Councils Flashcards
Which council was held in 325?
Council of Nicaea
Which council was Arius involved with?
Council of Nicaea
Which council was Alexander (And Athanasius - at least later), involved with?
Council of Nicaea
Which council affirmed the full deity of the Son.
Council of Nicaea
Which council drafted the Creed of Nicaea
Council of Nicaea
Which council argued that: “once the son did not exist” . . .“there was [a time] when he was not”?
Council of Nicaea
Which council argued that, “Jesus is “God from God, Light from light, Very God from Very God, begotten not made, of one substance (homoousios) with the Father.”?
Council of Nicaea
Which council was held in 381?
Council of Constantinople
Apollinarius was involved in which council?
Council of Constantinople
Gregory of Nazianzus was involved in which council?
Council of Constantinople
Which council formulated the final version of the Nicene Creed?
Council of Constantinople
Which council affirmed the full humanity of the Son?
Council of Constantinople
Which council argued that, “Christ was “one nature composed of impassible divinity and passible flesh.” He had a human body in which dwelled a divine spirit.”?
Council of Constantinople
Which council argued that, “What is not assumed is not healed.”?
Council of Constantinople
Which council was held in 431?
Council of Ephesus
Which council was Cyril involved in?
Council of Ephesus
Which council was Nestorius involved in?
Council of Ephesus
Which council argued that Mary was Theotokos, the bearer of God?
Council of Ephesus
Which council argued that Mary was the mother of Christ (Christokos) but not the mother of God?
Council of Ephesus
Which council affirmed that Christ was only one person?
Council of Ephesus
Which council was held in 451?
Council of Chalcedon
Eutyches was involved in which council?
Council of Chalcedon
Anti-Eutychians were involved in which council?
Council of Chalcedon
Which council argued that Christ’s divine nature had consumed his humanity “like the ocean swallows a drop of wine”?
Council of Chalcedon
Which council argued that “One and the same Christ, to be acknowledged in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, or without separation.”?
Council of Chalcedon
Which council affirmed that Christ had two natures?
Council of Chalcedon