CPACE Flashcards
Shared vision
Smart goals
specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic, timely
Shared vision
What is a good goal?
tied to data: reduce droopout rate by 5%
Shared vision
parents, teachers, students, community, district, university, businesses.
How to make a change/decision
stakeholders, data, look at similar schools. additional input plan, monitor
worst. don’t want to use. Do what I say. Benefit? you can accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Military comes in and order is restored. disseminate a lot of information quickly. Drawback is a lack of commitment. opposite of democratic.
benefit: high level of commitment. Drawback is a lack of leadership (possible) “make your own syllabus”
many people share responsibility. the person in charge of one area needs to be knowledgeable in that area. Have to be allowed to lead.
an individual who transforms the lives of those people around him. improves lives. higher place than ever possible. Pushes people. Challenges is keeping the momentum. Abuse is possible with power.
based on the situation at hand. your leadership style is based on what’s going on. hands off if experienced group. Runs on it’s own. “RTI group”. based on the maturity of the group and situation at hand. Drawback is getting it wrong. Might not want to use the democratic approach with the democratic approach.
system wide. if the superintendent leaves, the district will still work for a little while. the district procedures will run pretty smoothly. Removal of bias. Exceptions to rules becomes a problem. If you are late you have to write a letter and it goes into HR file.One teacher early every morning. One time late :-(.
ongoing assessment to see if we are making progresses towards a goal in our school. A walk through is one way to do a formative assessment. Dialogue with teacher’s to see if we are making progress. DID YOU TALK to the teacher first? Ex: group of teachers complains to the principal about one teacher.
last test we take. Test on Friday, CPACE test Unit test,
typically written: rubric, teacher made test
Content based assessment. CPACE Criterion equals content
is nationwide. you don’t pass or fail. compare to others. GRE, SAT, nationwide and comparative
trying to measure ability (administrator)
consistently grading the test.Do different teachers grade it the same way.
real world assessment. let me see your skills, let me see how you dribble the ball, counting money.
Teacher Observation in spring is authentic summative formal assessment. It’s criterion based, hopefully valid and reliable.
How do we choose mentors to work with our new teachers?
based on those who want to help others grow and develop learn in the profession. Should also be a good fit.
What impacts student learning the most
- classroom management, 2. teaching and instruction, 3 curriculum.
10 steps of collaboration
1 Clarify 2. Listen 3 Reflect * 4 Present 5 Clarify 6. Problem Solving 7.Encourage 8. Negotiate 9. Standardize 10. Progress Monitor
curriculum to test
Process of special ed test
Intervention in the classroom
research and
Research based intervention over time with data.
Tier 1 is regular instruction, tier 2 is in class (8 weeks), after tier 3 more outside classroom intervention (read 180).
They give you a 5th grade scenario with a struggling teacher.
What interventions have been tried to this point and where is the data.
pre referral interventions
After tier 3 you can do special ed test. GOT HAVE PARENT PERMISSION TO TEST.
IEP is annual (individual education program)
every 3 years is evaluation
meets needs of school. modeled. ongoing. What’s the best way to do? Have individuals on the staff to model. use a few teacher so train well and then use them to model in the classroom. Embedded in school and we have teachers to model for us.
plan in place, review and update, identify key emergency personnel inside and outside the school.
you can’t just tell parents not to do it. have an sro. How do you tell the parents not to drop the kids off early. Talk to superintendent to see if a stipend available to pay teachers to come early or stay late. Parent volunteers …. Construction area. Don’t tell student “don’t walk there”. look at the construction area to put a barrier. On safety issues think outside the box. you have to deal with the problem itself.
Why is it important to keep web pages updated? One way to show community that we are committed to lifelong learning.
attrition. we lose a lot of teachers in this profession. Because lack of admin support. Principal is trying to figure out why they have left. lack of pay, lack of professional development LACK OF ADMIN SUPPORT IS THE ANSWER.
the state provides the majority of K-12 revenues
State and local provide the funds.
state, local, federal, lottery know the order
restricted funds are for certain areas. Math funds have to be used for math. school supplies fund cut. so teacher buys and you reimburse. Individual teachers is different funds. vision is supplies is part of that.
computer update. 4 hour update. so on a Saturday. custodian comes into open the doors. Gets paid overtime for through technology fund.
Mills vs board of education. If it’s in the IEP you have to pay for it. Mills pays the bills. One on one paraprofessional you have to hire one.
as long as there is an educational benefit you can accept gifts.
thank them for the offer and talk to the superintendent. million dolla check, computer lab but they want the business sticker. Superintendent can say yes or not. Yes, accept it, and check with superintendent.
Substitute teacher says you have mold and you need to remove wall and kids. they present it like the person raising the flag is crazy. We assume they are not. Call the health department and have it inspected to see if it’s safe (state department. highest care. go to the top)
as long as it’s community use we want them to use it. Moslem parents want ged tutoring for parents YES its the function of the group.
Church want’s to use basketball for the public. YES
Live use.
We need to know if liability insurance cover that activity?
key word is DUE PROCESS. everyone has the right to know what accusations are being made against them. Parents say they saw teacher drink at game. FIRST step talk to the teacher about what is being said.
advocacy and support. make your voice heard in professional level. No child left behind. if it’s law you support.
school district will do away with grades and will go into a rubric based system. In may they voted. in august you support and are done with grades and go with rubrics.
Reasonable suspicion and probable cause
. Read eyes is reasonable suspicion. Less strict than probable cause (99%sure). Kid says he has gun in his locker. Principal and SRO officer go to locker. kids sues and win. Principal has to open the locker.
1st amendment limitations
we can limit speech if no educational benefit.
Survey on 3 worst teachers in in he school. you can say no no educational benefit
lau vs nicholds.
says you have to have ELD program for students that don’t have English as their second language.