.
What Are The Signs Of Shock?
Anxious, agitated and/or confused
Sweaty, Cold & Clammy skin
Varying levels of consciousness
How Do I Treat Someone In Shock?
Care for the cause of the shock
Give comfort and reassurance
Monitor ABC’s (Airway, Breathing & Circulation)
Keep the person warm
Recovery Position (See picture below)
What Is Respiratory Arrest?
Respiratory arrest is when a person stops breathing. Typically a person begins to choke when an object becomes lodged somewhere in their throat and/or respiratory tract (see picture below). However there are many other reasons why someone may stop breathing.
Other causes of respiratory arrest:
Allergic Reaction
Severe Asthma
Head injury
What Is A Mild Obstruction?
The airway is partly blocked, reducing the flow of air to the lungs. The person can speak or cough!
We encourage them to cough up the obstruction but we DO NOT TOUCH THEM!
What Is A Severe Obstruction?
The airway is totally blocked, stopping air from reaching the lungs. The Person is panicking, lips are turning blue or even making a high pitched wheezing sound. They may fall unconscious at any moment and/or we may find them unconscious.
We need to respond quickly – without oxygen brain cells begin to die within 4 – 6 minutes (See picture of stopwatch below).
THEY NEED OUR HELP – We ask if they want our help and begin the obstructed airway technique (See picture below).
With out oxygen how long does it take for brain cells to die?
4 to 6 min
What is Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)?
The build up of fat deposits in the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.
What are Some Risk Factors (i.e. causes) for CHD?
What Is a Heart Attack?
Death of the heart muscle, due to a lack of blood to the heart.
Causes chest pain and electrical instability of the heart muscle, which may lead to cardiac arrest.
What are the Signs & Signals of a Heart Attack? (The Five P’s)
Pain: Severe to mild pain in the chest (angina), spreading up neck, jaw, shoulders and arms
Pale skin: often sweaty
Puffing: trouble breathing & Panting
Pooped: feeling tired
Puking: sick to stomach &/or vomiting
What is Cardiac Arrest?
The heart has stopped beating or is in Ventricular Fibrillation (heart is jiggling like a bowl of jello)
What is a Stroke?
The sudden death of some brain cells due to a lack of blood flow to the brain caused by a blockage or rupture of an artery to or within the brain.
What are the Five Signs of a Stroke?
Trouble Speaking
Vision Problems
What Should I Do if Someone is Having a Heart Attack or Stroke?
Call 911
Talk to the person
Position them comfortably
Loosen tight clothing
Why do we do C.P.R.? (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)
Breathing and circulating blood through a person’s body to keep them alive until medical help takes over.
30 Compressions – 2 Breaths (Goal is 100 compressions per minute)
“Rock ‘em ‘till someone can shock’em!
What does an A.E.D. Do? (Automated External Defibrillator)
A device that analyzes heart rhythms.
If necessary, it will give an electric shock to STOP and RESET the person’s heart.
The heart will hopefully return to a normal rhythm on its own.
Technique #1:
Obstructed Airway
Assessment of degree of obstruction
ask “Are you choking?”
Do you want my help?
Technique for Mild Obstruction
Mild Obstruction:
Coughing encouraged
Reassurance for victim
DO NOT hit them on the back!
Technique for Sever Obstructions
Severe Obstruction
Shout for help get someone to standby and/or call 911
Careful land-marking (middle of abdomen)
Repeated abdominal thrusts* until the airway is clear
Alternating 5 back blows with 5 abdominal thrusts
If successful, victim directed to see a physician to rule out complications from the obstruction or the abdominal thrusts
Technique #2:
Conscious to Unconscious Obstructed Airway
Assessment -Same
Mild -Same
Sever - Same
One-rescuer CPR technique
Check (no fire, wire, gas or glass)
Check for responsiveness & Breathing (Ok? Tap and Shout!)
Call 911 & Attempt to obtain AED
Landmark and perform 30 chest compressions
Push Hard (1.5 – 2” deep)
Push Fast (100 compressions per minute)
Open the airway (Head Tilt, Chin Lift)
Give 2 rescue breaths,
1 Second long
Observe chest rise
Repeat 30 compressions to 2 breaths.
Continue until treatment with an AED can begin and/or EMS arrives and/or the persons shows signs of life, breaths, and/or moves
Open and turn the AED on and follow prompts!
Preparation for Electrodes:
Open all clothing, remove excess hair, dry chest, remove medical patches, jewelry, etc.
Apply electrodes to chest (follow diagrams)
Stop CPR when AED tells you “Do not touch patient”
When AED Tells you to shock the person
“I’m Clear, Your Clear, Everybody’s clear”