Couples Flashcards
Very critical of functionalism and the rosy view of March of Progress theorists. Oakley argues that husbands ‘helping’ doesn’t equate to symmetry.
gender roles in the family are clearly divided, men fulfil an instrumental role where women fill the expressive role, reflecting natural differences.
March of Progress
Wilmots and Young see family life as moving towards symmetrical roles, couples are more socially mobile.
- Women do twice as much work than men
- Domestic tasks are heavily gender focused (women do cooking, men do DIY)
- 10% of people believe in traditional gender roles
Childcare - Bolton
- Men helped but didn’t take full responsibility
- Women put their own lives before that of children
- Only 18% men give extensive help, 46% gave minimal
Childcare - Ferri and Smith
- Little evidence of equal sharing household chores
- In less that 4% of families them man was the primary carer
- Men will more likely do fun tasks (eg. going to the park) while women are more likely to look after children when they are sick.
- Women’s employment has little effect on division of labour
Childcare - Braun et al
- Most men are ‘background fathers’
* Mothers and fathers share the view of the carer-breadwinner division
Childcare - Buncombe and Marsden
- Women take on ‘emotion work’ ‘payed work’ and ‘house work’
- They take on the responsibility for breadwinning, keeping people happy and maintaining a home environment
Decision making - Vogler’s Finance
- Pooling increased to 50% but majority still have unequal financial control, despite the increase in women employment.
- Wife controlled systems more common in low-income families
Decision - making - Hardill
In dual career couples, the men’s careers came first
Domestic violence - Dobash and Dobash
- Interviews with 137 female victims
- 25% of all serious assaults and 20% of all recorded crimes were domestic though many go unrecorded
- Women are made dependent as wives and mothers
- In wider society women are oppressed (in the work place and social norms) and in the situation they are economically dependent and responsible for childcare.
DV - official statistics
- Official statistics are likely to under-estimate
- Domestic violence is unlikely to be reported- fear of reprisals, economic dependency and fear
- Family can be considered ‘private’ business by the police and so they may not want to be involved in prosecution.
DV - radical feminist
- male violence is an inevitable part of patriarchal society, and enforced male dominance (enforced by male dominated institutions such as the police force)
- This does not explain the female violence towards men or violence in same sex couples, also some men do not choose to be violent.
DV - materialist
- Close link between domestic abuse and inequality - low income, poor housing and job insecurity are fuel
- This does not explain why the victims are predominantly female
Building on Dobash and Dobash
- Women are likely to be victims of multiple attacks
- It is difficult to quantify the number of attacks as some women may never report them
- There are likely to be severe psychological effects
- Some domestic abuse happens against males
- Young, disabled, deprived and alcohol and drug abusers are the most at risk group
Money - evaluation
Pooling money does not mean inequality, but who decided what to do with it that matters, also, if they are concerned with having/lacking the control
• Weeks et al (2001) found that most couples pooled money for household spending and kept the remainder individually.