Country/Landmass Associations Flashcards
Belgium (n)
A white chocolate leaf being eaten by a tardigrade
Netherlands (n)
Tardigrade, washed out by a tidal wave from the northwest
Luxembourg (n)
A lightbulb city filled with toothy citizens
Germany (n)
Their landmass looks like the eagle from their coat of arms
Denmark (n)
Someone with LEGO Movie style humour decided to graffiti Germany’s eagle and make it look like a chicken
The name betrays its position on the map!, Also it looks like a Prince Rupert’s drop
Sweets, trapped in the mouth of Norway and Finland
Colloquial slang for … um, tongue, but the jaw rather than the tongue cuz the tongue is Sweden
They’re right next to Germany and they attacked Poland first in WWII
Name sounds kinda like a pellet - and the landmass is shaped like that too.
Pellet from the German Eagle and his black-eyed buddy
sleeper trains from switzerland to Amsterdam! In their sleep, they punched Switz in the face
Slovenly; sounds like eating. sits on top of Croatia which is eating
There’s a sort of eating story on the way to the Imperial eagle. You’re hungary, then you eat your slovakia, then you poop out the Czech pellet.
Part of a cycle; Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia
Bosnia and Herzegovina
A mashup on countries; like food mashed up in a mouth. Croatia’s mouth.