CPGs L spine Flashcards
CPG rating: Pts use tx based classification ( TBC) to reduce pain and disability in patients with acute LBP
CPG grade: PTs can use mechanical diagnosis + therapy ( MDT) to reduce pain and disability in patients with acute LBP
CPG grade: PTs may use MDT, prognostic risk stratification, and pathoanatomic based classification to reduce pain and disability in patients with chronic LBP
CPG grade: PTs can use TBC, cognitive functional therapy, or movement system impairment to reduce pain and disability in patients with chronic LBP
2 strong recommendations for chronic LBP: exercise and manual therapy
Exercise training interventions: specific trunk muscle activation exercise, aerobic + aerobic + general exercise, trunk muscle strengthening and endurance,
2. thrust and non thrust mobilization ( for pain and disability)
2 moderate recommendations for chronic LBP: exercise and manual therapy
- movement control or trunk mobility exercise
- massage / STM WITH other tx
( short term pain relief)
1 weak recommendation for chronic LBP
- dry needling with other tx
( short term pain and disability reduction)
1 weak recommendation for acute LBP
- exercise training - trunk muscle activation
1 moderate recommendation for acute LBP
- massage / STM
1 strong recommendation for acute LBP
- thurst and non thrust mobilization
CPG grade: Education for Acute LBP
using active education strategies > passive education strategies
active = 1 on 1 education on things that contribute pain and self mgt techniques
passive = pamplets ( “read this”)
1 strong recommendation for Chronic LBP
pain neuroscience education WITH other interventions
2 moderate recommendations for education in Chronic LBP
- standard education - advice related to exercise and staying active
- active tx ( yoga, stretching, strength training, pilates) over stand alone education interventions
Education on LBP should focus on these 2 thing
- resilience
- positive outlook
CPG grading: exercise in chronic LBP in older adults
should use general exercise training to decrease pain + disability in older adults