cours du cm 1 Flashcards
définition de “experiments in psychology”
- the most powerful
-the investigator
what is a variable in psychology
-a variable
-for example
-if an experiment
-the ability
Can you imagine an experiment to test the following hypothesis ?
9 lignes
What is the difference between Independent vs Dependent variables ?
2 lignes
in this experiment, which one is the independent variable and which on the dependent variable ?
4 paragragphes de 3 lignes
For each of the 3 groups of this experiment, say if they are an experimental group or a control group.
2 paragraphes + 2 lignes
definition of « random assignment »
1 ligne
Why is random assignment key when conducting an experiment in psychology ?
8 lignes
def hypothesis
def experiment
def variable
def vi
def vd
def experimental group
def control group