Couples Flashcards
Explain functionalism
Parsons (1955) functionalist model of the family shows a clear division of labour through 2 conjugal married roles.
1. Instrumental role = success at work providing financially breadwinner
2. Expressive role= socialisation of the children providing for emotional needs homemaker
Biological difference mean women are naturally suited to a nurturing role beneficial to society which is also supported by the new right
What is the march of progress view
- see conjugal roles becoming more equally in modern society Bott (1957) identifies 2 types
1. Segregated conjugal roles are Separate. Parsons functionalist model
2. Joint conjugal roles= sharing housework and leisure activities - young and will not (1973) see a long term trend towards joint conjugal roles and symmetrical families. Segregated roles are traditional in working class families
Explain the symmetrical family
- young and willmott 1973 family roles are becoming more equal creating the symmetrical family where husband and wife roles are more similar
- common in younger couples who are geographically and socially isolated the more affluent
- symmetrical nuclear family has developed due to social changed over the last century e.g changes in women’s position
The feminist view of housework
- reject march of progress view
- men and women remain unequal
- Oakley (1974) the symmetrical family is exaggerated
- boulton (1983) fathers take a role in childcare but responsibilities are still the mothers
- Warde and Hetherington (1993) men only carry out female tasks if the women is not around to do them
Are couples becoming more equal ? The march of progress view
- most women today are in paid work. The march of progress view argues that this is leading to a more equal division of domestic labour.
- Sullivan (2000) found women now do less domestic work men do more traditional women tasks and more couples have an equal division of labour
Feminist view on are couples becoming more equal?
- do not believe women working has led to greater equality, women now carry a dual burden
- British social attitudes (2013) social attitudes survey show the division of household is not equal
Responsibility for children, are couples becoming more equal?
- Dex and Ward (2007) found that only 1% of fathers took the main responsibility for caring for a sick child
- Braun, Vincent & Ball (2011) farmers adopted a “provider ideology” breadwinner as opposed to primary caregiver
Responsibility for “quality time” , are couples becoming more equal?
- Southerton (2011) women are responsible for organising family time whereas men enjoyed blocks of time to themselves
- triple shift Duncombe + Marsden 1995= emotion work, domestic labour and paid work.
Explain the gender division of labour- are couples becoming more equal?
Crompton & Lyonette (2008)
1. cultural explanation of inequality= division of labour is determined by patriarchal norms and values e.g. society expects women to do more domestic labour
2. Material/economic explanation of inequality= women earn less than men, men do more paid work and women do more domestic labour
same sex couples and gender scripts- are couple becoming more equal?
radical feminists argue heterosexual relationships are patriarchal and unequal
- Dunne (1999) lesbian couples have a more symmetrical relationship because of a lack of heterosexual gender scripts
- Gershuny (1994) parents who had a more equal relationship are more likely to share housework
Resources and decision making
-Kempton (1994) found women in low income families denied their own needs to make ends meet
- unequal shares of resources are often result of who controls the family income and who spends it
Money management
- men earn more
- Pahl and Vogler (1993)
1. allowance system= men give their wives money to budget for the family needs and keep the rest themselves
2. pooling= both partners have access to income e.g. joint bank accounts
Cultural vs material explanations for resources and decision making
- material: men have more power in decision making because they earn more. Women are economically dependent so they have less say
- Cultural: feminists argue that gender role socialisation in patriarchal society instils the idea that men are the decision maker
personal life perspective on money
- Nyman (2003) argues different couples give money different meaning
- Smart (2007) found same sex couples had greater freedom they do not have the same gendered + cultural meaning around money
Domestic violence
- Domestic violence is too widespread to be just the behaviour of a few “disturbed” individuals & mainly men against women
- BCS estimated 6.6 million assaults per year. 1/4 women is assaulted by her partner at some time. - Police statistics are under estimates because of under reporting. Average women suffers 35 assaults before reporting abuse. police unwilling to record don’t want to intervene in family life they view women free to leave whenever.
Radical feminist view on domestic violence
- see domestic violence as a result of patriarchy
- men oppress women mainly through family where they benefit from womens unpaid labour
- men dominate the state so fail to retake the domestic violence seriously
- Dobash + Dobash= incidents are set off by what a husband sees a challenge to his authority
- Dar (2013) abuse may be continuous e.g. living under continuous threat
Materialistic explanation domestic violence
- economic factors e.g. lack of resources
- women not the only group at risk, children & young people
- lack of resources wilkinson + pickett (2010) argue that these patterns are a result of stress on the family caused by social inequality, families that lack resources and suffer more stress
- Marxists feminists argue male workers are exploited at work and take out their frustration on their wives