Couples Questions Flashcards
How religious is your partner?
(Question for both)
What game are they best at?
(Answer for both, Her on top, Him on bottom)
Does she wash her legs in the shower?
What’s his favorite sport?
If she could only eat one food for the rest of their life what would it be?
How does he like his eggs cooked?
Q: For Her
What is the first movie you saw with him?
What is his dream car?
What is her favorite tv show?
What’s something at the top of his bucketlist?
What’s her favorite kind of snack?
What is his favorite movie?
(Series if applicable)
Which celebrity would he love to have dinner with?
1-10, How would they rate themselves on giving head?
(Answer for both, Her on top, Him on bottom)
What was her favorite class in school?
What is her love language? (Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Gift Giving/Receiving)
If he could only listen to one song for the rest of his life what would it be?
If she was an animal, what would she be?
1-10, What would you rate your relationship chemistry?
(Question for both)
What is his shoe size?
1-10, How jealous is your partner?
(Question for both)
What is his favorite cuisine?
(Country of origin)
If your partner could change anything about themself, what would it be?
(Answer for both, theirs on top, yours on bottom)
Where does she want to live?
(Country, State or Province if known)
Who’s the better kisser?
(Question for both)
If he could have any super power, what would it be?
What conspiracy theory does she believe in?
What does your partner want to be remembered for?
(Answer for both, theirs on top, yours on bottom)
What’s the longest he has gone without a shower?
How old were you when you met?
(Question for both)