Counting Money Flashcards
How much is …?
Dè na tha …?
Jay na ha
a pound
From three onwards, not takes the plural form notaichean, e.g.
trì notaichean three pounds (£3)
Not is often written as nota.
It costs a pound.
Tha e not. / Tha e a’ cosg not.
Ha eh note / Ha eh ah kosk note
It cost a pound.
Bha e not / Chosg e not.
Vah eh note / kosk eh note
a penny
Some common words like sgillinn and latha retain the singular form after numbers 1-10, e.g.
dà sgillinn
two pennies
trì sgillinn
three pennies
còig latha
five days
two pence
dà sgillinn
dah skeeling
three pence
trì sgillinn
tree skeeling
four pence
ceithir sgillinn
Cay-her skeeling
five pence
còig sgillinn
coh-ig skeeling
six pence
sia sgillinn
shee-ah skeeling
It cost one pound.
Bha e not.
Vah eh note
It cost two pounds.
Bha e dà not.
Vah eh dah note
It cost three pounds.
Bha e trì notaichean.
Vah eh tree notechehn