Court Cards Flashcards
King of Wands
Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious
Reversed: Good but severe, austere yet tolerant
Queen of Wands
Dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honorable, love of money. If the card beside her signifies a person, she is well disposed towards them.
Reversed: Good, economical, obliging, serviceable, signifies opposition, jealousy, deceit, and infidelity
Knight of Wands
Departure, absence, flight, emigration, a dark young man, friendly, change of residence
Reversed: Rupture, division, interruption, discord
Page of Wands
Dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy, a postman. If the card besides him is a man, he will bear favorable testimony concerning him. If the card that follows him is the Page of Cups, he is a dangerous rival. Has the chief qualities of the suit of Wands.
Reversed: Anecdotes, announcements, evil news, and the indecision and instability that follows it
King of Cups
Fair man, man of business, law, divinity, responsible, disposed to oblige the Querent, equity, art and science, including those who profess science, law and art, creative intelligence
Reversed: Dishonest, double-dealing man, roguery, exaction, injustice, vice, scandal
Queen of Cups
Good, fair woman, honest, devoted, who will do service to the Querent, loving intelligence, the gift of wisdom, success, happiness, pleasure, wisdom, virtue
Reversed: Good woman, otherwise, distinguished woman but not to be trusted, perverse woman, vice, dishonor, depravity
Knight of Cups
Arrival, approach - possibly a messenger, advances, proposition, demeanor, invitation, incitement
Reversed: Trickery, artifice, subtlety, swindling, duplicity, fraud
Page of Cups
Fair young man, one impelled to render service and with whom the Querent will be connected, a studious youth, news, message, application, reflection, meditation (also these things directed to business)
Reversed: Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice
King of Swords
Whatsoever arises out of the idea of judgement and all its connections (power, command, authority, militant intelligence, law, offices of the crown, and so forth)
Reversed: Cruelty, evil intentions, perversity, barbarity, breach of faith
Queen of Swords
Widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, absence, sterility, mourning, privation, separation
Reversed: Malice, bigotry, artifice, prudery, deceit
Knight of Swords
Skill, bravery, capacity, defense, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin
Reversed: Imprudence, incapacity, extravagance
Page of Swords
Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination, (and the qualities thereto belonging)
Reversed: More evil side of these qualities, what is unforeseen, an unprepared state, sickness is also intimated
King of Pentacles
Valor, realizing intelligence, business and normal intellectual aptitude, sometimes mathematical gifts and attainments of this kind (success in these paths)
Reversed: Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril
Queen of Pentacles
Opulence, magnificence, generosity, security, liberty
Reversed: Evil, fear, suspicion, suspense, mistrust
Knight of Pentacles
Utility, interest, serviceableness, rectitude, responsibility
Reversed: Inertia, idleness, repose of that kind, stagnation, discouragement, carelessness
Page of Pentacles
Application, study scholarship, reflection, news, messages and the bringer thereof, rude, management
Reversed: Prodigality, dissipation, liberality, luxury, unfavorable news