CPan Book 1 Flashcards
Shoulder Block
Intercoastal block
Ribs and Abdomen
sciatic and Femoral Block
Lower Extremity
Injury due to moisture
Friction injury is due to what?
Rubbing, rolling and sliding
Shearing is caused by what?
Skin staying stationary, May not be seen
Normal ICP
0-15 mmhg
When Spinal anesthesia resolves, What is the order?
proprioception, movement, touch, pain, temp
Umbilicus is where on Spinal Column?
Nipples are where on spinal column?
Groin is located where on spinal column?
ERCP is done for what reason?
To remove stones from common bile duct.
Normal cardiac outpug
4 to 8 liters a minute
removal of cataracts
In-Aortic Balloon Pump will due what to coronary artery perfusion?
Increase coronary artery perfusion