counseling Flashcards
What are some techniques leaders may use during the directive approach to counseling?
Corrective Training; Commanding
What field manual covers counseling?
FM 6-22 Appendix B
What are the characteristics of effective counseling?
Purpose, Flexibility, Respect, Communication, and Support
What are the 3 approaches to counseling?
- Direct
- Non-Direct
- Combined
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of directive counseling.
- Quest method
- Good for people who need clear, concise direction.
- Allows counselors to actively use their experience.
- Doesn’t encourage subordinates to be part of the solution
- tends to treat symptoms, not problems
- tends to discourage subordinates from talking freely.
- solution is the counselor’s, not the subordinates.
Explain advantages and disadvantages of non directive counseling.
>encourages maturity
>encourages open communication
>develops personal responsibility
>more time consuming
>requires greatest counselor skill
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of combined counseling.
Moderately quick
encourages maturity
encourages open communication
allows counselors to actively use their experiences.
** Disadvantages**
May take too much time for some situations
What are the 3 major categories of developmental counseling?
- Event counseling
- Performance counseling
- Professional growth counseling
What are some examples of event counseling?
- Instances of superior or substandard performance
- Reception and integration counseling
- Crisis counseling
- Referral counseling
- Promotional counseling
- Separation counseling
What are the 4 stages of the counseling process?
- Identify the need for counseling
- Prepare for counseling
- Conduct counseling
- Follow up
What are the 7 steps required to prepare for counseling?
- Select a suitable place
- Schedule the time
- Notify the SM well in advance
- Organize information
- Outline the counseling session components
- Plan your counseling strategy
- Establish the right atmosphere
A counseling session consists of what 4 basic components?
- Opening the session
- Discussing the issues
- Developing the plan of action
- Recording the closing session
What is counseling?
A. Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a SM the SM’s demonstrated
performance and potential
What is the objective of a counseling?
A. For one person to help another
What are the 7 steps of problem solving?
- ID the problem
- Gather information
- Develop criteria
- Generate possible solutions
- Analyze possible solutions
- Compare possible solution
- Make and implement the decision