Course details Flashcards
Core - modern LA politics
Rise and fall of Bolsonaro
Columbian left rising
New institutionalism - looking at how political actors operated within the context of institutions
Post-positivist via of politics suggests you cannot study politics like natural sciences - no set hypothesis to prove/disprove
Core - race
Visual analysis of casta paintings - looking at what they mean for cataloguing and quantifying race through specific labels and a colonial lens
Wider political significance of mestizaje
Core - urban inequalities
Massive increase in urban population of LA - 1950-1990 saw 4.2% urban growth per year
Quitos - largest Peruvian city in the Amazon saw soil erosion not due to climate but waste from poorer neighbourhoods reacting with the soil
Law as both the facilitator and gatekeeper between the formal and the informal
Un 1992 Earth Summit vs Kari-Oca
Shamanism in terms of environmental protection - shamanistic knowledge has currency in the Western ‘knowledge economy’
Idea of shamans as leading the fight against foreign invasion of the Amazon and therefore being legitimate citizens
Caribbean in world history
Looking at the Atlantic Plantation Complex
Problem of societies after slavery - problem of labouring unarmed population in Haiti, same in case of Cuba with patronatos