CPA FAR - Governmental Flashcards
What are the characteristics of information in governmental financial reports?
- Understandability
- Reliability
- Relevance
- Timeliness
- Consistency
- Comparability
Information in financial reports should be expressed as simply as possible so the reports can be understood by individuals who may not have detailed knowledge of accounting principles.
Reports should be verifiable and free from bias and should faithfully represent the subject matter.
Note: This does not imply precision or certainty.
Information provided should have a close logical relationship to the purpose for which it is needed. This implies reported information will make a difference to users.
Reported information should be issued in time to have an effect on decisions. This may supersede absolute precision or detail.
The accounting principles used to prepare financial reports should not change year over year. Accounting principles relate to such issues as transaction valuation, basis of accounting, and the determination of the financial reporting entity.
Differences between financial reports should be due to substantive differences in underlying transactions or government structure rather than the selection of methods. AKA financial reports should be comparable.
What are the three fund categories?
- Governmental Funds
- Proprietary Funds
- Fiduciary Funds
What are the different funds that fall under the Governmental Fund?
- General Fund
- Special Revenue Funds
- Debt Service Funds
- Capital Projects Funds
- Permanent Funds
What is the General Fund?
The general fund is set up to account for the ordinary operations of a governmental unit that is financed from taxes and other general revenues. All transactions not accounted for in other funds are accounted for here.
What is the Special Revenue Fund?
The special revenue fund is set up to account for revenues from specific taxes or other earmarked sources that are restricted or committed to finance particular activities of government.
Taxes for a specific purpose
What is the Debt Service Fund?
The debt service fund is set up to account for the accumulation of resources and the payment of interest and principal on all “general obligation debt,” other than that serviced by enterprise funds or by special assessments in another fund.
What is the Capital Project Fund?
The capital project fund is set up to account for resources restricted, committed, or assigned for the acquisition or construction of major capital assets by a governmental unit, except those projects financed by an enterprise fund.
What is the Permanent Fund?
The permanent fund is used to report resources that are legally restricted to the extent that income, and not principal, may be used for purposes supporting the reporting government’s programs (i.e., for the benefit of the public).
Note: You can’t touch the principle but can use extra from funds gained in the investment.
How should Governmental Funds be accounted for?
Using the following:
- Modified accrual basis
- Current financial resources measurement focus (i.e., no long-term assets or liabilities)