Counseling COPY Flashcards
What publication covers the counseling process?
ATP 6-22.1
What is counseling?
The process used by leaders to review with a subordinate their demonstrated performance and potential.
What is one of the most important leadership and professional development responsibilities which enables army leaders to help soldiers and army civilians become more capable, resilient, satisfied, and better prepared for current and future responsibilities?
What does the Army’s future and the legacy of today’s leaders rest on?
The shoulders of those they help prepare for greater responsibility.
What is the Army’s most important tool for developing future leaders at every level?
Regular developmental counseling.
What must army leaders understand about effective counseling?
Effective counseling helps achieve desired goals effects, manages expectations, and improves the organization.
Why should leaders emphasize routine counseling?
to reinforce positive behavior and superior performance.
What 8 critical leader responsibilities does regular counseling provide leaders the opportunity for?
1) Demonstrate genuine interest in suboordinates
2) Helps suboordinate’s understand their role in accomplishing the unit’s mission
3) Acknowledge and reinforce exceptional work or dedication
4) Evaluate suboordinate’s potential for development
5) provide suboordinates with assistance or resources to address issues or further strengths.
6) empower suboordinates to identify and solve issues on their own, so that they are more self relient.
7) Identify issues before they become significant problems
8) Identify and pre-empt causes of substandard performance
What is developmental counseling categorized by?
By the purpose of the session.
What enables the leader to adapt the counseling session to the individual suboordinate’s needs, in order to achieve desired outcomes and manage expectations?
Understand the purpose and types of counseling
Is counseling a “one size fits all” endeavor?
NO! it is a SHARED effort between the leader and the suboordinate.
What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?
1) event counseling
2) performance counseling
3) professional growth counseling
What provides a useful framework for leaders to prepare for counseling?
DA form 4856 (developmental counseling form)
Regardless of the purpose or topic of the counseling session, what should leaders follow?
Basic format for preparation, executution, and follow up.
What helps leaders organize the relevant issues to discuss during counseling sessions?
DA Form 4856 (developmental counseling form)
What does an event oriented counseling involve?
Specific event or situation.
What are seven examples of event counseling?
1) specific instances of superior or substandard performance
2) reception and integrated counseling
3) crisis counseling
4) referral counseling
5) promotion counseling
6) transition counseling
7) adverse separation counseling
What are some examples of the types of events a leader should do an event counseling prior to or just after?
1) participating in promotion boards
2) attending training courses
3) preparing for deployment
4) re-deployment
5) noteworthy duty performance
6) an issue with performance
7) mission accomplishment
8) personal issue
What does a leader use the specific instance counseling session to convey?
wether or not the performance met the standard, and what the suboordinate did right or wrong.
When should a leader conduct a counseling for specific performance?
As close to the event as possible.
What helps ensure that the suboordinate knows and consistently achieves the standard?
corrective training.
Who should leaders always counsel?
suboordinates who do not meet the standard.
What should happen if the suboordinate’s performance is unsatisfactory because a lack of knowledge or ability?
The leader and suboordinate can develop a plan for improvement.
What does corrective training help ensure?
that the suboordinate knows and consistently achieves the standard.
What are the two important purposes of reception and integration counseling?
1) Identifies and helps alleviate any issues or concerns new members may have including any issues resulting from the new duty assignment
2) it familiarizes new team members with organizational standards, roles, and assignments.
What is the purpose of crisis counseling?
Getting a soldier or employee through a period of shock after receiving news:
1) notification of death of a loved onw
2) divorce
What does crisis counseling focus on?
The suboordinate’s immediate short term needs
How can leaders assist their suboordinates during a crisis counseling?
by listening and providing assistance like: obtaining Emergency funding, or putting them in contact with a chaplain
What does referral counseling help suboordinates work though?
a personal situation that may affect performance
What does referral counseling aim at preventing?
a challenge or issue from becoming unmanagable for the suboordinate
When should a referral counseling occur?
When issues are beyond the capability or expertise of a suboordinate’s leader
Who must leaders counsel for promotion in accordance with AR?
For all SPC, CPL, and SGTs, who are eligible for advancement without waivers IAW AR600-8-19
Which soldiers do transition counselings assist?
Soldiers who are demobilizing separating or retiring from Active Duty
What does transition counseling prepare soldiers for?
for employment, education, and other post service opportunities and benifits.
who will assist suboordinates with transition activities?
Leaders and the servicing army career and alumni program and ACAP office
What army Regulation should be cited on an adverse separation counseling?AR 635-200
Active Duty Enlisted Administrative separations
What should an adverse separation counseling inform the soldier?
the administrative actions available to the commander in the event that substandard performance has continued, and of the consequences associated with the administrative actions.
What should a leader do when an individual has engaged in serious acts of misconduct?
refer the matter to the commander and the servicing staff judge advocate.
What should a leader do when rehabilitative efforts fail?
They should counsel the suboordinate with a view towards separation
Why must a leader complete a separation counseling?
It is an administrative prerequisite to many administrative discharges.
Who should counsel a soldier about the notification requirement oultlined in AR 635-200
Unit 1sg or CDR
What is the purpose of performance counseling
For the leader and suboordinate to review a suboordinate’s duty performance during a specific period
What is performance counseling?
The review of a suboordinates duty performance during a specified time
What should the leader and suboordinate jointly establish during the performance counseling
Performance objectives and clear standards for the next counseling period
What should the leader focus on during the performance counseling?
the subordinate’s strengths, areas to improve, and potential
What would effective performance counseling include?
specific examples of strengths, and areas needing improvement, and providing guidance on how subordinates can improve their performance
What army regulation governs NCOER counseling?
What does performance counseling give leaders the opportunity to establish and clarify?
the expected values, attributes, and competencies
what should army leaders ensure performance objectives andstandars focus on?
the orrganisations objectives and the individuals professional devlopment
What does professional growth counseling include?
planning for the accomplishment of individual and professional goals
What should the leader and suboordinate do during a professional growth counseling?
Conduct a review to identify and discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and to create an individual development plan that bulids upon those strengths and compensates for shortcomings.
During professional growth counseling, the leader and subordinate may choose to develop what?
a pathway to success with short and long term objectives
What must counseling be for it to be effective?
a shared effort
during counseling, what do leaders assist their subordinates with?
identifying strengths and weaknesses and creating plans of action
What is a challenging aspect of counseling?
selecting the proper approach to a specific situation
What are the general skills leaders will need in almost every counseling situation?
active listening, responding appropriate questioning
What should leaders do when an issue is beyond their control while trying to assist a soldier?
refer the subordinate to an agency more qualified to help
What are the four stages of the counseling process?
Identify the need for counselingprepare for counselingconduct counselingfollow up
What are the four counseling techniques that can be used during non-directive or combined approaches?
suggesting alternatives, recommending, persuading, advising.
What are the two counseling technniques that can be used during the directive approach to counseling?
corrective training or commanding
What are three approaches to counseling?
non directive, directive, combined
What are the advantages of the non-directive approach?
encourages maturity encourages open communication, develops personal responsibility
what are the disadvantages of non-directive approach?
more time consuming, requires greates counseling skills
What are the advantages of directive approach?
Quickest method, good for those who need clear concise direction, allows counselors to use their experience
What are the disadvantages of directive approach?
does not encourage subordinates to be part of the solution tends to treat symptoms and not the problem, tends to discourage subordinates from speaking freely, and the solution is the counselors, not the subordinates.
What are the advantages of combined approach?
moderately quick, encourages maturity, encourages open communication, allows counselors to use their experience
What is the disadvantage of the combined approach
too time consuming for some situations
What does ATP 6-22.1 Cover?
The Counseling Process