Counseling Workshop Flashcards
Diabetes Counseling
- Intro - ICE
- Explain Results
- RELEVANT Q- any symptoms (tiredness, polydipsia, polyuria) : asymptomatic vs symptomatic DM
*asymptomatic need to repeat test ASAP to confirm - Complications: Target end organ damage, micro and macro vascular complications KNIVES (Kidney Nerves Infection Vascular Eyes Skin)
- Management (OPTIONS)
-Pharmacological 1. start metformin or lifestyle modification with an aim of FBS 4-7, Hgba1c<7 - Lifestyle
-diet: cereals, whole grains, 1.5 serving of dairy daily, fruits and veggies, limit saturated fats, reduce salt intake
-regular mod intensity exercise 150 mins per week , resistance exercise 2-3x/week total 60 mins
-weight loss 5-10% (options orlistat, ozempic,naltrexone, bupropion)
-safe alcohol levels
-smoking cessation - MDT endo, DM educator, exercise physio, dietician
- Review:
eyes: ophtha
kidney egfr annually cvs-lipid profile
T1DM Counselling
1. DM Hx- treatment and compliance in detail, Complications of insulin therapy (Uncontrolled DM Complications)
2. Lifestyle- Diet, exercise, alcohol, OTC meds/herbals
3. Occupation esp if driver
4. Pyschological Assessment - mood and stress
*patient does not like too many injections
1. change to long acting or insulin pumps GOAL FBS 4-7 RBS 5-10
2. MDT
3. Driving -patient please notify the driving authority (not MD), BSL should be >5, small snacks every 2 hrs
1. symptoms (hunger, nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness)
2. RF: alcohol and missed meals
<4 6 jellybeans, 1/2 glass of fruit juice, 1 tsp of honey and recheck after 15 mins
>4 take complex carb: banana, apple, sandwich
- Glucagon shot/ hypo kit
4. Sick day management plan
-more frequent BSL 4-6x/day
-do not stop insulin
5. Support Groups : NDSS, Diabetes Victoria
1. unopened insulin in fridge, opened room temp
2. Cloudy, lumps and flakes do not use
3. proper disposal of needles
Hypertension Counseling
- Condition HX
TX?- Side effect- postural hypotension, ankle swelling-amlo - Hypertension Complications: retinopathy : BOV HF S/Sx: chest pain SOB, leg edema, orthopnea, CKD: change or decreased urination?
- R/O secondary causes of HTN
OSA- snore and gasp, recent weight gain,
Drugs and alcohol - CVS risk factors- alcohol, smoking, stress and occupation, exercise family Hx, diet
BP not controlled
best thing to do is to add second low dose med and discuss possible s/e - ACE /ARB
- Thiazide
- Lifestyle
- FF up and review lipids
Past/FHx of DVT
General Lifestyle Advice
- Diet: Varied, rich in fruits and veggies, whole grains and cereals, lean meat fish and poultry
- Fats: Limit saturated and trans fat
- Salt <6g/day but if HTN <4g/day
- alcohol <2 SD/day
- Physical Activity at least 30 min daily most days of the week
- Weight loss 5-10% or BMI <25 WC <94/M<80/F
7 Smoking Cessation
A- Alcohol
B- BP and BMI - Hx of HTN, if they know weight/overweight
C- Cholesterol - ever diagnosed with high lipids
D- Diet and DM - healthy diet? take away? Fast foods?
-ever been Dx with high blood sugar
E- Exercise and lifestyle - occupation, sedentary, what exercise? how much?
F - Family History of DM, HTN, IHD, Stroke, CKD
Muscle Cramps (S/E of Statins)
explore the muscle pain : where? how bad? anything makes it better or worse? how long after starting med?
1. lower dose
2. alternate day dosing every other day
3. change medication to ezetimide
DONT FORGET TO DO CK LEVELS if > 5x dose, alternate or lower can resolve in 6-8 weeks
Migraine Counseling
Migraine happens when there is dilatation of blood tubes in your brain
-Pharmacologic -
1. paracetamol, ibuprofen
2. metoclorpramide/ odansetron -nausea
–if this does not work
3. Sumatriptan (wafers, tablets, nasal sprays)
If headaches is >2-4 times per month: prophylactic meds
1. Propanolol
2. Pizotifen
3. amytriptiline
-NON Pharmacologic-
-dark quiet room
-neck stretching exercises
-cold pack on forehead
-heat packs on shoulders and neck
General Treatment Advice
1. Trigger Avoidance- Migraine Diary
-food (cheese, chocolates), missing meals
-alcohol, stress, lack of sleep
2. Regular sleep patterns
3. meals on time
4. plenty of water, avoid coffee, caffeinated drinks
Red Flags
-more severe, neuro deficits , sudden severe pain
Support Group
Refer to neuro if TRIPTANS does not work
Chlamydia Counseling
- Confidentiality
- Explain results good bad good
- Chlamydia - azithro 1 dose vs doxy BID x 7days S/E GI irritability and photosensitivity
- no sex for 7 days or sex with partner undiagnosed and untreated
- patient delivered partner therapy
4 Contact tracing partners in the last 6mos : a. patient, b. website, c. sexual health clinic
Review in 1 week for tx compliance and symptom resolution
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Counseling
- Confidentiality
- Explain results good bad good
- Pharmacological GIVE OPTIONS
- Chlamydia - azithro 1 dose vs doxy
- Gonorrhea Im injection - Non Pharma
-no sexual contact for 7 days
- no sex with partners from the last 3 mos until tested and treated - NOTIFICATION
-DHS- gonorrhea
-partner notification : 1 patient, 2 website 3. sexual health clinic - OTHER STI testing
- test of cure 2 weeks after tx completion AND 3 mos after for 1. HIV and gonorrhea
REVIEW in 1 week: tx adherence, symptoms resolution and notification - General advice
-safe sex: condoms
-consider PrEP - Redflags
Preoperative Counseling
- Open ended Q
- concern
- Operation: what kind? what has been the problem
any condition
- Heart: MI/ Angina Hx of CABG/ Valve dse or sx/ PCI, any echo ecg
- Chest pain SOB, orthopnea, PND
- Exercise and functional class
-Lungs: Smoking, COPD Asthma, Sleep apnea use medical devices during sleep
-Endo: High BSL or thyroid problems
-Kidneys: any kidney problem? abnormal kidney tests dialysis?
- Blood: any hx of tiredness ,anemia,? any bleeding problems or episodes? any blood tests done before Clots in legs
- Liver: liver problems, abnormal liver tests , alcohol
-Brain: history of strokes
- Drugs and allergies
any allergies to medications?
taking any blood thinners? INR? insulin, steriods?
* above criteria checks HASBLED AND CHADSVASC score
MANAGEMENT - acknowledge patients concern
- Calculate risk of bleeding and clotting
***WARFARIN: - stop 5 days before the sx, check it after 24 hrs and if INR < 2
- start on LMWH or enoxaparin then stop day prior the sx
- After the SX the surgeon will decide if warfarin can be resumed or maintain on heparin
bowel surgery- bowel prep hydration
Abdominal aortic Aneurysm Counseling
- Explain condition - dilation of blood tubes due to weakening of the blood vessel wall
- Risk/ Contributing Factors
- Smoking, HTN, Alcohol, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, T2DM, hyperlipedemia, stress - Complication : Rupture- bleed-die
1. Lifestyle Modification to lower CV RF
2. Smoking cessation
3. BP Control- high bp can make it worse
4. Diet and exercise
5. Alcohol <2 SD/day
6. Regular follow up and referral to vascular sx
7. UTZ 3.9-q24,5-Q6 mos
8. family screen > 50 y/o
9. red flags
-back pain
-abdominal pain
-injuries to abdomen
Hemachromatosis Counseling
- Open ended Q
- Concern
- Explain Hemochromatosis- happens when there is excess iron in the body. It tends to run in families and caused by a mutation in the gene leading to an increased absorption of iron
- our body does not usually have a way to get rid of the excess iron and when iron stays in the organs it can damage it, it usually takes years before it causes symptom- long term organ damage
Organs Involved
-liver- tiredness, liver failure
-pancreas- diabetes
-skin- tanning
-joints esp the hands - Diagnosis- Blood tests: Iron studies and genetic testing (C282Y, H63D- AR both parents/partners ) if positive will need regular follow up depeding on # of genes present
- Management OPTIONS
- Life long blood donations- weekly until normal iron stores then every 3-4 mos
*Ferritin <100 T-sat <50% - Medications: Deferoxamine : chelating agent- attaches to iron and make it easier to remove from the body
-Avoid Vit C
-avoid alcohol
- low iron not really needed no role
Melanoma Counseling
Biopsy: Superficial Spreading Melanoma, Clear margins, Breslow depth 0.25mm Clark Stage 2
- Open Ended Q- Can you tell me what has happened so far?
-did the doctor explain to you what are we looking for?
-any concerns? ideas? worries? - I have the results are you happy to talk about that? How much do you w
. WARNING SHOT- Unfortunately I don’t have good news. Would you like anyone to be with you at this moment? - MEDICAL CONDITION- Biopsy results showed Melanoma a type of skin cancer
EMOTION- ADDRESS-give time to process, angry cry..pause, tissue , glass of water silence COUNT to 10
EMPATHY - I’m so sorry that I have to give you this news, I can only imagine how difficult or overwhelming it must be to process this right now, but it is also important for you to discuss what we are going to do next. are you okay to proceed or if you want we can arrange a family member to be with you or another consult - EXPLAIN CONDITION
- Cells in the skin that produce pigments call melanocytes when they get damaged usually by UV/sun exposure they grow out of control and causes skin cancer
GOOD NEWS we caught it early and it has involved the top layer of the skin and it is not too deep which has less chance of spreading - FURTHER MANAGEMENT
A. Refer back to specialist for - Re-excision : based on the depth of the margin around the lesion we need to remove a few extra skin to be on the safer side (1cm)
- Sentinel Node Biopsy - they will inject a dye and see which lymph node picks up the dye first and take a biopsy to check for spread
- CT scan of chest brain abdomen for spread
-makes you at risk to develop other skin cancer (10x more) full body check of lesions ABCDEF
C. General treatment Advice
- most impt RF is sun exposure 5S
-family check for lesions
REVIEW every 3 mos for 2 yrs then every 6 mos for 2 yrs then annualy
-RED FLAGS- new lesions: growing, change in color, itching, bleeding to touch see GP
-REFER!! Support Group CAncer nurse, psychologist
Epilepsy (DRIVING)
- Open ended Question
- Concerns
- Condition : Epilepsy since when, tx, compliance, side effects? last seizure attack ff up with specialist?
***if non compliant: was it explained why? need? complications and consequences of non adherence - risk factors of seizure
-alcohol, drugs
-medications- drug interactions
-sleep if enough and regular - PMHx/FHX
Management - Acknowledge and address the concern BUT for safety of pt and other people
- Criteria for conditional license (seizure free for 6mos and compliant to meds)
- Risk factors avoid alcohol
- medication compliance : follow up in 2 mos, review and consult with neuro if seizure free for 6 mos can recommend conditional license with yearly review