COVID-19 Flashcards
A person who shows no symptoms due to an early stage of the illness or because they don’t shown symptoms
A person who has been in contact with someone infected. According to the CDC, within 6 feet or in contact with their secretation
close contact
infections identified in an area without history travelling or without contact with an infected person
community spread or transmission
you are not allowed to go out of that area
cordon sanitaire
family of viruses that causes from colds to MERS-cOV, SARS-coV
people remain in their vehicles and medical staff wearing a protective gearing come to administer the swan testing and then it is sent to a lab
driving through testing
way of transmission by droplets when sneezing, coughing or talking
droplet transmission or spread
slowing a virus’ spread to reduce the cases and related demands in hospitals
flattening the curve
inanimate object that transmit the virus
people who are infected may remain at home
home isolation
personal protective equipment that protects the wearer form airbone particles and liquid
N95 repirator or face mask
separating and restricting the movement of people exposed to a contagious disease
It is an estimate number of new cases of a disease that each case generates
R0 (reproductive rate) /basic reproduction number
covid is 2 to 3
staying at home after exposure
everyone must stay home except to conduct essential activities
shelter in place