Counselling Exam Flashcards
Define a social service worker counsellor
-Helping is one way
-Client needs are central
-agent or guide of change
-Focus is to increase clients internal locus of control
-no advice
-Collaborate with client
-Regulated by external body
-Short term relationship
-situation problem/mental health
-Develop insight
-Discover strengths and new coping strategies
-Empowering client
-Helping client get through a difficult time
What are the counsellor variables to unsuccessful counseling?
-Burn out and vicarious trauma
-Personal problems
-loss of objectivity
What are the pitfalls of counseling?
-pseudo counselling
-Advice giving
-Communication stoppers
-Faulty technique
What factors can lead to unsuccessful counseling?
-Uncontrollable variables
-Defense mechanisms
-transference and countertransference
What is pseudo counseling?
Exploring interesting, but irrelevant issues that don’t lead to problem solving
What are the types of pseudo counseling?
-Parroting (repeating exact same words back to client)
-Platitudes (time heals all wounds)
-Irrelevant questions
What is advice giving?
Communicating in ways are undermine clients, self-determination, and tells the client that the counsellor has the answer to their problems
What are the types of advice giving?
-Overt (you should try, why don’t you, I recommend)
-Suggestive (have you thought about trying, you would like this, this will benefit you)
-Inappropriate counselor, self disclosure (what I did in the past was)
What is rescuing a.k.a. band aiding
Involves actions that prevent or protect clients from dealing with issues or difficult feelings
What are the types of rescuing?
-tension reducers (counselor, avoids, or switches difficult topics to avoid discomfort - counselor, I suppose something pleasant the moment the client begins to cry)
-Placating (avoid confrontation, False feedback, or empty reassurance - you are going to be fine, you’re a strong person)
- Impeding independence (doing tasks on behalf of clients that are supporting them to be advocates of self - counselor speaks for the client instead of teaching, how to speak for self)
What are communication Stoppers
Any communication of brings conversation to a halt
What are the types of communication stoppers?
-Why questions?
-Not listening
-Inappropriate silence
What is faulty technique?
Inappropriate use of skills
What are the types of faulty techniques?
-poorly timed questions
-Irrelevant questions
-Lack of empathy or sympathy
-Multiple questions
-Excessive questions
-leading questions
What are uncontrollable variables?
New event so I get in the way of counselling process. For example, client experiences loss of a loved one which complicates existing counselling process or a lack of resources E. G., Waiting list; caseloads.
What are defence mechanisms?
Ways in which people cope/adopt or protect themselves from adverse situation or unpleasant feelings (anxiety)
What is bias?
Bias is a human tendency to draw incorrect conclusions in certain circumstances based on cognitive factors rather than evidence. It is a predisposition or prejudice.
What is objectivity?
The capacity to understand and take action without bias or distortion
Understanding and managing, personal values, beliefs, and biases
How to manage objectivity
-avoid assumptions
-control over identification with clients
-Manage over involvement with clients
What is a dual relationship?
A dual relationship is a counselling relationship plus some other type of relationship, such as a friendship, business, sexual intimacy. Dual relationships are unethical.
What is the four step model for resolving ethical dilemmas
- Gather facts
- Identify ethical issues and potential violations.
- Identify an evaluation options and strategies.
- Take action.
What are the ethical principles?
- Protection of life.
- Equality and inequality
- Autonomy and freedom.
- Least harm.
- Quality of life.
- Privacy and confidentiality.
- Truthfulness and fulldisclosure.
What is involved in gathering facts (step one)
Objectively report, who, what, where, one, how
Personal opinion is not fact
What is involved in step two: identify ethical issues and potential violations
Which ethical principles might be competing against my own values
Which ethical principles might be competing against each other
What is involved in step three: identify an evaluation options and strategies
-The matrix decision making
Taking action: the potential benefits, potential costs/ risks, possible outcome
Taking no action: potential benefits, potential costs/risks, possible outcome
What is involved in stuff for: take action
Based on the outcomes of the decision making chart, and using the ethical principles, hierarchy as a guideline, make an action plan
What are the counsellor needs?
-to be likes and helpful
-Status or prestige
-Social relationships
Give an example of how a counsellor need can interfere or harm counselling work
A client asks us for something that we know we can’t do but we do it anyway because I need to be like/helpful gets in the way
What is counsellors self-awareness?
-A crucial component of counsellor competence
What is counselor, self-awareness, essential in order to:
-Understand impacts on clients
-Manage personal feelings and reactions
-No where personal feelings end, and and those of clients begin
-identify vulnerable areas
-Control bias, maintain objectivity
-Set professional goals
What are the two key counselling values?
- Belief in the dignity, and worth of people.
- Client self-determination.
What are the types of counselling contracts?
What is a sessional (work) contract
-why are we meeting? What is the structure?
-Problems or concerns to be addressed
-goals and objectives of the intervention
-Activities (actions) the client may undertake
-Tasks to be performed by the worker
-Expected duration
-Schedule of time and place for interviews
-Identification of other persons, agencies expected to participate
-Ethical issues and limitations
-Work contracts define the focus for the current session, and the overall objective of the participants work together
What is the relationship contract?
-Focus on respective rules and expectations of the participants and how they will communicate
-What do I need to know about you? What is your lens?
-Communication styles
-Personal values, worldview, and culture
-Exploration of how differences may help or hinder counselling relationship
-past experiences with counselling
-Discussion of rules and expectations of the participants
What is the anticipatory contract?
-planning strategies and responses for event some occur during counselling
-How do you want to plan for…?
-Discussion about how to plan for predictable event so I might come up during session
-Ask clients for feedback on how to handle situation if it comes up
What is immediacy?
A tool for deepening counselling relationships
What is relationship immediacy?
Feeling such as anger or resentment, liking or traction are clouding your work overall (build up overtime)
What is event focussed immediacy
Client counsellor interactions as they occur in the interview (in the moment)
What are the tips for immediacy?
-use “I” statements
-Ask the client about the meaning
-Ask for feedback and input
-Use empathy
-Create safety in discussing issues
-Revisit the relationship contract
What is the importance of counsellors self disclosure?
-conveys warmth
-Can be used to normalize problems and feelings
-Gives clients to courage to open up
-Communicates that the counsellor is human
-And essential element of genuineness
What are the types of counsellor self disclosure?
-biographical (personal history, demographics facts such as age)
-Current feelings, ideas, reactions
What are the risks of counsel self disclosure?
-Focus shift from client to counsellor
-Counselor may be perceived as needy and vulnerable
-Information may be used by clients for manipulation
-resentment by clients to see the self disclosure as a demand for reciprocity
-self disclosure becomes compulsive
-Self disclosure may be a subtle form of advice giving
What are the Guidelines for counsellor self disclosure
-don’t shift the focus from the client to the counsellor
-Only used to meet the needs of the clients
-Develop ability to self disclose, as well as ability to not self disclose
-Too much can be as inappropriate has too little
-Revealing current feeling, concerns, and ideas is more useful than revealing past history
-If the work is precedent, smoothly without counselors, self disclosure done it is not necessary
What is empowerment?
-The process of helping a client discover personal strengths, and capacities to take control of their lives
-The worker must forgo the need to control the clients by not taking the expert, Which place is a dependency roll on the client.
-Identify the barriers and remove gaps
Types of motivational problems, and how to recognize them
- burn out from unsuccessful attempts: “I’m tired”, “I don’t know if I can trust”
- Client in denial. “I don’t have a problem”
- Involuntary client. “I’m here for another reason”
- Learned helplessness. “I can’t, nothing will help”
- Ambivalent. “I have mixed feelings”
- Energized but fragile. “I really want to change but I will easily crumble”
What are the strategies for addressing motivational problems
- Burn out from unsuccessful attempts: investigate reasons for previous failures
- Client in denial: educational information.
- Involuntary client: empathy; explore thoughts and feelings.
- Learned helplessness: increase locus of control.
- Ambivalent: explore mixed feelings.
- Energized, but fragile: positive reinforcement; plan for obstacles.
What is radical acceptance?
Encouraging expression of statements, you may not agree with.
Example: client says “I hate counselling its stupid”, counsellor says “ you are not alone. I’m glad you were able to tell me that.”
What does amplified reflection?
Exaggerating the clients position (without sarcasm) so the client may recognize the ambivalence
Client says “ I don’t have an anger problem. Everyone loses their cool.”
Counsellor says “so your anger has never affected anyone “
What are the types of unhealthy thinking patterns?
(Thinking errors)
-Selective attention
-Confirmation bias
-Selective memory
-Losing focus of what someone is saying
-Focusing only on present
-Egocentric thinking
-self-defeating thoughts
What is reframing?
-An attempt to change thinking
-Attempts to look at things differently
-E.g., stubbornness can be independence, greediness can be ambitiousness, anger can be worry, multiple mistakes can be determination
What is selective attention?
Not looking out all aspects of problems; just focussing on the fact that they cried, and it is a bad thing
What is confirmation bias?
Confirming what they believe to be true of self
What is perfectionism?
High expectations of self
What are self-defeating thoughts
Down on self for crying