CPA Excel Flashcards
What are the services for which a CPA firm is required to have a system of quality control?
Audits, attestation, compilation and review services (not applicable to tax or consulting services)
What is the auditor’s objective for audit planning as prescribed by the PCAOB’s Auditing Standard No. 9?
The objective is to plan the audit so that the audit is conducted effectively.
Give an example of a potential conflict of interest.
Providing tax or financial planning services for several members of a family who may have opposing interests.
How do the provisions of the AICPA Standard of Planning and Supervision apply to practitioners performing professional services?
The AICPA Standard of Planning and Supervision requires the practitioner to adequately plan and supervise the performance of professional services.
Define “variable fees.”
Fees that may vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of services rendered.
Under the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct, what actions should be taken by the member regarding commission or referral fees?
Accepting a permitted commission or referral fee must be disclosed to the client.
Define “material weakness” in internal control.
A deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, that creates a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the financial statements sill not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.
What does the acronym DOL stand for?
Department of Labor
What preconditions must exist for an auditor to accept an engagement to report on an entity’s MD&A presentation?
- Practitioner must have audited the annual financial statements for the latest period covered by the MD&A presentation.
- Any other financial statements involved must have been audited, or at least reviewed if they are interim financial statements, by the practitioner or a predecessor auditor.
Define “batch total.”
The sum of a particular field in a collection of items used as a control total to ensure that all data has been entered into a system.
What government body oversees the PCAOB?
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Is a public company required to rotate audit firms?
Sarbanes-Oxley does not require a public company to rotate audit firms.
List some controls that can be put in place / built into hardware and systems software.
- Parity check
- Echo check
- Diagnostic routines
- Boundary protection
What is meant by the term “related party”?
One party that controls or can significantly influence the management or operating policies of anther party
Describe the basic requirement associated with the PCAOB’s Auditing Standard No. 7, “Engagement Quality Review.”
PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 7 requires an engagement quality review and concurring approval before issuing the report for audit (or review) engagements conducted under PCAOB standards.
Define “deficiency in design.”
A deficiency that exists when a control necessary to meet the control objective is missing or when an existing control is not properly designed so that, even if the control operates as designed, the control objective is not always met
What are the objectives of transaction services?
To provide services related to a specific client transaction, generally with a third party
What is meant by the term “monitoring” (as is relates to internal controls)?
The policies and procedures involving the ongoing assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over time
List the circumstances that impact the extent of supervision as outlined in the PCAOB’s Auditing Standard No. 10.
- The size and complexity of the company
- Nature of the work assigned to engagement personnel
- Capabilities of each engagement team member
- The risks of material mistatement
List the types of activities to which independence rules do not apply under the principles of the Code of Professional Conduct.
- Tax work
- Consulting
What is the auditor’s basic audit planning responsibility?
The auditor should plan the audit (and design the required written audit program or plan) to be responsive to the auditor’s assessment of the risk of material misstatement.
What is the role of the Professional Ethics Executive Committee (PEEC)?
The Professional Ethics Executive Committee monitors International Federation of Accountants’ activities and gives the U.S. input to International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA).
List some internal control implications associated with an IT environment.
- Segregation of duties may be undermined (a disadvantage)
- Audit trail ma be lacking (a disadvantage)
- Computer processing is uniform (an advantage)
What is meant by the term “preconditions for an audit”?
The use by management of an acceptable financial reporting framework in the preparation of the financial statements and the agreement of management to the premise on which an audit is conducted
What comparisons should be made within the entity to ensure the appropriateness of payroll transactions?
- Payroll information should be periodically matched to information in personnel files.
- Payroll checks should be compared to entries on the payroll register.
- Amounts on the payroll register should be agreed to the applicable general ledger accounts.
In applying SSCS, why must a member performing consulting services use professional judgement?
Professional Judgement must be used in applying SSCS in a specific instance since the oral or written understanding with the client may establish constraints within which services are to be provided. For example, the understanding with the client may limit the practitioner’s effort with regard to gathering relevant data. The practitioner is not required to decline or withdraw from a consulting engagement when the agreed-upon scope of services includes such limitations.
List the fundamental principles of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) code.
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- Professional competence
- Due care
- Confidentiality
- Professional behavior
List the five principles and categories of criteria associated with Trust Services of SysTrust and WebTrust.
- Security
- Availability
- Processing integrity
- Confidentiality
- Privacy
What is the purpose of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?
The purpose is to address a series of perceived corporate misconduct and alleged audit failures Including Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom, among others) and to strengthen investor confidence in the integrity of the U.S. capital markets.
Define “application controls.”
Information processing controls that apply to the processing of specific computer applications (controls around input, processing, and output)
Define the term “significant risks.”
Risks that the auditor believes require special audit consideration
What periods should be covered in the management representations letters?
All periods included in the audit report
What is the effect of a limitation in the lawyer’s response to the letter of inquiry on the audit report?
This would be considered a scope limitation sufficient to prevent an unqualified opinion and likely resulting in a disclaimer of opinion.
What are risk assessment procedures?
Procedures performed to obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment, including internal control, to assess the risk of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
What type of assurance is associated with a review of an entity’s financial statements?
Negative assurance, which is considered a moderate level of assurance
What actions should an auditor consider when an illegal act has been detected?
- Gather additional evidence to determine relevant facts.
- Discuss the matter with the appropriate level of management.
- Consider consulting with the entity’s attorney and/or relevant specialists.
- Consider the implications to other audit areas.
List the types of physical safeguards used to protect data files.
- File labels
- File protection rings
- File protection plans
Define “close relatives” (as defined for independence purposes).
- Parent
- Sibling
- Non-dependent child
When engaged to audit financial statements that are prepared in accordance with a financial reporting framework generally accepted in another country for use solely outside the U.S., how is the Opinion paragraph of the auditor’s report affected?
The opinion would be changed as follows: “In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, … in accordance with (specify the financial reporting framework generally accepted) in (name of country).”
What is meant by the term “component” in connection with group financial statements?
An entity for which group or component management prepares financial information that is required by the applicable financial reporting framework to be included in the group financial; statements
List the two parameters of a normal distribution.
- Mean
2. Variance
What is the accountant’s responsibility for establishing an understanding regarding review engagements?
The accountant should establish an understanding about the engagement’s objectives, management’s responsibilities, the accountant’s responsibilities, and the limitations of the engagement, among other matters with management and document that in writing with an engagement letter.
What is the purpose of the review of interim financial information?
To provide the CPA with a basis for communicating an awareness of any material modifications that should be made to conform with the applicable financial reporting framework, such as GAAP or other applicable financial reporting framework
Describe an example of a conflict of interest according to the AICPA’s Interpretation 102-2.
A CPA performing a professional service has a significant relationship with another person, entity, product, or service that could be viewed as impairing the CPA’s objectivity.
Who are considered to be in a position to influence (PTI) as outlined in the Principles of the Code of Professional Conduct?
Those who:
- Evaluate the performance or recommend compensation of attest engagement partner (AEP)
- Directly supervise the AEP and all successively senior levels
- Consult with team during engagement
- Provide quality control or other oversight
What is the difference between an overall audit strategy and an audit plan?
An audit strategy deals with higher level issues, such as allocating audit resources, whereas an audit plan is more detailed and deals more specifically with the nature, timing, and extent of audit procedures to be performed.
List some benefits of an audit to a private company (also known as a nonissuer).
- More favorable cost of capital
- Insights into adequacy of internal controls
- Benchmark an entity’s performance with other similar entities
What is the effect on a compilation report if the accountant is not independent?
A compilation does not require independence, since no assurance is provided, but the compilation report must point out that fact when independence is lacking. The auditor may choose to add a single sentence to the end of the compilation report without further explanation as to the reason(s) for the impairment of independence; or may instead choose to disclose the reason(s) for the impairment of independence.
Who can be members of IFAC?
Accounting organizations such as the AICPA can be members of IFAC, but individual accountants cannot be members.
What is the role of the International Federation of Accountant’ (IFAC’s) Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB)?
The PIOB provides oversight to ensure that IFAC’s standards, including auditing standards and ethical standards, are responsive to the public interest and to enhance investor confidence in these standards.
What is meant by the term “applied criteria” in connection with summary financial statements?
The criteria applied by management in the preparation of the summary financial statements
What is meant by the term “positive confirmation”?
A response is requested whether or not the confirming party agrees with the entity’s recorded amount. A non-response indicates a “loose end” that must be resolved.
Give an example of an analytical procedure to evaluate wages and salaries payable at year-end.
The auditor might estimate the wages and salaries payable based on the number of days to be accrued relative to the payroll for a normal pay period.
What does the acronym AO stand for?
Auditing Organization
What is meant by the term “observable inputs”?
Assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability based on market data from sources independent of the reporting entity
List the advantages of narratives (memos) to document the auditor’s understanding of internal controls.
- Tailored to the client
- Can be as detailed or as general as desired
- Easy to prepare
- Easy to read
What interim standards were adopted by the PCAOB?
PCAOB adopted the AICPA auditing standards in existence on April 16, 2003, as “interim standards, on an initial transitional basis.”
Define “sampling.”
Application of an audit procedure to less than 100% of the items within an account balance or class of transactions for the purpose of evaluating some characteristic of the balance or class
What type of professional requirement is indicated by the word “must” in AICPA professional standards?
Unconditional requirement
Independence is impaired if an audit firm employee is approached by a client regarding a job, unless what actions are taken?
Required actions by the audit firm employee:
- Person promptly reports such offer; and
- Removes self from engagement until offer is rejected.
What is meant by the term “transaction cycle”?
A group of essentially homogeneous transactions, that is. transactions of the same type
List some examples of specialists.
Actuaries, appraisers, engineers, geologists, etc.
Identify three ways auditors might document their understanding of internal controls?
- Flowcharts of transaction cycles
- Internal control questionnaires
- Narrative write-ups (memos)
Who should be informed when fraud has occurred that is material (whether or not senior management is involved in the fraud)?
The auditor should inform those charged with governance.
What is the audit risk model that is applicable to classes of transactions or to account balances?
Audit Risk = Inherent Risk x Control Risk x Detection Risk
What is meant by the term “initial audit”?
The prior year’s financial statements have been audited by a predecessor auditor