County Planning Act Flashcards
When was the County Planning Act passed?
Board of County Commissioners may….
- adopt an official county map (after advice of the county planning board)
- issue a permit for construction within mapped roadways if property cannot earn a fair return otherwise
- create a county planning board
- provide for county review of site plans affecting county roads/drainage
- provide for alternates on County Planning Board
Board of County Commissioners shall….
- adopt rules for the PB if established
County Planning Board shall…
- adopt a master plan
- encourage cooperation among municipalities
- advise Commissioners on development programs and capital improvement budgets
- review all subdivisions
-approve/deny subdivisions affecting county roads or drainage facilities
County Planning Board may…
- employ experts/staff as funded/gifted
- prepare an official map
- review site plans affecting county drainage/roadways if authorized by Commission
How many members are on a County Planning Board?
5 to 9
When were the major amendments to the County Planning Act?
1968, 2010, 2014
County Planning Board membership
- Director of Board of County Commissioners (with alt.)
- Member of Board of County Commissioners appointed by Director (with alt.)
- Citizens (who may not hold any other public office) appointed by Director with approval of other Commissioners
- County Engineer if 6 or more (with alt.)
-serve without compensation
How many County Planning Board Alternates are there?
-1 alt. citizen member if 6 or fewer
-two alt. citizen members if more than 6
-1 assistant or deputy county engineer for the county engineer (if more than 6)
-1 Commissioner alt. for the 2 county commissioners on the board
How long are County Planning Board member terms?
3 years
CPB Employees, Experts, Staff and Funding
PB may employ experts but only as funded by the County Commissioners OR through gift
The preparation of the County MP is essential to…
and funding…?
-capital improvements projects
-may be funded through serial notes or bonds not to exceed 5 years
The Official Map is reviewed by…
and adopted by…
1) The County Planning Board
2) The Commissioners
Official Map contents include…
- highways
- roadways
- parks
- parkways
- sites for public buildings and works (under county jurisdiction or in the process of acquiring, financing, or constructing)
When submitting changes to the County Official Map, the Commissioners shall…
submit any changes to the CPB for review and report
What happens when an Official Map is approved?
-the Official Map is binding,
-public funds can only be used for construction work or land acquisition in accordance with the map.
-no building is allowed in the bed of any highway unless a permit is issued by the Board of County Commissioners
-commissioners shall not issue a permit if land within mapped highway is earning a fair return or if applicant is not injured by placing the building outside of the mapped highway
County Master Plan:
-notice requirement
-hearing requirement
-20 days before by certified mail and publication in newspaper
-hold at least 1 public hearing before adoption
-by resolution of the board carried by 2/3 affirmative votes
-to Board of County Commissioners, County Park Commission (if exists), and Municipal Governing Bodies
Municipalities required to notify CPB of adoption or amendment to the MP, official map or ordinance ___ days prior to public hearing
10 days
Municipalities shall submit a copy of adotpion or amendment to:
-zoning ordinance
-subdivision ordinance
-official map
-master plan
-Capital Improvement Plan
within ___ days
30 days
County Master Plan approval needs…
- 2/3 vote by County Planning Board
- at least 1 public hearing
County PB shall review… and shall…
- all subdivisions
- review/approval all subdivisions affecting county roads/drainage facilities
- site plans affecting county roads/drainage if authorized by Commission
-withhold approval if application doesn’t meet County subdivision standards
County PB site plan / subdivision review includes…
- comparison with Official Map
- requirement of any easements/ROW/drainage facilities
ZBA notice requirement to County?
10 days prior for any application within 200ft of a municipal boundary
County Master Plan shall…
…show the County Planning Board’s recommendations for development
What site plans are exempt from County Planning Board review?
- those not along county roads nor affecting county drainage
- those affecting county drainage but less than 1 acre of impervious
County Subdivision Standards
-adequate drainage facilities and easements
-ROW dedication of roads or drainage ways on County MP or Official Map
-performance guarantees and maintenance bonds for improvements
-county road improvements subject to County Engineer recommendations
When does the County PB need to issue a report to town for a site plan (req. County approval) or subdivision?
within 30 days, unless a 30 day extension is agreed upon by the town and approved by the applicant
County GB may… and provide notice and standards…
review site plans along county roads affecting county drainage facilities to assure safe and efficient road system
-provide notice and standards to town clerk, PB secretary and ZB secretary 10 days prior to public hearing
applicant may appeal subdivision/site plan decision within… and PB or Board of Commissioners shall consider appeal within… and shall edice within…
10 days
45 days
30 days
within ___ days, towns shall notify County PB of ordinance introduction affecting…
10 days
-lands adjoining county roads/lands or
-within 200ft of municipal boundary, or
- public facilities or public lands on county master plan or official map
County Subdivision Standards
1) Require adequate drainage facilities and easements
2) Require dedication of ROWs for any roads shown on county master plan or official map
3) County road improvements subject to recommendations of the County Engineer relating to safety and convenience of the traveling public
4) require performance guarantees and maintenance bonds for improvements
Min. percent of residential units constructed that the Meadowlands, Pinelands, Highlands and Forth Monmouth are required to reserve for low or moderate income households
20% of the residential units constructed, to the extent this is economically feasible
Min. percent of newly-constructed residential units being financed in whole or in part with State funds
-transit villages designated by the Department of Transportation,
-units constructed on State-owned property,
-urban transit hubs
that have to be reserved for low or moderate income households
20% of the residential units constructed
D & R Commission est. in
Notice shall be given to the State Planning Commission of a hearing on an application for development of property which…
1) exceeds 150 acres or 500 dwelling units
2) notice shall be given 10 days prior and shall include a copy of any maps or documents required to be on file