cpace (Carrie) Flashcards
who has the authority to adapt policies in any given school district?
District board of education
Parent Empowerment Law (Article 3 SBX54)
Allows parents to “trigger” change in their child’s school. If majority of parents sign a petition they will be given the option to:
- Send their child to another public school
- Convert the existing school into a charter
- child may receive a scholarship to a private school
Everson v. Board of Ed
Supreme court held that public tax money could be used to transport students to religious schools on the basis of the child benefit theory. Child benefit theory is a principle that allows state funds to be given to students studying in private schools provided the allotment can be justified as benefiting the child.
What is career academy?
small learning community within a high school that brings together school and world of work
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 2006
The new Act will provide an increased focus on the academic achievement of career and technical education students, strengthen the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improve state and local accountability.
Parent Empowerment Law (Article 3 SBX54)
Allows parents to “trigger” change in their child’s school. If majority of parents sign a petition they will be given the option to:
- Send their child to another public school
- Convert the existing school into a charter
- child may receive a scholarship to a private school
SISP (Specialized Instructional Support Personnel
group of professionals that have a broad set of responsibilities in schools, intervention services, ensure positive conditions for learning, help all students achieve.
School counselors, psychologists, social workers, nurses, speech, art therapists, music, dance/movement therapists, occupational, behavior, and physical
change model process
Fullan (1982, 1991) proposed that there are four broad phases in the change process: initiation, implementation, continuation, and outcome.
PERB (California Public Employees Relations Board
has the authority to issue orders to accomplish the purposes and policies of the statutes it administers. Responsible for enforcing the collective bargaining laws covering employees of public schools and community college. Does not enforce laws that affect employees. Example: promising benefits to employees if they refuse union
Title IX portion of the Ed Amendments of 1972
addresses discrimination of school athletics, school band, and academic classes.
Protects people from discrimination based on sex in ed programs or activities which receive federal financial assistance. Includes: admissions, recruitment, financial aid, academic programs, student treatment, counceling guidance, PE, athletics, housing and employment
Laws such as Prop 187 states that deny ed rights to undocumented students are deemed unconstitutional because…
the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.
14th Amend - must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances. Ex: violation would occur if state denied based on race.
Acceptable Use Policy created by school districts to regulate
excepted behavior of technology, photo/info release, websites (must be solely for educational purposes)
Goss v. Lopez decision by the U.S. Supreme Court
school leaders are obligated to arrange a hearing where all sides have opportunity to be heard before suspension.
Goss v. Lopez-Students suspended from a public school w/out hearing violated the due process right protected by the 14th amendment. Student’s have a legitimate property right in their education, which is protected by the Due Process Clause. This right cannot be taken away without appropriate procedural hearings.
There are four levels to James Banks’ approaches to Multicultural Curriculum Reform.
Level 1: The Contributions Approach Level 2: The Additive Approach Level 3: The Transformation Approach Level 4: The Social Action Approach
Constructivist theory
Constructivist theory stresses active involvement in learning. For example, instead of just reading about Civil War battles, students imagine they are soldiers, and they have to discover what what soldiers wore and ate and how they prepared for battle.
The the International Society for Technology in Education implemented six standards of technology.
They are as follows: (1) Leadership and vision: “Educational leaders inspire a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision” (2) Learning and teaching: Educational leaders should make sure curricular design integrates appropriate technology for maximized learning (3) Productivity and professional practice: Technology applied to enhance the professional practice of educational leaders (4) Support, management, and operations: The integration of technology to support productive systems (5) Assessment and evaluation: Implementing systems of evaluation and assessment (6) Social, legal and ethical issues: Educational leaders understand the social, legal and ethical issues related to technology.
leadership styles are broken up into four categories .
Autocratic: The leader uses his or her authority to make decisions. Democratic: The authority is shared and all group members help make decisions. Laissez-faire: A “hands-off” style in which the leader allows the group to make its own decisions. Abdicratic: No one in the group exercises leadership. This style, says researchers, leads to group disintegration and is followed by autocratic leadership. The other term does not pertain to leadership,
Marzano developed categories to guide instruction. Similar to other instructional models, Marzano’s principles serve as a foundation for curriculum design and for instructional strategies. Based on Marzano’s research, these nine principles have impacted learning and produced positive student achievement. According to Marzano’s, the nine categories include the following elements: “ (1) identifying similarities and differences, (2) homework and practice, (3) setting objectives and providing feedback, (4) summarizing and note taking, (5) nonlinguistic representation, (6) generating and testing hypotheses, (7) reinforcing effort and providing recognition, (8) cooperative learning, and (9) using questions, cues and advanced organizers.”
Joseph Murphy
Joseph Murphy in 1992 concluded that effective schools had principles that focused on learning ability, ways to assess outcomes, school responsibility, and establishing a connection with the community.
In regards to learning ability, Murphy concluded that all students had the ability to learn. The key to learning was to identify each student’s skills and provide opportunities for them to learn based on their skills. Further, schools needed to develop learning outcomes for the students and then continuously measure these outcomes to track progress. Also, the schools had a responsibility to help students learn and realize that learning was not just the responsibility of the students.
Cooperative learning is a learning model created by Johnson.
It incorporates leadership building, communication, skills to build trust and skills to resolve conflict. The model has five components which includes positive interdependent, promotes interaction, accountability, face to face interaction and group processing. With this learning model, the teachers can impact learning and their instructional strategies, along with increasing student achievement and student self-esteem.
Expectancy theory
The Expectancy theory defines motivation in terms of valences and instrumentality. Valence is internal motivation, which is affected by the external instrumentality.
culture, ethnicity and race?
In terms of diversity, culture, ethnicity and race are important factors to consider. Culture is defined by one’s beliefs, arts and social institutions. Ethnicity looks at common traits, traditions or languages. Race is people with common ancestry
What is responsible for funding education, according to the Constitution?
The federal government is not legally responsible to fund education. The responsibility of education is given to each state in the Constitution.
A systematic approach
A systematic approach is best for learning about many things, human behavior in particular. This approach combines observational and analysis to reach a conclusion. This can include theories that may be tested but the overarching technique is systematic.
Charter schools
Charter schools are state funded alternatives to traditional public schools and give students attending at risk or low performing schools an opportunity to attend a school where they can receive a better education. A charter school does not require the same structure that a traditional public school is required to have by state, district and federal standards, such as having a school board or having standard school operational procedures. Additionally, charter schools can develop their own curriculum and establish its own instructional strategies without the regulation of the State Educational Board.
Now, according to studies performed by agencies, such as the National Assessment Governing Board, students attending charter schools have not outperformed students academically who are attending traditional public schools. So, the true benefits of charter schools are still in question since they do not have a long and proven track record for the improvement of education.
One of the more frequent types of budgets that schools use is an incremental budget.
With an incremental budget, the budget for the current year is started from the budget from the previous year where the school can either add or subtract income and expenditures, which can include carryover funds.
Further, when using an incremental budget, the school does not have to justify all expenditures before they are prioritized and included in the budget as with a zero based budget. Also, incremental budgets are based on the previous year’s budget with fixed percentages factored in to allow for expenditure growths.
Skinner developed the behavioral theory and direct instruction is a model that uses his behavioral theory.
Further, with direct instruction, the teacher uses steps or a sequential approach to teach students. Also, the teachers instruct the students on a certain skill, for example, the teacher in the scenario whose objective is to teach students to write clear sentences with a main idea.
Social learning theory
Social learning theory concentrates on the learning that takes place in a social context. It focuses on such thing as observational learning, imitation, and modeling.
According to Calhoun and Sagor, there is a 5-step process when it comes to leaders conducting action research.
The steps are as follows: Step 1: Problem formation Step 2: Collect data Step 3: Analyze data Step 4: Report data Step 5: Create an action plan
The long form of PPBES is Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Execution System. PPBE and PPBES are used interchangeably.
According to The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, there should be certain professional standards in place.
These are: -Propriety (ethical and legal) -Utility (useable and effective) -Feasibility (practical, efficient and cost-effective) -Accuracy (valid and reliable)
jean Piaget
Piaget’s main contribution to educational theory was the idea that growth and development occur in stages (D). This idea reinforced the belief that a subject should not be presented until a child is ready to learn it.
The five core propositions of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards are
: 1: “Teachers are committed to students and their learning.” 2: “Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.” 3: “Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.” 4: 4: “Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.” 5: “Teachers are members of learning communities.”
Foundation programs
Flat grants are when funds are allocated on a per unit basis without regard to the wealth of a district. The district’s fiscal effort and state support make up percent equalization programs. Guaranteed tax base / yield programs are when all school districts are given a tax yield. Full state funding is as its name states, when the education is fully funded by the state.
Phases in the development of a principal.
The instructive phase is the first in the development of a principal. The two remaining phases are transitional and high capacity, respectively.
Action research is?
Action research is an approach to professional development in which teachers systematically examine their own work and make necessary changes. It is a type of structured self-evaluation.
The logic model
The logic model is a guide leaders can develop and use for establishing professional development programs. The logic model identifies the outcomes, indicators, learning activities, specifies the pace for learning activities, identifies the sequence for the learning activities, and guide in creating evaluations such as formative and summative evaluations to assess the professional development program. For example, in the scenario, the outcome can be used to determine if the science teachers have acquired additional skills to recognize if the students are learning science topics as well as identify the best instructional methods for helping the students learn science topics.
attribution theory of motivation
According to the attribution theory of motivation, the need to feel good about oneself can be a powerful motivator
Classical Organizational Theory
The Classical Organizational Theory is used by school leaders when their overall goal is to promote structure, rules, policies regulations and procedures.
Open Systems Theory
The Open Systems Theory says the environment influences changes and utilizes collaboration between personnel and the community.
Theory X and Theory Y
The idea that people must be persuaded and controlled to do work and use intrinsic motivation and creativity to complete the project when committed to it is known as The Theory X and Theory Y.
Strategic leadership
was implemented by the National Policy Board for Educational Administration as a way of “identifying contexts, developing with others vision and purpose, using information, framing problems, exercising leadership processes to achieve common goals, and acting ethically for educational communities
Dr. Hamel’s “lead the revolution” process.
Step 1: Build a point of view. Step2: Write a manifesto. Step 3: Create a coalition. Step 4: Pick your targets and pick your moments. Step 5: Co-opt and neutralize. Step 6: Find a translator. Step 7: Win small, win early, win often. Step 8: Isolate, infiltrate, integrate.
There are five elements to the Cooperative Learning Instructional Method.
These elements are: (1) Positive interdependence (2) Promotive interaction (3) Accountability (4) Interaction (5) Group processing
Bennis suggested that effective leaders practice attention, meaning, self, and trust as they lead under “management of meaning”. This type of leader is positive and focuses on the successes of the people he leads rather than the failures.
Bloom’s Taxonomy. These levels are as follows: (1) Knowledge - find out/remember (2) Comprehension - understand (3) Application - use (4) Analysis - take apart (5) Synthesis - create new (6) Evaluation - judge
A dynamic assessment
A dynamic assessment is when a student’s ability to learn in a certain situation is measured.
A criterion-referenced test
A criterion-referenced test asks specific information to ensure a student’s knowledge of the subject, but does not compare results to other students
There are four categories to Marzano’s “Categories of Instructional Strategies”.
Category 1:Monitoring progress, balancing individual work with group work, reinforcing effort, and celebrating success”
Category 2: “Assessing final goal attainment and celebrating success at the end.” Category 3: “Helping students understand and assimilate new information that is presented to them.” Category 4: “Helping students review, practice, and apply content.”
theory of andragogy
Malcolm Shepherd Knowles was an individual who focused on adult education and more specifically research in self-direction and group work. In 1980, he developed the theory of andragogy. With this theory, he believed that (1) adult learning had to be designed around why the adults wanted to learn about a topic. Since teachers have a wide range of knowledge and experiences in life and as educators, the professional development should allow teachers to apply their experiences to what they were learning and the theories that they were being taught
The Gifted and Talented Children’s Education Act-1978
The Gifted and Talented Children’s Education Act-1978 “provided funding to support the exceptional needs of students in the areas of identification, education and programming.”
The National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP)
The National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) provides assessments of student achievement in various subjects. Run by the U.S. Department of Education, it is the most comprehensive assessment of what American students know and can do.
The Goals 2000 educate america act
By the Year 2000…
All children in America will start school ready to learn.
The high school graduation rate will increase to at least 90 percent.
All students will leave grades 4, 8, and 12 having demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter including English, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, the arts, history, and geography, and every school in America will ensure that all students learn to use their minds well, so they may be prepared for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment in our nation’s modern economy.
United States students will be first in the world in mathematics and science achievement.
Every adult American will be literate and will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in a global economy and exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
Every school in the United States will be free of drugs, violence, and the unauthorized presence of firearms and alcohol and will offer a disciplined environment conducive to learning.
The nation’s teaching force will have access to programs for the continued improvement of their professional skills and the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to instruct and prepare all American students for the next century.
Every school will promote partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children.
A diagnostic assessment
A diagnostic assessment asks specific information to ensure a student’s knowledge of the subject, but does not compare results to other students.
McGrath is a theorist who…
McGrath is a theorist who endorses the idea of a 4-stage process to group dynamics. These stages are: Inception, Technical problem solving, Conflict resolution and Execution.
Summative evaluations
Summative evaluations are used as a basis for making decisions about tenure, retention, and merit increments.
The Freedom of Information Act was a law that was enacted in 1966
This law governs the rights of individuals to view information that a government organization, such as a Public School, has. Further, the schools must develop a policy that individuals can follow when they want to request information. Information that individuals can request from the school can include information about how the school operates, the school’s structure, decisions the school has made, financial documents and budgets for instance.
Active student response method
The Active student response method is frequency-based and measures a student’s participation rate
What is the former name of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act?
School board
The school board is responsible for the oversight, establishment of polices and the operations of the school district that will guide equity, educational initiatives, educational quality and stewardship within the school system. The school board does not have automatic authority and power because it is a governing school board. Instead, the school board’s power is issued to it based on state and local statues, legislation and laws where the school board and the school district resides, the U.S. Congress enacted laws or statues, the policies and procedures that the board has adopted. Also, the school board has to the power to carry out the requirements specified for grants the schools receive as well as issued court decrees.
Four Strategies of evaluating programs. Process evaluation -
is done to identify and predict design implementation issues. It is an effective process control.
zero-based budgeting
A process that requires approval of all expenditures, rather than just increases.
Zero-based budgeting is a technique of planning that reverses the process of traditional budgeting. Instead of using the previous year’s budget as a starting point, the zero-based approach requires that every expense be justified, whether or not it was included in the previous budget.Zero-based does not factor in changes to funds
Ancillary programs
Ancillary programs or services can be identified as additional or programs that are supplementary to the school’s regular core programs. ancillary programs can include second language learners, title programs, driver education programs, remedial reading programs to name a few.
Grasha, there are five main teaching styles
Expert: An educator who possesses knowledge of a particular subject and challenges each student in that subject.
Formal authority: An educator who prefers a set of standard and acceptable procedures.
Personal model: An educator who leads by example.
Facilitator: An educator who encourages the students to be independent and serves only as a consultant as the process unfolds.
Delegator: An educator who encourages autonomy.
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) law,
schools that get monies from the United States Department of Education have to ensure student education records are kept private. Confidential information in the student record include information that identifies the student, such as the student’s name and address, the student’s social security number, the student’s school identification number and characteristics that are specific to the student that would make it easy to identify a student. This type of information is protected under the FERPA law and is not released and the parent has to give permission to the school before the information is released.
With an interdisciplinary team
, the schools use more than one teacher to educate the elementary school students. In this type of team environment, the teachers will work together to create educational plans, and methods to teach students that will help increase the student’s learning and educational progress.
consensus building
Recruitment and identification of participants, Designation of the process to be utilized would be the next step, then contribution and assessment of potential solutions, and then period of decision making on final approaches.
A formative assessme
A formative assessment is data collected through daily ongoing lessons in order to measure a student’s achievement
purchase cards
Purchasing cards or P-cards is a program that some schools use for small dollar purchases. This approach can offer efficiency and be cost effective when principals have to make purchases that do not cost a large amount of money.
self managed teams
Some schools use self-managed teams as an approach to help their teachers to become leaders. By performing roles in a self-managed team, a teacher is able to develop leadership skills and make an impact on the overall quality of education at the school
joint curriculum design.
Individual / group pace.
Learner-centered approach.
Individualized tasks.
Other examples of the joint curriculum design are: community of learners and negotiated goals and objectives.
Case histories.
As an alternative to IQ scores, many educators recommend a case history approach that includes test scores, grades, projects, and portfolios
Title V of the Social Security Act of 1996
Title V (as it is commonly known) established funding for abstinence only sex education programs. These programs have proved to be controversial, and several states have rejected funding for them
five elements to the Cooperative Learning Instructional Method.
These elements are: (1) Positive interdependence (2) Promotive interaction (3) Accountability (4) Interaction (5) Group processing