Couples Flashcards
What is the domestic division of labour?
Traditional nuc family= roles of men & women segregated
Husband = breadwinner, instrumental role
Wife=primary socialisation of children, meeting families emotional needs, expressive role
what is the feminist view of housework?
Little has changed
Men & women still unequal
Women still do most of housework
What is wilmott & young’s view?
Family life gradually improving for everyone (march of progress view)
Symmetrical family
Role of husbands & wives more similar
Symmetrical family more common in younger couples
What is the impact of paid work for women?
More money for fam
Invest in private school
Female independence
Dual burden
Less time with children
What did arber and Ginn say about the dual burden?
Full day childcare is essential for many women to stay in employment
What did morris say about the dual burden?
Even when fathers are unemployed they avoid the housework, Connell calls this ‘crisis of masculinity’
What does morris say about the dual burden?
Contradicts morris
Households with an unemployed male and a full-time employed female do the same amount of housework per week
What did dunne find out about lesbian couples?
They’re more likely to
Share childcare & housework equally
Ascribe equal importance to their careers
View childcare positively
Inequality in division of labour arises b encaustic of deeply ingrained gender scripts
What did Caroline volger believe?
Allowance system-men give wives budget
Pooling system-joint responsibility