Courtroom Flashcards
Penal Law & Offenses
n. the act of intentionally and permanently giving up, surrendering, deserting or relinquishing property, premises, a right of way, a ship, contract rights, a spouse and/or children. Abandonment of a spouse means intent at permanent separation, and with children a lengthy period of neither contact nor any support. In maritime law abandonment has a special meaning: when an owner surrenders a ship and its contents to a trustee for the benefit of claimants, particularly after a wreck. If one invents something and does not get a patent but allows others to use the invention or dedicates it to public use, the right to patent is probably abandoned. Confusion arises over abandonment of water rights, mining rights, or rights of way, since mere non-use is not sufficient to show abandonment.
Court Proceedings &Sentencing
Encubrir, Ayudar
- *Abet**
v. to help someone commit a crime, including helping them escape from police or plan the crime. - *Aid and abet**
v. help commit a crime. A lawyer redundancy since abet means aid, which lends credence to the old rumor that lawyers used to be paid by the word.
n. the termination of pregnancy by various means, including medical surgery, before the fetus is able to sustain independent life. Until 1973 abortion was considered a crime (by the mother and the doctor) unless performed by physicians to protect the life of the mother, a phrase often broadly interpreted. Untrained persons performed thousands of abortions each year in the U.S. using hasty, unsanitary and dangerous means, resulting in maiming, permanent damage of organs, and death of many women. The Supreme Court ruled in the case of Roe v. Wade (1973) that a woman had the right to choose abortion to end a pregnancy through the first trimester (three months) of gestation. In the latter stages of pregnancy, danger to the life of the mother could still justify a legal abortion. Political struggles followed over legalized abortions. Some state legislatures passed limitations such as requiring teenage girls to obtain their parents’ consent in order to get an abortion. Despite appointment of anti-abortion justices by Presidents Reagan and Bush, the Supreme Court has not over-turned the basic Wade case rule. President Bill Clinton’s appointments are expected to make legalized abortion continue in the future.
Court Proceedings &Sentencing:
Probation & Parole
Huír, Fugarse
v. 1) traditionally to leave a jurisdiction (where the court, a process server or law enforcement can find one) to avoid being served with legal papers or being arrested. 2) a surprise leaving with funds or goods that have been stolen, as in “he absconded with the loot.”
Court Proceedings & Sentencing;
Probation & Parole
Dicho por un Tercero
n. 1) second-hand evidence in which the witness is not telling wh…
hearsay rule
n. the basic rule that testimony or documents which quote persons…
Competency to Stand Trail
Capacidad Procesal
ability of a defendant to understand and rationally participate in a court process
(Breaking and Entering)
Robo de Casa Habitada
Burden of Proof
Peso de la Prueba
Municion, proyectil, pellet
Stray Bullet
Bala Perdida
Expanding Bullet
Bala de expansion
Explosive Bullet
Bala explosiva
Rubber Bullet
Bala de goma
Breaking and Entering
Bringing a Cause to Trial
Proceder judicialmente
(entablar un juicio)
Testamentary Capacity
Capacidad Testamentaria
Case Dismissed
Caso sobreseido
Rebuttal Case
Pruebas de la parte que contradice las presentadas por la contraria.
Proximate Cause of Death
Causa legal de la muerte