Manufacturer: USCG OTH Mark IV
SAFE BOATS International
Secured All-round Floatation Equipped
Maximum Person Capacities per Placard
13 Persons or 2860 LBS
HP of Engine per Console Placard
600 HP
Length Overall (bucket up) (Specs)
25’ 5-1/8”
Length Overall (bucket down) (Specs)
25’ 9”
Length at the Waterline (Specs)
20’ 9-3/16”
Beam (Specs)
Operational Draft (Specs)
28 Inches
Weight of Boat (Specs)
7,400 LBS
Fuel Capacity Operating (Specs)
100 Gallons (operational)
Height Mast Raised (Specs)
Diesel Fuel Types (Specs)
1D & 2D, JetA, A-1, JP5/JP8
Crew Capacity (Specs)
Passenger Capacity (Specs)
8 (220lbs ea)
Maximum allowable weight with Cargo (Specs)
3,119 LBS
Engine per Boat Operators Handbook (Specs)
Cummins QSB 6.7 480HP Inboard Diesel
Waterjet (Specs)
Hamilton HJ292 waterjet
Fuel Tank Capacity Total (Specs)
114 Gallons, Twin 57 Gal tanks.
Maximum Speed (Specs)
40 Kts
Cruise Speed (Specs)
25 Kts
Cruise RPM (Specs)
2600 RPM
Max Draft (Specs)
28” (static)
Max Winds (Specs)
30 Kts
Max Wave Height (Specs)
11 FT
Max Air temp to operate (Specs)
Max Sea temp to operate (Specs)
Towing Capacity (Specs)
3,000 lbs (urgent sar only)
Spacing of transverse frames?
24” at 0.19” thickness.
Hull Material?
5086 H116 Aluminum plated.
Hull design?
Deep-V Monohull.
Single Planning Chine, with 3 Performance Strakes port and starboard.
How many watertight compartment?
2, separated by bulkhead/frame #14
Does the MKIV have a beaching plate?
Yes, 1/4” Thick, 6” Wide.
Welded from frame 14-21-1/2, including transom
Are there floatation bags installed for capsizing/filled with water?
Yes, Closed Cell Polyethylene Foam bags installed in multiple locations to provide sufficient displacement. When vessel is filled with water.
What’s the range the OTH MKIV can go with 100 gallons of operable fuel?
227NM at cruise speed.
How many cleats is the MKIV equipped with?
2 (10” aluminum cast)
Where is the Raymarine Compass Heading Sensor located?
forward of the sea strainers, in the sea strainer deck hatch, starboard centerline.
What is the Cold-Cranking Amps of the Vessel’s Batteries?
Cold Crank-750
What side is the FireBoy Suppression System Mounted
Starboard Side, aft battery bay
Where is the seawater (raw-water) inlet valve to supply water to the strainers and engine located, and what color is the handle?
in the console deck hatch, below the coxswain seat. handle is blue.
What is in the Waterjet Access Hatch?
waterjet, steering actuator, reversing actuator, waterjet hydraulic pump, aft bilge pump, fuel tank cross connect valve, impeller inspection hatch cover.
Where are the fuel/water separators located?
Port, aft transom compartment
What is in the Starboard Aft Transom Compartment?
Isolation Transformer (bluebox), HF antenna coupler, galvanic isolator (whitebox), and addition weather tight storage.
How many sling attachment points are on the OTH MKIV
4 (two fwd/two aft)
How many dual-point davits are on the OTH MKIV
2 (fwd/aft)
What is the name of the structure/fitting that the stern launch recovery strap catches on?
Bow Horn
What is located on the transom of the OTH MKIV
Bilge Pump Discharge, Exhaust Seawater Discharge, 2 Deck Aft Drain Discharges.
How large is the seawater intake on the hull
2” round, 13” from centerline (aft frame 8)
Port-side Battery Bank Powers what?
Stbd-side Battery Bank Powers what?
How many battery switches are there?
3 // house, interconnect, and engine
What side is the DC breaker panel?
What type of strainers does the MKIV have?
What type of shock mitigating seats does the MKIV have?
Shockwave Jockey S3, with FOX shock
Where is the AIS unit located?
inside the Console Hatch
What how many modes can the AIS transmit
secured, unsecured, transmit only
What function button do you click on AIS to select secured/unsecured tx
FUNC+6 then select side arrow.
How often are AIS code/keysets entered
1st Day of the month.
How many primary CG Zones does the VHF Motorola provide.
2 CG zones (CG1/CG2)
If your underway and the incorrect keyset is selected, What soft key allows you to select the appropriate month.
hold (SEC) about 3 seconds then select 1 of 2 loaded keysets. Do not request to key or OTAR.
How often are radio codes entered?
first Monday of every month.
What is OTH MKIV Callsign
What is WPC callsign
Maximum Seas allowable to launch OTH
8’ Seas
Maximum allowable seas to operate an asset with a basic coxswain letter.
10FT seas.
What does the “Black-Out” Switch de-energize?
Navigation Lights Deck Lights Flood Lights Instrument Lights Law Enforcement Strobe Horn/portable search light charger
How thick is the windscreen shielding on the console?
1/4” acrylic
How many Bilge Pumps are installed?
What does the green indicator light on the bilge panel represent?
bilge pump is active/energized.
What does the red indicator light on the bilge panel represent?
bilge pump senses high water
Rates of suction for MKIV Bilge Pumps
2000 GPH, Forward Bilge
2000 GPH, Midship Bilge
500 GPH, Aft Bilge
Specs of Hand Bilge Pump “thirsty mate”
Manual, 18” Length, 5 Gallons per Minute (ten strokes a gallon)
Describe Fireboy Suppression System
Fireboy-Xintex Automatic Fire Exting. System. Holds 7.6 pounds of heptafluoropropane in the cyclinder.
What temperature is the Fireboy activated?
175°F at temperature sensor located underside of console structure.
Upon activation of Fireboy, what happens?
Pressure drop on cylinder activates the engine shutdown system and cuts fuel to the diesel engine.
How do you restart the engine post Fireboy employment
Switching the toggle or override bottom (depending on switch model) on fireboy control to “override control”
Aside from temperature, how can the Fireboy be activated?
manually pulling the pin and then the manual red handle by the coxswain chair on the port side of helm console.
How large is the fire inspection port and where is it located?
2.7” diameter
located on the starboard side where the console meets the benchseat access hatch.
How many fire extinguishers are located on the OTH MKIV?
TWO, Monoammonium Phosphate Dry Chems
(Anchor Locker/hatch & centerline aft seating)
Each has 2.75 lbs of extinguishing agent.
How long is the Boat Hook?
3’-1/2” collapsed, 8 FT extended reach.
How large is the life ring?
24” with marker light.
Anchor Specs
Fortress FX7 4LBS
6FT Anchor Rode/Chain(1/4”) and a 150FT of Line (5/8”_
Driveshaft Material
Carbon Composite
What direction does the engine turn the shaft?
counter clockwise (facing flywheel)
Minimum Temperature of Jacket Water
Gallon Consumption Rate at Max RPM/Speed
25.4 GAL per hour, 3300RPM
How long are you allowed to operate full power?
rated/limited to one hour, every eight hours of operation.
Gallon Consumption Rate at “Endurance Rpm”
10.4 GAL per hour, 2550RPM (cruise)
Minimum Low Idle Speed (RPM)
600RPM +/- 10
Engine Lube Oil Capacity (Quarts)
17.6 Quarts (16.7 Liters)
SAE 15W-40 Oil
Minimum Lube Oil Pressure (PSI)
Minimal Lube Oil Pressure at Max Speed (PSI)
40 PSI
Maximum Lube Oil Temperature
Lube Oil Filter Holds how many Quarts of Oil
1 Quart
Describe how the engine cooling system works on the OTH MKIV
seawater enters through fitting (2”) -> Sea Strainers -> Fuel Oil Cooler -> Engine, cools jacket water -> reduction gear oil -> fuel return to tanks -> ending with exhaust discharge.
Maximum Sea Water (raw water) pump pressure
20 PSI, gauge located on port side console.
Sea Water (Raw Water) cooling capacity/amount in the system when running
7 gallons
Range of Jacket Water Temps (including max)
regulated 160-180 degrees (max 205°F)
How long is the OTH MKIV designed to run the engine idle while out of the water.
30 minutes (per operators handbook section 3-9) including a 3/4” garden hose fitting.
How many modes can the Transmission (ZF280) engage?
3 modes.
Neutral, Engine Rotation, Counter Engine Rotation
Transmission Specs
Ratio 1:300
Oil type: SAE30, 1.3 Gallons
Clutch Pressure: 23 PSI