Costs Flashcards
What is included in ‘costs’?
Solicitor fees and disbursements such as court fees, expert fees and pre-action costs.
What is the general rule regarding costs?
The losing party pays the successful party’s costs.
When must the costs budget be filed?
21 days before the CMC
What is the procedure for costs on each track?
Small claims track: Not awarded;
Fast track: fixed costs;
Intermediate track: fixed costs;
Multi-track: Detailed assessment
How are fixed costs determined on the fast and intermediate tracks?
The court determines which band of complexity the parties are in, the costs awarded are determined from there.
What is a summary assessment?
Court assesses the costs to be paid immediately after trial; parties to serve a statement of costs 2 days before fast track trial and 24 hours before an interim hearing.
What is the detailed assessment of costs?
Court goes through the costs line by line and assesses whether they were proportionate and reasonable to be incurred.
What is the standard basis for awarding costs?
Costs must be proportionate to the matters in issue.
Proportionality is determined on whether they bear a reasonable relationship to the matters in issue.
Even if reasonably incurred and in amount, if it isn’t proportionate it isn’t considered.
What 5 factors are considered in assessing proportionality on the standard basis?
(1) the sums in issue;
(2) value of non-monetary relief in issue;
(3) complexity of the litigation;
(4) any additional work generated by the paying party’s conduct;
(5) wider factors such as reputation or public importance.
Who receives the benefit of the doubt when assessing if costs were proportionate on the standard basis?
The paying party.
What is the test for assessing costs on the indemnity basis?
Must be:
- Reasonably incurred; and
- Reasonable in amount
Who receives the benefit of the doubt when assessing whether a cost was reasonable on the indemnity basis?
The receiving party.
When would a non-party be ordered to pay costs?
If a third party funder was the real party interested in bringing the litigation, they will be made subject to an order.
What is a security for costs order?
Where the court is satisfied it is just to make an order and a condition in part 25 applies, the claimant will be ordered to pay money into court as a security for costs.
What are the 3 conditions in part 25 that could apply for a security for costs order?
(1) Claimant resides out of E/W or EU;
(2) Claimant is an impecunious company; or
(3) Claimant has taken steps to make enforcement difficult e.g. relocating.