Coxswain Flashcards
Coxswain Qual
What are the Coxswain roles and responsibilities?
- Safety and conduct of passengers and crew.
- Safe operation and and navigation of assigned asset.
- Completion of mission and or sortie undertaken, pursuant of Coast Guard policy and regulations
- Coxswain underway, shall at all times respond, within unit’s the limits and capabilities and legal authority to observe hazards to life or property
- Violations of laws or regulations.
Where can you find the Coast Guard Savage Policy?
US Coast Guard SAR Addendum 4
Can the Coast Guard fight fires?
When independent; Coast guard personnel shall not actively engage in independent fire fighting operations except to:
• save a life or
• in the early stages of a fire to adverts a significant through it without undue risk.
With Commercial Fire Fighters, Coast Guard personnel should not actively engage in firefighting operations except:
• in support of a firefighting agency under the supervision of a NFPA fire officer.
What is Dead Reckoning?
Dead reckoning is the process of determining one’s present position by projecting course(s) and speed(s) from a known past position, And predicting a future position by projecting course(s) and speed(s) from a known present position.
What is Datum?
Datum is the most probable location of a search object, corrected for set and drift over time.
What is set and drift?
Set - The direction of a search object over time. Refers to an external force direction.
Drift - the speed of a search object over time. Refers to an external forces speed.
What are the rules for dead reckoning?
- At least every hour on the hour.
- After every change of course or speed.
- After every fix or running fix.
- After plotting a single line of position
What is “taking my departure” ?
“Taking my departure” is the last visual fix, while clearing a harbor.
What is a estimate position?
Go see Datum..
What is Leeward?
Leeward is the direction a search object or your vessel is being pushed.
What is warranted risk?
Coast guard operations are inherently complex, dynamic, dangerous, and by their nature, involve the acceptance of some level of risk. Wanted risk is a deviation from normal operations when the gain outweighs the risk of safely completing the operation. Boat crews are authorized to deviate from the standards found in the instructions only:
• After the risk has been evaluated to the fullest extent possible.
• All members of the boat crew are fully engaged.
•The gain outweighs the risk of the operation .
Reference: Nav Standards Part 2, Chapter 2, Paragraph A.2 of ref(b).
What is rule 14 of the Nav Rules?
Rulw 14 is Head-on situation and the rules that must be met are;
- Both Vessels must be Power-Driven - On reciprocal or near reciprocal courses to invoke risk of collision. - Both sidelights(112.5 DoV) and masthead lights(225 DoV) are visible.
Both vessels shall alther course to STBD and pass each other PORT to PORT.
Where does a Coxswain get his/her authority?
COMDINST M5000.3B stating;
The Coxswain is the direct representative of the commanding officer or officer in charge and as such (Subject to articles 88-91 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice) has authority and responsibility which are independent of rank or seniority in relation to other personal embarked. The coxswain authority and responsibility exist only when the boat is engaged on a specific sortie or mission(s). The only persons who can relieve the coxswain of the responsibilities above are:
• Commanding officer or Officer in charge.
• Executive officer or Executive petty officer.
• Senior officer afloat at the scene of distress.
What is your South AOR?
- Saint Joseph Pierheads
- Silver beach
- Lyons park
- Saint Joseph water plant
- Westview apartments
- Scenic overlook/Holiday Inn
- Lakeshore condos
- Churchill farms
- Glenlord Beach
- Chalets
- Grandmere dunes
- DC cook nuclear power plant
- Weko beach
- Warren dunes
- Cherry beach
What is your North AOR?
Saint Joseph pierheads Tiscornia Beach Jean klock park Rocky gap park World pool wall Hagar park Lake Michigan Beach Palisades nuclear power plant Van Buren state park Southaven pierheads Douglas Saugatuck
What is the Coast Guard’s Commercial Savage Policy?
- When commercial salvors are on scene performing salvage, Coast Guard units may assist them within the unit’s capabilities, if salvors requests.
- When commercial salvors are not on scene Coast Guard Guard units should only engage in salvage other than towing, when limited salvage operations can prevent a worsening situation or complete loss of vessel.
What is the OVERALL LENGTH of the 45?
What is the BEAM on the 45?
What is the DRAFT of the 45?
What is the freeboard in the 45?
Bow - 4’9
Recess/beam - 1’11
Aft - 2’11
What is the highest FIXED POINT and UNFIXED POINT on the 45?
Fixed is RADAR antenna, 13’1
Unfixed is Mast, 20’9
What is the 45 FRAME spacing?
24 inches between frame 2 and the transom.
28 inches between all the frames forward of frame 2.
What is rule 7 of the Nav Rules?
Risk of Collision. Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of collision exists.
- If you are in doubt as to it existing, you shall assume it does. - CBDR, Constant Bearing Decreasing Range.
What is rule 8 of the Nav Rules?
Actions to Avoid Collision.
- Action shall be made in ample time. - With due regard for seamanship. - Course and Speed alterations shall be large enough to be readily apparent to other vessels.
What is rule 6 of the Nav Rules?
Safe Speed. Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stooped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
(M)aneuverability (T)raffic density (V)isibility (B)acklighting (N)avigational hazards and sea state. (D)raft
Vessels W/radar shall additionally be mindful of;
(C)characteristics, efficiency, and limitations of radar.
(R)adar range scale constraints.
(E)ffect on radar detection of sea state, weather, etc.
(P)ossibility of smaller vessels, and debris undetected by radar.
(E)xact assessment of visibility.
(N)umber of vessels detected by radar?
What are the crew fatigue standards as defined?
Size Less than 4ft. More than 4ft. Heavy WX(8FT)
40’+ 10 hrs. 8 hrs. 6 hrs.
30’-39’ 8 hrs. 6 hrs. -
Less than. 8 hrs. - -
What is SAR?
The use of available resources to assist persons and property in potential or actual distress.
What are some examples of Potentoal distress?
Flare sighting, Overdue cases, etc.
What is a SMC?
SAR Mission Coordinator. They are designated to manage each SAR mission and to coordinate resources. The Direct representative of the District Commander (CG Addendum . It will typically be Sector (Lake Michigan) level.
What is an SC?
SAR Coordinator. Has overall responsibility of designating and establishing RCC’s as neccessary and providing and arranging for SAR services with U.S search and rescue region. SMC(Sector Lake Michigan) is the direct representative. This is District (9) level.
What is an OSC?
On-Scene Coordinator. Designated to coordinate SAR operations within a specified search area.
- Most capable person available on-scene. Senior Coxswain.
What is a SRU?
Search and Resue Unit. Trained personnel with equipment suitable for the conduct of SAR. The Boat Crew, or Aircraft Crew, Sheriff Boat etc.
What is the Coast Guard response time?
2 hours calculated from time of notification to the arrival of the unit SRU, based on environmental conditions which allow for operation of the SRUs at their top cruise speed, including 30 minute preparation time.
What is A.I.P.O.C?
It is the five stages of SAR. Its and acronym that stands for
Initial Actions.
What are the 3 Phases of SAR?
What is the UNCERTAINTY phase?
Knowledge of a situation that may need to be monitored, or to have more information gathered, but that does not require moving resources.
What is the ALERT phase?
When a craft or person is experiencing some difficulty and may need assistance, but is not in immediate danger or in need of immediate response. (I.e DAs )
What is the DISTRESS phase?
When grave or imminent danger requiring immediate response to the distress scene threatens a craft or person.
What should you do without tasking from SMC (Sector)?
You should call on-scene and report on-scene conditions, calculate set and drift and conduct an Expanding Square (SS) Search.
What is the track spacing for a PIW in Good conditions?
0.1 nautical miles or 200 yards. The same in Bad Conditions (Over 15kt winds and 3 ft seas).
What is the track spacing for a Vessel less than 15 ft?
In Good Conditions, your track spacing is 0.5 nautical miles( or 1000 yards),
And in Bad Conditions, 0.2 nautical miles ( 400 yards).
What is the track spacing for a vessel greater than 15 ft?
In Good Conditions, your track spacing is 1.0 nautical miles ( 2,000 nautical miles).
In Bad Conditions, it’s 0.5 nautical miles (1,000 yards).
What is the SAR “Chain of Command”?
SC - SAR Coordinator (District 9 Level).
SMC - SAR Mission Coordinator (Sector Lake Michigan Level).
OSC - On-Scene Coordinator (Senior Cox’n Level).
SRUs - Search and Rescue Units (Boat Crew Level).
What is Hard Chine Lock Up?
It’s best described as the boat heeling over 50-80 degrees onto a false keel. It is caused by the speed of a vessel (typically the 47’ MLBs) and it’s relative angle to the swell.
What are some corrective actions for hard chine lock up?
Corrective action shall be to immediately reduce power to return the boat back to it’s true keel. If ineffective;
(1) “High Side Throttle” Method. Reducing the engine RPMs and then increase them on the throttle away from the heel.
(2) “Turn in, turn out” Method. Rotate helm in the direction of the heel, then immediately back to center. This will likely rock the boat back to it’s TRUE keel.
Initial actions for STIKING A SUBMERGED OBJECT in the 45 RBM.
- Reduce Engine RPMs and Disengage.
- Notify Crew of Situation
- Verify position, depth of water, evaluates situation with crew. And briefs OPCON.
- Conduct Steering Checks
- WHILE DISENGAGED, check RPMs on both engines, not to exceed 1000 rpms.
- If crew is in jeopardy, RTB at reduced speed or coordinate with OPCON for aid.
FIRE in the engine room of 45 RBM
- Reduce engine RPMs
- Notify Crew
- Verify position and contact OPCON.
- Coxn secure both engines with red button, then fuel shutoff handles.
- Coxswain activates FM-200 fire suppression system.
- Discuss relocating P-6 Pump and establish a fire watch.
- Coordinate with Station for a tow.
FOULED waterjets on 45 RMB.
Reduce speed to idle and disengage both engines
Notify crew
While crewman looks, backflush both engines (one at a time and not to exceed 1200 rpms)
Engage one at time and increase rpms to determine affected engine
Secure affected engine and return to port in transit mode.
FIRE in the auxiliary compartment on 45 RBM.
Reduce engine rpms and disengage both engines
Notify crew
Verify position, and depth of water and brief OPCON
Coordinate with Station for at sea aid.
LOSS of ENGINE RPMS on 45 RPMS. rpms go over 2350, no longer under control.
Disengage the marine gear.
Confirm control station is active.
Inform crew of casualty
Verify position, depth of water and notify OPCON.
Attempt to switch steering stations to regain control.
If unable, use engine stop button for affect engine. If nothing happens, use the emergency stops, if nothing happens still, use the fuel shutoffs for affected engine.
Maneuver RBM safely if no problem is found.
Coordinate with station for sea aid.
Loss of FUEL OIL pressure. When Fuel oil pressure drops below 65 psi.
The Coxswain should reduce RPMs to idle, determine, disengage and secure affected engine.
Notify Crew
Verify position, and depth of water and notify OPCON.
Maneuver RBM safely with one engine if problem is not found
Coordinate with OPCON for sea aid.
Loss of LUBE OIL PRESSURE on 45 RBM? when stube 0:1 pressure drops below 41 psi…
Reduce rpms, disengage both marine gears. Determine effect engine, secure effected engine.
Inform crew of casualty, verify position and depth of water and notify OPCON.
Coordinate with station for at sea aid. or rtb on one engine.
What is a hoax?
A case where information is conveyed with the intent to deceive.
SMC or the SC should close the case. But if the source is unknown then the case cannot be closed, only suspended.
What is a false alert?
A case where the subject reported to be in distress is confirmed not to be in distress and not to be in need of assistance. Was not deliberate is the passing of false information.
What is 14 USC 2?
The Coast Guard may DEVELOP, ESTABLISH, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE SAR facilities upon waters and High seas and may render aid to persons in distress.
What is 14 USC 88?
The Coast Guard may perform any and all acts neccessary to rescue and aid persons and protect and save property.
What are the four geographic responsibilities for U.S SAR.
Aeronautical Pacific & Atlantic
Maritime Pacific & Atlantic
State the four (4) general objectives that provide guidance for the SAR Program.
(1) Minimize lose of life, Injury, and property loss and damage in the maritime enviroment.
(2) Minimize Cnew risk during SAR missions.
(3) Optimize use of resources in conducting SAR; and
(4) Maintain a world leadership position in maritime SAR.
What is the National SAR Plan?
designates the Coast Guard as the aeronautical and maritime SAR Coordinator for the waters over which the United States has jurisdiction, such as navigable waters ofthe United States and land areas other than the Continental United States and Alaska (e.g Hawaii).
State the two SAR program goals.
The ultimate goal of the Coast Guard SAR program is to prevent loss of life in every situation where our actions and performance could possibly brought to bear.
What does the MSAP say about Distress?
Immediate response shall be initiated, if feasible, to any known situation in which the mariner is in imminent danger.