Cox Handout on Genesis 3 Flashcards
What was the Consequence of The Fall on the Imago Dei?
The Image of God became Like God Knowing Good and Evil.
What did the sin of Adam and Even center around?
The quest for the knowledge of God which is explicitly in God’s jurisdiction alone.
What strategy does the Serpent deploy to persuade Eve to sin?
The Serpent calls into question God’s knowledge of the good as related to His care and concern for the man and the woman
Who has sole knowledge of the good?
Which verses support the notion that God alone has knowledge alone of the good?
1) Gen 1:4 - And God saw the light was good
2) Gen 1:10 - And God saw that it was good
3 Gen 1:12 - Ibid
4) Gen 1:18 - Ibid
5) Gen 1:21 - Ibid
6) Gen 1:25 - Ibid
7) Gen 1:31 - And God saw everything that he made and that it was very good
8) Gen 2:18 - God said that it is not good that the man should be alone
What is the evil of which the land and woman gain knowledge of?
The evil/consequence of attempting to know the good apart from God.
Define good in a Christian context.
Only as declared in its relationship to the Source of goodness. In other words, only God makes things good.
Define evil within a Christian context.
Evil is defined by what it is not. Evil is anything falling short of the perfect standard of God’s character and nature.
In what two verses is the tree of life mentioned?
1) Gen 2:9
2) Gen 2:17
3) Only ALLUDED to in Gen 1:1-21
What sin does eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil embody?
An attempt to pursue the good apart from God.
What is the irony surrounding the sin and the Serpent’s justification for the sin in the Garden?
The Serpent attempted to persuade Adam and Eve that they would be like God even though they already were made in the Image of God.
What are the three consequences from the Fall?
1) Fear and Shame
2) Physical and Spiritual Death
3) Expulsion From God’s Manifest Presence
What realization demonstrates the Post-Fall Shift in fear and shame?
The realization that both Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden and felt ashamed of that fact.
What event may God prefigure when her replaces the leaf covering’s with skin garments?
The eventual removal of mankind’s nakedness before God through Christ.
What consequences demonstrate the death that Adam and Eve faced after the fall?
1) The commandment to sweat from the brow in order to eat food until they return to the ground.
2) The banishment of Adam and Eve from the Tree of Life
3) A Major Disruption in the relationship of Adam and Eve with God.
4) Eating and the Levitical rules that accompany it.
What were the direct consequences of being banished from the Garden?
Unreserved freedom in God’s presence is not only off-limits but would be extremely unpleasant.