Course 3: Employee Contributions Flashcards
While a major source of funding and contributions in a qualified retirement plan comes from contributions by the ______, some plans, such as 401(k) plans, allow for the ______ to make contributions to the plan.
employer, employee
These contributions can come from a participant’s salary in the form of an ______ ______ or an after-tax employee contribution. Another source of employee’s contributing to a plan can be a ______ from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a previous employer’s plan.
Elective Deferral,rollover
___-___ elective deferrals are amounts contributed to a plan by the employer at the employee’s election that are ______ from the employee’s gross income. Pre-tax elective deferrals may be contributed to a 401(k) arrangement, a SIMPLE 401(k) plan, a 403(b) plan, a SARSEP, a SIMPLE IRA plan or a 457 plan.
Pre-Tax, excludable
The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §402(g) limits an individual’s pre-tax elective deferrals that can be made for a ______ year. As these contributions are pretax deferrals, they are not treated as basis for tax purposes. These contributions are tested for nondiscrimination in the actual deferral percentage (ADP) test under IRC §401(k).
Calendar, nondiscrimination
A plan may permit designated _____ contributions. This special type of elective deferral is made with ______-___ dollars. Furthermore, the rules for taxing designated Roth amounts and the earnings thereon when they are distributed are different from those for pre-tax elective deferrals or after-tax employee contributions.
While the amount of the after-tax contributions will always be distributed on a ___-____ basis (because the contributions were taxed at the time they were made), the entire distribution from a designated Roth account (including both the after-tax contributions and the earnings thereon) may be completely tax-free if certain _______ are met.
tax-free, conditions
IRC §414(v) permits certain participants to make elective deferrals to a plan in amounts in ______ of various otherwise applicable limits. These elective deferrals are referred to as catch-up contributions. A participant who is (or will be) age __ or older by the end of the calendar year is a catch-up eligible participant.
excess, 50
Catch-up contributions may be made to a 401(k) plan, a SIMPLE 401(k) plan, a 403(b) plan, a SARSEP, a SIMPLE IRA plan or a 457 plan, if the plan so permits. Catch-up contributions attributable to pre-tax elective deferrals are referred to as _____ ______ contributions and catch-up contributions attributable to designated Roth contributions are referred to as Roth catch-up contributions.
Pre-Tax Catch-Up,
Catch-up contributions may be made to a 401(k) plan, a SIMPLE 401(k) plan, a 403(b) plan, a SARSEP, a SIMPLE IRA plan or a 457 plan, if the plan so permits. Catch-up contributions attributable to pre-tax elective deferrals are referred to as _____ ______ contributions and catch-up contributions attributable to designated Roth contributions are referred to as ____ ____-__ contributions.
Pre-Tax Catch-Up, Roth Catch-up
The only deferrals that you will always see in a 401(k) plan are ___-___ elective deferrals. A plan must allow pretax elective deferrals to be a 401(k) plan—a plan permitting only designated ____ contributions is not permitted.
Pre-Tax, Roth
Some 401(k) plans are designed to provide for ___-___ elective deferrals only. Other plans provide for some combination of the various contribution types, such as both pre-tax elective deferrals and designated Roth contributions, elective deferrals and matching contributions, or elective deferrals, matching contributions and ______ contributions.
Pre-Tax, Nonelective
An employee’s election to defer compensation is usually implemented through a _______ _______ ______.
Salary Reduction Agreement
Many 401(k) plans permit plan participants to direct the ______ of all or a portion of their accounts. The salary reduction election is an ideal format for making investment selections available. In many cases, the form, once completed by the participant, will not only specify the amount of compensation the participant wishes to _____ under the 401(k) arrangement, but also the participant’s investment selections.
Investment, defer
Some 401(k) plans use an _______ _______ approach to obtain salary reduction elections from eligible employees. Under this , the plan provides that, as of the plan entry date when the employee is first eligible for the 401(k) plan, the employee is enrolled at a _______ elective contribution rate.
automatic enrollment, default
the employee is free to change the automatic enrollment by signing a form that specifies a different ______, including zero (thereby electing against participation). Because the employee has to make a ______ election to avoid the automatic enrollment, this approach is sometimes referred to as negative enrollment or negative election. Automatic enrollment programs are referred to in ______ ______ as automatic contribution arrangements (ACAs).
election, contrary, Treasury Regulations
The plan document must define what compensation is ______ for purposes of the salary reduction elections. Normally, a 401(k) plan will permit eligible employees to make salary reduction elections against all forms of compensation, including base salary, overtime wages, commissions, bonuses and other forms of ______ compensation.
Includable, taxable
the plan document may restrict the elections to only certain forms of ______ (e.g., base salary only) the employer should consider:
1. its reasons for desiring any ______ on the compensation available for deferral;
2. administrative ______ created by any limitations and the increased chance for error; and
3. the ______ of any limitation.
compensation, limitations, complexity, reasonableness
A participant who has terminated employment with unused vacation or other payments that occur after the date of termination may defer against those amounts if the amounts are paid by the later of:
* ____ months after the termination
* The ___ of the limitation year
2 1/2, End
Employees may be permitted to modify their deferral elections. The plan provisions will specify how often they are allowed to change ______ amounts. A participant may ____ deferring at any time.
Election, stop
The annual limit is the ______ amount that any one person may exclude from gross income in a single calendar year. The IRC §_____ dollar limit affects the individual’s federal income tax consequences. Thus, it is applied at the participant level and the participant must ______ all elective contributions for the calendar year that are subject to the limit, even if they are made to plans of more than one employer.
Maximum, 402(g), Aggregate
The law also places a limit on the percentage of ______ that may be contributed. A participant may not exceed _____of their compensation when they contribute to the plan. A plan may limit the amount that a participant may defer under the plan to an amount _____ than the annual deferral limit.
Compensation, 100%, less
Only ______ _______ are subject to the IRC §402(g) dollar limit. Other employer contributions, such as nonelective contributions, after-tax contributions and matching contributions, are not subject to the limit. If an individual participates in more than one arrangement that ______ elective contributions in a calendar year, the IRC §402(g) dollar limit applies to the _______ amount of the individual’s elective contributions under those plans.
Elective deferrals, Permits, aggregate
The IRC §402(g) dollar limit applies to the following amounts- ______ ______ under a 401(k) arrangement [including a SIMPLE 401(k) plan or under a safe harbor 401(k) plan]. The limit applies to all ______ ______, regardless of whether they are pre-tax or designated Roth contributions.
Elective Deferrals, Elective Deferrals
The IRC §402(g) dollar limit applies to the following amounts-Elective deferrals made pursuant to a _______ _______ _______ under a 403(b) plan.
Salary Reduction Agreement
The IRC §402(g) dollar limit applies to the following amounts-______ ______ under a SARSEP [as described in IRC §401(k)(6)]. SARSEPs may be funded only if they were established ______ January 1, 1997.
Elective Deferrals, Before
The IRC §402(g) dollar limit applies to the following amounts-Elective deferrals under a _____ ___ plan [as described in IRC §408(p)]. [Note that SIMPLE IRA plans and SIMPLE 401(k) plans are subject to a reduced elective deferral limit under IRC §408(p).]
The ______ __ ______ (DoL) has regulations that require employers to deposit deferrals as soon as ______ feasible. Employers with plans with less than ___ participants have a safe harbor of _ business days to deposit the funds.
Department of Labor, administratively feasible, 100, 7
Elective deferrals (including both ___-___ elective deferrals and designated ____ contributions) are part of the annual additions that are limited by IRC §___. The IRC §___(c) limit on annual additions is generally the ______ of 100 percent of compensation or the dollar ______ in effect under IRC §415(c)(1)(A) for the year.
Pre-Tax, Roth, 415,415, lesser, limit
The IRC §415 limit does not apply to _____-__ contributions under IRC §414(v).
IRC §415 is not a limit that applies only to elective deferrals. It applies to all ______ ______, which include all employer contributions, after-tax employee contributions and ______ allocated to the participant’s account for the relevant year.
annual additions, forfeitures
Qualified plans under IRC §401(a)—including 401(k) plans, SARSEPs, and ____ plans— are subject to the limits under IRC §415. The IRC §415 limit is tested based on the ______ year, which is a __-month period stated in the plan; on the other hand, the IRC §402(g) dollar limit is always applied on a ______ year basis.
403(b), limitation, 12, Calendar
A 401(k) plan must satisfy the ___ test under IRC §401(k)(3). The test prescribes a maximum average ______ rate for the group of HCEs who are eligible for the 401(k) arrangement for the plan year. If the HCEs’ average ______ rate fails the ADP test, the excess contributions are refunded to the HCEs or other corrective action is taken.
ADP, deferral, deferral
A Non-Highly Compensated Employee (NHCE) who participates in a 401(k) plan is only affected by the IRC §___(g) dollar limit and the other limits discussed above. The ADP testing applies to all ______ ______, regardless of whether they are pre-tax elective contributions or designated Roth contributions.
402,Elective Deferrals
Some 401(k) plans limit the _____ that an employee may contribute, a plan-imposed limit, even though contributing at a higher percentage would not violate the IRC §____ limit or the IRC §____ limit. For example, a plan might state that an employee’s elective deferrals for the plan year cannot exceed 10 percent of compensation.
Percentage, 402(g), 415
Some plans are written with such limits to minimize the chance that the IRC §415 limit will be exceeded when all ______ ______ (including ______ other than elective deferrals) are taken into account.
Annual Additions, Contributions
Other plans provide a ____-______ limit on the elective deferrals of the ____ only, in the hopes that this limit will avoid a violation of the ___ nondiscrimination tests.
Plan-Imposed, HCEs, ADP
Generally, plan-imposed limits apply to all ______ ______, whether they are ___-___ elective contributions or designated ____ contributions. However, it is possible that a plan could impose different limits on the two types of ______ ______.
elective deferrals, pre-tax, roth, elective deferrals
Plan-imposed limits are usually applied on a _____ ______ basis, which might not be the ______ ____. In that case, the plan will need to monitor its plan-imposed limit on the ____ ____ period, but the IRC §____ dollar limit on a ______ ______ period.
plan year, calendar year, plan year, 402(g), calendar year
Exceeding the plan-imposed limit is an ______ ______ that may cause the plan to be _____. Therefore, if a participant exceeds a plan-imposed limit, the error should be ______. The IRS has outlined ______ ______ that are available in this situation.
operational violation, disqualified,corrected, correction procedures
IRC §____ is a limit on the amount of elective deferrals that may be ______ from income for the year, so any ______ ______ in excess of that limit (which includes the _____-__ limit, if applicable) is automatically ______ in income.
402(g), excluded,elective deferrals, catch-up, includible
Under the IRC, income inclusion of excess deferrals occurs regardless of whether the excess deferrals are ______ on a timely basis. By limiting the exclusion to the §402(g) maximum, the IRC ensures that elective deferrals in excess of that limit are ____ in gross income.
distributed, maximum, includible
The IRS requires reporting of the entire amount of ______ ______ on the Form W-2. This will ensure that the IRS will be able to monitor the treatment of excess deferrals as ______ ______. It also aides an individual in monitoring the limit when the individual participates in more than one ______ ______ ______ that is subject to IRC §402(g).
elective deferrals, taxable income, elective deferral arrangement
The amount of elective deferrals reported on Form W-2 includes all _____ _____, regardless of whether they are _____-__ contributions. A _____-__ eligible participant, however, will report in income only excess deferrals, meaning the amount by which his or her total elective deferrals for the calendar year cause the employee to exceed the IRC §____ limit (including the applicable _____-__ limit).
elective deferrals ,catch-up, catch-up, 402(g)
If _____ deferrals are made to a plan, the violation is normally corrected by making a ______ of the excess, plus ______. The ______ distribution is separately reported on Form _____, not as part of the Form W-2, and does not affect the W-2 reporting requirement.
Excess, distribution, earnings, corrective,1099-R
Although this feature is much less popular, qualified plans may permit participants to elect to make ____-___ employee contributions (that are not designated ____ contributions) to the plan. These contributions are considered to be _______ _____ under IRC §___, so they are subject to the limitation under IRC §____
after-tax, roth, annual additions, 415, 415(c)
_____-___ employee contributions are also subject to ______ testing in the same manner as are matching contributions—that is, under the ______ ______ _______ (ACP) test. Therefore, use by an ___ of the after-tax employee contribution feature in a plan may be _____.
After-Tax, nondiscrimination, actual contribution percentage, HCE, limited
Because these contributions are made with _____-____ ______—that is, they are subject to income tax in the year contributed—no tax needs to be paid by the participant when the contributions are ______ from the plan. However, earnings on the _____-___ employee contributions are subject to ______ upon distribution.
After-tax dollars, removed, after-tax, taxation
A plan may accept _____-___ employee contributions by having the participant write a check to the plan (or to the employer, which is then ______ by the employer to the plan), or by offering payroll ______ payments. If the payroll ______ method is used, the amounts are not deducted for federal tax purposes (i.e., they are ______ in the employee’s gross income), because the contributions are made on an _____-___ basis.
After-tax, Contributed, deduction, deduction, includible, after-tax
Whether the _____-___employee contribution is deducted from the employee’s paycheck or a check is written to the employer, the employer is required to ______ that contribution to the trust as soon as ______ ______ to comply with regulations of the ______ __ ______.
after-tax, transmit, administratively feasible, Department of Labor
A ______ contribution allows employees to move money from an ___ or their former employer’s retirement plan to either their new employer’s retirement plan or an ___. The portability provided by rollovers helps employees avoid accounts with ______ former employers.
Rollover, IRA,IRA, multiple
There are several benefits to ______ money over to an employer’s plan, including
* ______ of the tax preferences of a retirement account
* ______ of accounts make it easier to review and coordinate desired investment objectives
* Fees and ______ expenses may be lower in a retirement plan than an IRA
Rolling, Preservation, Consolidation, investment
Some plans allow an employee to roll money into it ______ to the time that the eligibility requirements are satisfied, and the employee becomes a ______. Practitioners should check the ____ ______ to see when the funds are allowed to be rolled in.
Prior, Participant, Plan Document
The most common _____ is the trustee-to-trustee transfer also known as a _____ ______.
rollover, direct rollover
There are several ways to complete a ______ ______:
* The former plan can issue a _____ directly to the new plan receiving the rollover
* The former plan can provide a ____ _____ to the new plan * The participant receives a check made to the ___ _____, and the participant delivers it
* If the rollover is an asset that is not cash, then the ______ of the asset can be transferred to the new plan
Direct rollover, check, wire transfer, new plan, title
When the funds are ______ directly to the participant, the participant has __ days to deposit the funds to the new account. The federal government requires a withholding of __% based on the taxable amount distributed.
distributed, 60, 20
Distributions that can be ______ over are called “______ ______ ______.” To get a distribution from a retirement plan, you must meet thee plan’s ______ for a distribution, such as _______ __ ______.
rolled, Eligible rollover distributions, conditions, termination of employment
Amounts rolled into an employer’s plan may require separate ______ if there is different tax treatment such as with _____-___ employee contributions or ____ Participant Loans contributions.
accounting, after-tax, Roth
Participant Loans may be rolled over to a new employer’s plan if both the old and new ____ ______ allow for it . Many employers provide this as an option so that a new employee does not face tax consequences of a ______ ____ in the old plan.
plan provisions, defaulted loan