Cough Flashcards
Outline mechanism, pathway
- *Cough**
- Forced exhalation against closed glottis
- Protective mechanism to clear secretions/irritants
- Receptors - in upper airway mucosa, oesophagus & pericardium
- Sensory afferent glossopharyngel/vagus
- Efferent vagal- phrenic/spinal motor nerves
- Effector glottis, intercostal, diaphragm
Definition – chronic cough (Australian + US guidelines)
Acute = <2 weeks
Protracted acute = 2-4 weeks
Chronic = >4 weeks (British >8 weeks)
Cough nature (wet vs dry) most important predictor of a specific cause of cough in children
Dry implies minimal lower airway secretions
Kids <4 rarely expectorate
What are ddx for dry cough, outline features of psychogenic & habitual cough
- *Chronic-non specific cough of childhood**
- Dry cough, no cause found after reasonable evaluation (CXR/PFTs)
- No specific pointers on history/exam
- Should resolve gradually- re-evaluate if not improving
- Can be related to post-infective (paroxysmal, day&night, dry, worse with exercise)
- *Psychogenic cough (habit cough)**
- Teenage girls mainly
- Honking/hacking quality
- Persistent throughout day but settles during sleep
- Not associated with SOB/sputum
- Also boys 7-10yrs
- Throat clearing cough, may be related to tics
- Refer to specialist if >3mo duration or not improving with psychological support
Should respond to reassurance, psychological support & distraction therapies