CP Pg 1 Flashcards
Sanctioned for use by the Head of Operations, Electricity Transmission.
Card Safe
A lockable device for the secure retention of Safety Document(s) and the
associated Key Safe Key(s).
Caution Notice
A notice conveying a warning against interference which shall be attached at all
Points of Isolation.
At a voltage when Isolated from the System by induction or a retained charge
due to capacitive effects
Circuit Identification
Colours/ symbols used to identify OHL circuits/ Equipment.
Confirmation CPS before the issue of a Safety
Document, that safety precautions have been carried out on the correct
Equipment and that procedures have been put in place to maintain these until
the Safety Document is cancelled
A risk to health, or bodily injury.
Not electrically Live or Charged.
Where the contents of the Equipment are adjusted and maintained at a level
which avoids Danger.
Connected to earth by means of an Earthing Device
Earthing Device
A means of providing a connection between an electrical conductor and earth
Primary Earth
A type registered fixed or portable Earthing
Device applied to an electrical conductor to
protect against inadvertent energisation
Drain Earth
A type registered fixed or portable Earthing
Device applied to electrical Equipment for the
purpose of protection against Charged
Equipment and management of circulating
Earthing Schedule
Drain Earth requirements for each stage of work.
Electrical and mechanical operational assets to which the Safety Rules apply.