CP from notecards Flashcards
When does the Economic Community End?
Permanent physical separation
Intent not to resume the marital relation
Rule for Inter Vivos & Testamentary Gifts of CP?
Neither SPo can make a gift of CP w/o the other’s consent (in writing).
–> ( Power to manage ≠ Power to give away)
If H makes an Inter Vivos Gift of their CP w/o W’s consent, what can she do?
- Set the gift aside in its entirety (now)
- On divorce, take equal offsetting CP assets to recover her 1/2 CP
- On Death, set gift aside as to her 1/2 CP.
What if H makes an inter vivos transfer of their life insurance?
Same as for gifts.
What happens to CP on divorce?
Absent property settlement agreement, all CP must be divided equally.
What are the Exceptions to the general rule that CP is divided equally on divorce?
Economic Circumstances Exception
- Family Residence
- Closely Held Corporation
- Pension
Statutory Exceptions
- if one Misappropriates CP
- Incurred Educational Expenses (treated as SP)
- Tort L not based on activity for Community Benefit.
- Personal Injury (is CP but on divorce awarded to injured)
- “Negative Community” –> where Liabilities > Assets. Relative ability to pay debts considered.
For which property is there a SEPARATE PROPERTY Presumption?
- Property acquired before marriage or after permanent separation
- by Gift Will or Inheritance
- with the Expenditure of Separate Funds
- Rents, Issue, Profits derived from SP
How to characterize Acquisitions on Credit during Marriage?
Community Credit Presumption:
“Funds borrowed during marriage and goods purchased during marriage are presumptively community credit.”
However, borrowed funds/credit purchases are classified according to the INTENT of the LENDER.
- personal trustworthiness–> CP
- mortgage on land H owns as SP–> SP
- primarily at credit standing of W –> SP
What about altering the characterization of assets by agreement between the parties?
Parties may opt out of CP & SP characterizations by agreement, either as to particular assets or all acquisitions.
1. Premarital Agreement
2. Transmutation (agmt during marriage to change characterization of asset)
Defenses to Premarital Agreements?
1. Not voluntarily signed (PRESUMED, unless: i) separate legal counsel ii) 7 days to sign iii) if no #1, fully informed in writing (native language)
- Unconscionable
- - Spousal support: unenforceable if:
1) no independent legal counsel
2) provision unconscionable at time of signing
- - - SOF (see next card)
Must a Premarital Agreement be in writing?
Yes. Must be in writing, signed by both partners. No oral agreements.
1. Oral agreement is fully performed.
2. Estoppel based on detrimental reliance.
What duties do a H&W owe each other?
Duty of GF & Fair Dealing
If one spouse gains an advantage from a transaction, a presumption of UNDUE INFLUENCE arises.
That spouse has burden to prove she did not breach her FD.
Is a negligent investment of community funds a breach of FD?
No, but a GROSSLY negligent investment of Community Funds is.
Examples of title taken in “JOINT AND EQUAL” form?
“H+W Smith”
“H+W Smith, husband and wife”
“Mr+Mrs Smith”
“H+W Smith, as JT’s”
What happens on DEATH if CP acquired in “Joint and Equal” form was improved with SP?
Death: like Lucas.
Unless agreement, no SP ownership interest, no reimbursement.
What happens on DIVORCE if CP acquired in “Joint and Equal” form was improved with SP?
Ownership: Unless agmt or statement in title instrument, no SP instrument.
Reimbursement: YES reimbursement for DIP.
(Down Payment
Principal Payments)
What is “Tracing” or “The Source Rule”?
In order to determine the character of any asset, courts will trace back to the source of funds used to acquire the asset.
A mere change in form doesn’t change its characterization.
Property Acquired w/ CP & SP Funds (& no title presumption applies)
Apportion the interests according to their contribution.
E.g.: House bought w/SP. Mortgage paid off w/CP.
Property Acquired w/CP & SP Funds – & Title taken in JOINT AND EQUAL form
Death: like Lucas.
Unless agreement, no SP ownership interest, no reimbursement.
Ownership: Unless agmt or statement in title instrument, no SP instrument.
Reimbursement: YES reimbursement for DIP.
(Down Payment
Principal Payments)
CP used to improve SP
No pro rata ownership
NOT if CP used by spouse to benefit OTHER spouse’s CP
YES if CP used by spouse to benefit his own SP.
… reimbursement to CP is then the greater of cost of improvement vs increase in value of SP.
What if Title was taken IN ONE SPOUSE’S NAME only?
Asset titled in one spouse’s name does NOT overcome the community presumption.
EXCEPT: Married Woman’s Special Presumption.
Assets acquired before 1975 with CP in wife’s name only are presumed to be a gift to her & SP.
What is the Married Woman’s Special Presumption?
Assets acquired before 1975 with CP in wife’s name only are presumed to be a gift to her & SP.
When does the Married Woman’s Special Presumption apply?
- Title taken in W’s name alone before 1975.
- Title in name of W+H before 1975 but title NOT taken “in JT,” “husband and wife” or “Mr & Mrs”.
- Title in name of W+3rd Party before 1975.
(W is T/C with 3rd party)