Cours 11 Flashcards
What is marketing communication?
The initiative is deployed to reach a target audience and transmit a message.
What is an advertiser?
It is a business that transmits a message to a target segment.
What is consumer insight?
It is the consumer’s perception of an unresolved problem or dilemma in a product category that the brand offers.
What are communication objectives?
It is what the target should know, think, feel, or do after exposure to communication.
What are the types of measures of awareness?
- Assisted awareness: it is the percentage of people who say that they recognize a brand presented in a list.
- Spontaneous awareness is the percentage of people spontaneously mentioning the brand.
- Top-of-mind awareness: the percentage of people spontaneously mentioning the brand first.
What is the key message?
It encapsulates the business’s promise or benefits to reach the target consumers.
What are the types of media?
- Paid media
- Owned media
- Earned media
What are paid media?
They are content providers that sell space to advertisers.
What is owned media?
They are broadcasting channels that belong to the brand. They are under its full control.
What are earned media?
The brand does not control it. It doesn’t pay to disseminate content and doesn’t own these media.
What is integrated marketing communication?
It is coordinating and integrating all marketing communication tools to maximize the impact of the message sent to the consumer.
What is advertising?
It involves the placement of announcements and persuasive messages in time or space purchased in any of the mass media by business firms, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and individuals who seek to inform and/or persuade members of a particular target market or audience about their products, services, organizations, or ideas.
What is media planning?
It consists of selecting the media to disseminate an advertisement as effectively and economically as possible, according to its fit with the brand’s target audience and with the message to deliver.
What are the quantitative indicators to compare media?
- Reach
- Opportunity to see
- Continuity
- Cost per 1000
- Share-of-voice
What is the reach?
The unduplicated percentage of the target group is exposed, at least once, to a set of media during a previously defined period.
What is the opportunity to see?
It is the number of times that the target population is exposed to a message during a given period.
What is continuity?
It is time to ensure that a medium will have a particular effect on a target group.
What are the measures of effectiveness?
- Pre-test: it is the process by which an advertisement or a message is evaluated before final production.
- Post-test: it determines if a campaign has achieved the initial objectives.
What are public relations?
It is the strategic management of relationships between an organization and its diverse public, through the use of communication, to achieve mutual understanding, realize organizational goals and serve the public interest.
What is sponsorship?
It is the financial support that a business or an advertiser provides to a cultural, sports, or humanitarian activity to which it is not directly related. It also wants to associate the brand of a product or service in consumers’ minds.
What is product placement?
It is a form of sponsorship that involves negotiating a brand’s prominence and its products in television shows, movies, or video games.
What are sales promotions?
It is the media and nonmedia marketing pressure applied for a predetermined, limited period of time at the level of consumer, retailer, or wholesaler to stimulate trial, increase consumer demand, or improve product availability.
Give examples of promotions directed at final consumers.
- Discount coupon
- Contest
- Demonstration
- Samples
- Packaging
- Bonus
- Promotional items
- Deferred payment
- Loyalty program
- Price cut
- Refund
Give examples of promotions for intermediaries.
- Gifts
- Sales contests
- Assistance contract
- Demonstration
- Point-of-sale material
- Promotional items
- Off-invoice allowance
- Sales premium
- onus pack
- Cooperative advertising
- Rebate
- Follow-up rebate
- Shows and stands
What are the 2 types of digital marketing?
- Inbound Marketing
- Outbound marketing
What is outbound marketing?
It refers to strategies businesses use to reach target customers in searching for a service or product.
What are examples of outbound marketing?
- Paid listings: keywords on a search engine
- Display advertising: the goal is to make the user click on the ads immediately.
How do you measure the performance of outbound marketing?
- Advertising impression: exposure to an advertising element in a download file. An impression is generated when the consumer sees the advertising element.
- Click rate: ratio expressed as a percentage between the number of advertising clicks and impressions.
- Cost per click: the cost of an advertisement divided by the number of clicks generated.
What is inbound marketing?
It refers to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It is a process whereby a business improves its positioning in the list of natural (organic) links proposed by a search engine.
What is mobile marketing?
It is the process of adapting a communication strategy to the specific parameters of each device.
What is experiential marketing?
It combines direct marketing and sales promotion elements within a single consumer experience.
What is guerilla marketing?
It signifies that these initiatives use particular field conditions and do not necessarily involve large financial resources.
What is content marketing?
It consists of producing and disseminating content that is relevant, informative, educational, useful, or playful and that focuses on customers’ interest in order to reinforce their affinities with the brand.
What are the main roles of a marketing strategy?
- Advice
- Creation
- Strategy
What is the action of selling?
It is communication between a company representative and an existing or potential customer.
What is the transactional approach?
It is an approach that emphasizes spot transactions, in which price is the central element.
What is the consultative approach?
The goal is to close sales and help clients satisfy their needs, solve problems, attain objectives, or earn a better return.
What is the relational approach?
The goal is to establish and reinforce a long-term relationship with a customer that is mutually satisfactory to both the customer and the salesperson’s company, it can lead to a real partnership with the consumer.
What is relationship selling?
It is a selling approach that aims to establish, develop and maintain profitable business relations over the long term.
What is the selling process?
- Prospecting
- Pre-approach
- Approach
- Needs assessment
- Presentation of a business solution
- Handling objections
- Closing the sale and gaining customer commitment
- Follow-up
What is prospecting?
The salesperson uses the objectives established in the marketing plan to create a target list by considering the designated customer sector, along with how frequently to meet with each customer and how much effort to dedicate to them.
What is the pre-approach?
It involves preparing for the meeting with the customer with a customer profile and preparation tools.
What is a customer profile?
It’s to categorize salespeople and customers according to their behavioral style of thinking style, to ensure optimal adaptation to and compatibility of styles.
What is the approach?
It is the first minutes of the meeting. It is important in the case of a potential customer you meet for the first time because you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. You can achieve that with the initial contact, general interest message, friendly conversation, and gentle and smooth transition.
What is needs assessment?
It is the capacity to help customers satisfy their needs, one of the fundamental qualities of a good salesperson. You can ask open or closed questions using the SPIN method.
What is the SPIN method?
It includes questions about the situation, problem, implication, and need-payoff.
What is handling objections?
It is to respond to questions of doubt or hesitation that oppose the purchase. It is done by acknowledging the objection, identifying the needs, presenting a business solution adapted to the customers’ needs, and validating the business solution.
What is the follow-up?
It consists of verifying with customers, once they have what they bought, that everything meets their expectations and that they are satisfied.