Coswop Flashcards
What does Coswop stand for
Code of safe working practises for Merchant Seafarers
What does Coswop do?
The code gives regulatory framework for health and safety on board ships and overall responsibilties under that framework.
It is not mandatory for pleasure vessels
Who publishes the Code, how is it updated?
Published by the MCA
Updated by The Stationary Office (TSO)
Who is the code addressed to?
To everyone on a ship regardless of rank or rating, and to those ashore responsible for safety
Which vessels require a safety officer?
Where is this recorded?
Every sea going ship on which more than 5 workers are employed
The master should record the appointment in the official logbook
Who is the Safety officer?
Safety adviser aboard the ship
Should have attended a suitable safety officers training course
He may conduct risk assessments himself, however, should take an independant view of safety on behalf of the company
The safety officers role should be a positive one, the officer should do the following:
- be on the lookout for any potential hazards and preventing incidents
*Develop a safety culture on board
*Become an advisor on safety that the captain and crew will turn to
*When unsafe practise is observed, approach those involved to suggest improvements. If necessary involve HoDs or Captain - Ensure each new worker is given a safety induction, as per Chapter 2, safety induction
*Where possible, ensure each new worker shadows an existing safety conscious crew member
*Remind experienced seafarers of the importance of H+S and of setting an example to less experienced members
How often should safety inspections be carried out?
Safety Officer should carry out an inspection at least every 3 months, or more frequently if there have been changes in the condition of work
When does the duty to stop work apply?
Safety officer has the duty to stop any work in progress immediately which may cause accident and inform the master.
Master decides when work can be resumed
This does not apply in an emergency action to save life or ship
requirements for safety representatives?
Vessels with more than 5 crew onboard
Elected by other crew
At least 2 years consectutive sea service since 18
On tankers at least 6 months service on such a ship
Unlike the officer, Safety representatives have powers, not duties.
Representatives should:
*Put forward views in a firm but reasonable manner
*Be sure of the facts
*Be aware of the legal position
*Be conscious of what is reasonably practical
*Having made recomendations, request to be kept informed of follow up actions
What is a safety representative feels obstructed?
Report to safety officer or Master
Aim to resolve matter onboard or throught the company
If that fails, report to trade union (Nautilus) or MCA
Who is on the safety comittee
Chaired by the master
As a minimum, the Safety officer and representative
When do safety appointments end?
Safety officer - As soon as he ceases to work on that ship
Safety Rep - Cannot be terminated, they can resign, or be replaced by another elected rep
Difference between safety officer and Rep?
Officer, appointed by the company
Rep, elected by the crew
What is Coswop chapter 2?
Safety Induction
Who gets a safety induction?
What should it contain?
*How to communicate with others onboard on safety matters and understand safety symbols, signs and alarms
* know their muster duties in a MOB, Fire or smoke, Fire or abandon alarm sounds
* identify muster and embarkation stations, emergency escape routes, locate and don lifejackets
*How to raise the alarm
*Use of portable fire extinguishers
*take immediate action if an accident or other medical emergency occurs
*Close and open fire, weathertight and watertight doors.
Which vessels are required to comply with the ISM code?
What does it require?
Ships of 500GT and over
To operate a safety management system