Couples- are they becoming more equal? Flashcards
which three categories can we look at to decide whether couples are becoming more equal?
1) The domestic division of labour
2) Decision making and control of resources
3) domestic violence
The domestic division of Labour
This refers to the roles women and men play e.g. housework, childcare, paid work
Key functionalist for view on division of labour
What is PARSONS view on the domestic division of labour?
There are two conjugal roles;
Men = instrumental role (breadwinner)
women = expressive role (carer)
How does PARSONS argue this benefits society?
he argues this division is functional for the family ,its members and wider society. He sees the division as biologically based - women suited to nurturing and men to providing
Who agrees with PARSONS view on the domestic division of labour?
The new right - this biological based gender division is best way of organising family life.
Who rejects PARSONS view?
Feminists argue the division is not ‘natural’ and only benefits men.
Two main sociologist for the March of progress view on the domestic division of labour
- Bott
- Young and willmott
How does the ‘march of progress’ view the domestic division of labour?
They seethe conjugal roles as becoming more equal.
What does BOTT identify ( DDL)
Two types of conjugal roles;
segregated conjugal roles= this a sharp division between male breadwinner and female homemaker (like parsons). Husband and wife spend leisure time separately .
Joint conjugal roles = couples share domestic tasks and leisure time.
What does YOUNG AND WILLMOTT identify? (DDL)
A long term trend towards joint conjugal roles and the symmetrical family, where roles are more similar and equal.
How does YOUNG AND WILLMOTT argue are the roles of men and women more equal in the ‘ Symmetrical family’?
- more women now go out to work
- men help with housework and childcare
- couples spend their leisure time together. men have become more home-centered and the family more privatised
What are the five reasons for the rise of the symmetrical family?
- Changes in the position of Women
- New technology (dishwasher, tumble dryers)
- Higher standards of living
- Better housing
- smaller families
Feminist view on the domestic division of labour
They reject the march of progress view. They argue little has changed, the family is still patriarchal and women still occupy a subordinate n dependent role.
Two main feminists for the domestic division of labour
- Oakley
- Boulton
Who does OAKLEY critises?
Young and Willmott’s view that the family is now symmetrical.
Why does OAKLEY critises Young and Willmott?
she claims they have exaggerated the help husbands give around the house e.g “helping” could jus mean ironing one shirt a week - This is hardly evidence of symmetry.
What did OAKLEY find in her research?
only 25% of husbands and a high level of participants in childcare.
only 15% had a high level of participation in housework
- husbands more likely to be involved in the more pleasurable aspects of childcare
- outdated?
BOULTON view on the domestic division of labour
supports Oakley view and HIGHLIGHTS that we should look at who is responsible for tasks not just who performs them.
dad may help but usually it is mum responsible for the Childs security and wellbeing.
What did the British Social Attitude Survey find?
There has been a shift in attitudes towards the division of labour. There has been a decline in the number of people who have the belief that the mans job is to earn money and the women’s job is to stay at home.
What do Feminists believe about BSA?
They do not believe women working has led to greater equality, but led to Dual burden.
For example, BSA shows do twice as much and couples still divide households tasks along typical gender lines.