Coxswain Board Flashcards
What are our outlying units?
DET Sandy Hook
CGC Bainbridge Island
CGC Hawser
CGC Katherine Walker
CGC Line
CGC Penobscot Bay
CGC Sailfish
CGC Sturgeon Bay
STA Sandy Hook
STA Kings Point
STA Jones Beach
STA Shark River
ANT Saugertis
What are the two ways to re-right a vessel?
Trailer eye bolt
What are “poor conditions” defined as?
Greater than 15 kt winds
Greater than 3 foot seas
What are the phases of SAR?
Uncertainty- knowledge of a situation
Alert- May need assistance, use apprehension
Distress-require immediate response grave/imminent danger.
Victor Sierra
Sector Search
Start 30 degrees to the right when you do another search
90 degrees to the left for a multi-unit search
Track spacing for a piw 0.1 NM
When a MARB is issued, how long do you have to respond
10 min
Can you relieve a tow?
Yes. For any safety concerns or issues.
Ungrounding a vessel. What’s going through your head?
CO permission
Owner takes full liability over the radio
Brief over radio
Heaving line ready to throw
Is it high tide or low tide? Can we wait?
What’s the bottom type
POB. Any safety or medical concerns
What are your 10 factors?
Forecasted weather
Ability of the vessels comms
POB (age-medical issues)
Type/size of vessel
Food/water onboard
Degree of concern of safety for POB
Will the situation worsen?
What are our Nav Zones?
1- J bay
2- Staten Island
3- Manhattan
4- Upper Bay
Where are our boat haul outs?
Sandy Hook
Great Kills
FDNY M6 (Brooklyn Navy Yard)
Cheesequake Creek
Lawrence Harbor- Lockwood boat works
Kingsboro comm college
NYPD near triboro bridge
Boat ramps in our AOR
Liberty Landing
Palisades park ramp. NJ side of GWB
Floyd Bennet
Sandy Hook
Great Kills Park
Station NY
Elizabeth marina
Carterett Marina
Where is Jersey City FD located?
Liberty Landing Marina
Where are the NJ state police located?
Liberty Landing Marina
Elis Island
Saugertis River
Where are the Park Police located?
Elis Island
Liberty Island
Battery Park
CG Rockaway Sta
All FDNY Harbor units
Marine 1- Chelsea Pier
Marine 3- sheepshead Bay
Marine 6- Wallabout Bay
Marine 9- Homeport pier
Seasonal at Great Kills Harbor
NYPD harbor units located?
Harbor Adam- Shellbank Basin
Harbor Charlie- Bay Ridge (
Harbor David- Entrepid
Harbor George- LaGuardia
NYPD Haulout- near triboro
What are the Coney Island beaches?
Parachute Tower (Ferris wheel)
Brighton beach
Manhattan beach
What are all the Staten Island beaches?
South Beach
Midland beach
New Dorp beach
Oak wood Beach
Other bridges in our AOR
VZ- Narrows
Tappenzee (Cuomo)
Sputyn Duyvil
KV Train Bridge
Gil Hodges Mem. (Marine terminal bridge)
Cross Bay bridge
Newark Bay
Lehigh valley train bridge
Hospital ER accessible by water in AOR
Staten Island university (south beach)
NYC heath (sheepshead bay)
NYU Langone (harbor Charlie, 115 marina)
St. John’s (J Bay)
Hackensack Meridian (Palisades, NJ)
Bellevue (23rd st Marina, east river)
Jacobi med center (Bronx)(decompression chamber is here)
Where are our no wake zones?
Columbia university docks
Peter jay sharp boat house
Elizabeth marina
Where are our caution areas?
Jersey flats
Bay Ridge
Channels between Ellis island and robbins reef
What are our boundaries (need CO approval)?
Whitehall, NY (60NM past Albany)
Crooks pt. To rockaway inlet LT. 4
RFK- triboro bridge
What are the J Bay restricted channels?
( very sad boat now)
Vernam basin
Sommorville basin
Barbados basin
Norton basin
Pumpkin patch ch.
big fish kill ch.
runaway ch.
What are our restricted areas and what min fixes do we need to take?
6 min fixes
North of the tapenzee bridge
Conrail swing bridge in Hackensack river
Point no point bridge Passaic
Lawrence harbor (en route to boat haul out at Lockwood boat works)
Area around Rikers island & LaGuarda airport
What is the LOA on the 29’
What is the length at the water line for the 29’
26’ 2”
What is the LOA on the trailer for the 29’
36’ 10”
What is the beam overall for the 29’
8’ 5”
What is the operational draft of the 29’ engines down vertical in the water.
2’ 9”
What is the draft with engines up for the 29’
1’ 7”
What is the height of the 29’ while on the trailer with the radar mast in the stowed position?
10’ 4”
What is the the height on the trailer with the radar mast in deployed position on the 29’
13’ 4”
Seating on the 29’
4 in pilot house 2 aux (passenger seats) 6 total.
Props for the 29’
3 blade fixed pitch (18”)
Solas Lexor
What is the vessel weight. Fully outfitted with NO crew for the 29’
What is the vessels MAX weight, fully outfitted 4 crew and 6 passengers?
What is the max speed of the 29’
45 kts
What is the crushing speed of the 29’
25 kts
What is the max range at cruising speed for the 29’
200 NM
Max operating winds for the 29’
Max operating seas for the 29’
6 ft.
Fuel tank capacity for the 29’
110 gal. Gas
3 gal diesel for the pilot house heater
Towline feel on the 29’
Outfitted with 150’ of DBN 3/4” tow line w/ 12” eyes spliced at each end.
Cleats on the 29’
Equipped with 6, 10” mooring cleats rated at a pull strength of 6,000 lbs
Tow bits
Equipped with 2 towing bitts. One on the bow and stern. Pull strength of 8000 lbs.
Batteries on the 29’
Equipped with 3, 12VDC batteries
2 are located inside the stbd aft laz space. Port and stbd engine starting batteries.
1 is located inside the main cabin which supports the house and electronic loads.
Bilge pumps on the 29’
Equipped with 2 bilge pumps.
1- 2000 GPH located in aft bilge
2- 1,100 GPH located inside of the sump pump box
Trim tabs 29’
Running in rough water like a chop or heavy sea, press the “bow down” this will bring the V of the hull in contact with the waters rather than have the waves pound the hull.
Following seas or running an inlet, the trim tabs should be fully retracted for maximum control and maneuvering.
Fuel valve shut offs on the 29’
Equipped with 3 per engine for a total of 6 shut off valves. 2 are mounted on the fuel tank top plate and 1 per engine
Max towing capacity for the 29’
10 tons
What are the 3 types of hulls
2 types of keels
Flat plate
Approaching for towing
Keep your bow to the elements at all times
Set up down swell (runway)
Optimum position. Tow point to tow point
Also can use the stern approach in smaller calm seas
What is the danger zone when towing
Leeward of vessel
Opening and closing maneuvers in towing
Greater angle = greater distance
Opening by pivoting
Opening by backing
What is the brief you shall give while towing.
After your ISS, establish comms with the vessel. Make secondary comms just in case. PFDs for everyone. Stay clear of bow. Intended route. Weather. Destination. Backing plates or welded cleats? Steering. Lighting and sound signals. Emergencies or distress.
Safe tow speed.
About 6 knots
1.34 X square root of the length of vessels at waterline -10%
Downed Helo
Yellow tabs on doors will release pins to doors
Floatation will deploy on impact
Top heavy. Will cause it to capsize
Tow using cutter tie downs after pilot doors
Define datum
The most probable location of a search object corrected for set and drift
What is rule 5
Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing as well as all available means so as to make a full appraisal of the situation
As low and far forward as possible.
Rule 6
Safe speed
Every shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
The factors taken into account determining safe speed are
State of visibility
Traffic density
Maneuverability of the vessel in relation to stopping distance
Background lighting
The state of wind sea and current
Draft in relation to available water depth
Additionally with vessels with operational radar…
Rule 18
Responsibility between vessels
(Often non rates can fool senior people sometimes wow)
Not under command
Constrained by draft
Sea plane
Rule 19
Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
Proceed at a safe speed
Have your engines ready for immediate maneuver
If you detect a vessel by radar, take action
Avoid turning to port for a vessel on the port side
Come to bare steerageway if needed
What are your coxswain responsibilities?
Coxswains shall be responsible for the safety and conduct of all crew members and passengers. The safe operation and navigation of the vessel assigned. Completion of all missions and sorties. A coxswain shall respond to all hazards to life and property. All violations of federal laws and regulations. Verify and report discrepancies to AtoN.
Who can relive a coxswain?
Senior officer/coxswain on scene
When can the coxswain leave the boat
Operational benefits must outweigh the risk
Every effort is made to receive concurrence of the OPCON
What shall coxswains do per the Nav Standards
Apply safe speed at all times
Daily and if practicable prior to mooring,conduct a steering and prop test
Conduct a boat crew brief prior to entering restricted waters
Act and perform in a professional manner
What are our AOR boundaries
Need to notify CO when a departure from these boundaries happen
South of Arthur kills to the outer bridge crossing
North on the Hudson to Whitehall, NY (60 miles north of Albany)
North on the East river to the RFK (triborough bridge)
North of a line drawn from rockaway inlet breakwater light 4 and crooks point at great kills harbor
Restricted Navigation Areas
Vernam basin, Barbadoes Basin, Norton Basin, Somerville Basin, pumpkin patch channel, big fish kill channel, and the raunt in J Bay
North of the point no point swing bridge in the Passaic river
North of the conrail bridge in Hackensack river
North of the tapenzee bridge on the Hudson
Cheesequake creek (Laurence harbor) en route to the boat haulout at lockwood
Federally designated anchorages
Bay ridge
Anchorages 20 A-G (west side of Anchorage channel from Ellis island to robins reef- large number of unlit buoys in this anchorage. Primarily tug and barge anchorage
What is the depth offset for the 29
-1.5 ft.
What is the depth alarm for the 29
3’ 4”
What it the safety depth for shoal water
6 ft.
No wake zones in our AOR
Near any piers walls or bridges. Entrance to and within marinas.
Peter J sharp boathouse
Muscota Marsh/Columbia university
Helmet and seatbelt policy
Rbs 2 operating in seas 5 ft or greater high speed maneuvers may be needed
Security zone enforcement
Whenever the coxswain seems it necessary
What is our cross track error
.025 (50 yds each side 100 left to right)
What are your high risk hours?
When do we get a disabled boat underway
For a haul out.
We need a waiver from Small boat product line
What are operational waivers
Things like operational parameters. PPE. Fatigue.
So CO can approve PPE
Weather and fatigue- OPCOM
Who approves a Restricted waiver?
Engineering Waiver
EPO sends and email request via Small boat product line
Who grants restrictive discrepancies
What needs to be entered into almis for an op waiver?
Mitigating factors
For a discrepancy what needs to be put into almis
Change asset status
A disableing casualty happens UW. Who can grant the waiver to RTB
Can you get boat in NMCM underway without a waiver
Yes. To effect a repair.
But not with NMCR
What are some restricted casualties on the RBS?
What are some major discrepancies on the 29
What are some disableing casualties
What is the PEACE model and what does it access?
Asset boat resources
Helps to mitigate the risk.
Inland rules, 2 vessels meeting shall signal intentions by what distance?
.5 NM
When as a coxswain shall you notify the CO?
If you are going to exit the AOR for any reason
Any risk to persons, asset or environment
High GAR
Mission aborted due to risk
Weather parameters exceeded
Fatigue limits reached
Restrictive or disabeling casualty
Loss of comms over 30 min
Media inquiries
Inter-angency requests
What two Nav alarms shall you check before getting underway?
XTE- set at 50 yds
Depth sounder Fathometer offset
Set at -1.5 ft.
Cruising speed for RBS
3520 RPM at 25 kts
What are the 5 phases of SAR
Initial action
Makeup of SAR
Sar coordinator- district commander
SMC- captain merchant and senneck, commander Saunders
CC watch
What is the staar model and what does it do?
Spread out
You use this to mitigate high risk using the peace model. So for example you would apply STAAR when you have a high in a certain category.
4 channels that make up j bay loop
Island channel (left side)
North channel